DISCLAIMER: This mod is NOT officially supported on the Clevo laptops mentioned below, and YOU assume all the risk and liability by attempting this mod on your own laptop. This thread was created merely to show that these mods are possible!
Also remember: The CPU mods only work on skylake, kabylake and coffee lake & cannon lake CPU's as of now, future next gen CPU's MAY be supported with updated BIOS mods.
ALL modified BIOSes have been included!
Things you WILL need:
A USB stick, preferably formatted to fat32, to flash bios firmware
A SPI flasher with BIOS 8 pin clip (pomona clip) just in case BIOS cannot be flashed through firmware update due to 'fpt error message'
The BIOS of course, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE THE ONE COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR MODEL! You can check the model number on the back of the laptop or in dxdiag in windows.
A cannon lake CPU, preferably a tested one, such as an i5 9600k, i7 9700k OR the i9 9900K, although all cannon lake cpu's in hindsight SHOULD work as all microcodes have been added, for pentium, i3, i5 and i7 cannon lake cpu's.
Make a backup of your bios, or have a backup ready just in case anything goes wrong.
Make sure you have a SPI flash programmer handy, you may not need it but it is always useful to have if you brick the laptop bios or end up with a black screen on boot.
Make sure you DO NOT UPDATE your Intel management engine firmware at all, this will block cannon lake CPU recognition, the BIOS flash will update the ME firmware accordingly!
Read this first, for laptops without the GTX 10xx series cards you can skip the below process!
For ALL GTX 1000 series graphic card users:
You may need update GOP of your card .
Make sure your GOP version is 0x30006 or higher or this BIOS wont work with it!
Enter the nvflash_tool folder provided in the attached link and run "Check_GOP_Version.bat" as administrator.
Then check the UEFI Version. If the version is lower than 0x30006, for example it is "0x30002", you must flash @dsanke provided vbios file to your graphics card.
Copy the proper vbios file for your graphic card (They were identified by Model, SLi and G-Sync) to the nvflash_tool folder.
Then run "Backup_vBIOS.bat" as administrator to backup your current vBIOS .
You will get "backup_master.rom" and "backup_slave.rom" (Last one only for dual graphic card laptops e.g. p870dm)
Then run "Flash_vBIOS.bat" as administrator to flash the vBIOS of your graphic card(s).
You may receive error message telling you "Invalid display adapter index specified", that is normal for single graphic card device because you don't have a second graphics card.
Then run "Check_GOP_Version.bat" as administrator and check the UEFI Version again.
Now you can continue to flash the cannon lake BIOS to your device .
You will first need to try and flash the bios through the USB method as listed below:
1) Plug in your charger, enter the BIOS, change 2 values .
a) Setup->Boot->UEFI Settings->UEFI Boot->Enabled
b) Setup->Security->Secure Boot->Disabled (If you can not find this then you don't need to change it)
2) Unplug all your drives including any SSD's and HDD's
3) Put the EFI folder into your FAT32 formatted USB Flash Disk, now put the bios file into the EFI->Boot folder and boot your laptop through the USB.
4) Wait for startup.nsh to execute, and then type "meset", press enter.
5) Your laptop will auto reboot and the fan will run at high speed, THIS IS NORMAL, boot to the USB Flash Disk again.
6) Wait for startup.nsh to execute, and then type "fpt -d backup.bin", press enter to backup your bios.
7) Now type "fpt -f BIOS.bin -rewrite -y", press enter to flash new the cannon lake bios .
8) Wait for the flash to finish (you will see color text "(...) successful (...)" info printed on screen by fpt). Just unplug power cord, without battery it will hard shut off computer. Then insert battery again, plug in charger and turn computer on.
9) You should successfully have the bios firmware updated, skip the below process and go to the pin mod section!
If the bios flash was unsuccessful read below:
If you cannot do this (keep receiving FPT Error message) you will need to use the SPI programmer, make sure backup before you flash!
If you cannot get the screen to work, the screen stays blank, then you will need use the SPI programmer to reflash your BIOS chip
You will now need to use the SPI flash programmer because the usb flash failed, I used a SkyPro specifically but any bios programmer should work, just remember to note down the details of your bios chip (this will require disassembling your laptop) so they can be entered into the flashing software as shown below:
Please note: Your BIOS chip details will be different to the ones shown below!
How would I find the bios chip?
You can locate the bios chip on your motherboard, it may have a coloured 'dot' on it, this makes it easier to find it.
Otherwise you will need to look at a schematic or look for 8 pin lookalike chips on your motherboard to find the bios chip, it shouldn't be hard. Remember, if you find the bios chip you can identify it by reading what is written on top of it. You can also attach the 8 pin clip to the chip with the 'red' wire facing the 'embedded' circle on the chip as shown below:
Please note: The 'embedded' circle is NOT the 'coloured' dot, if there is one.
Also note: The bios chip will be 8MB in size NOT 1MB, DO NOT ACCIDENTALLY FLASH THE EC CHIP!
If you still can't find the bios chip upload some high quality pictures of the motherboard and I'll let you know!
Now all you have to do is open the bios file from the EXTRACTED .7z folder and flash it in the program with the programmer connected, click on 'auto' as it does the whole process manually including erasing, writing and verifying.
And that's it for the software!
Time for the pin mod:
This is practically very simple to do and I will show a diagram of it here, you need to isolate two pins as shown below:
You can isolate these 2 contact pins using kapton tape, or any tape for that matter, just DO NOT COVER ANY OTHER PINS. I accidentally did that and got many bsods on load!
The reason we do not need to SHORT the two pins at the top is because we have already injected the bios and microcode into the motherboard, therefore the cannon lake cpu should be recognised just fine!
And that is it! You can now carefully put the processor into the socket, put the heatsink back on and watch as the computer boots with it's beastly new cannon lake cpu installed.
Here are some known bugs and potential fixes:
- G-Sync may no longer work ( depending on CPU and display panel ) .
P7xxDM and DM1 series
Sound only works with the Microsoft provided driver, optical jack now works as the headphone jack.
P870DM and DM1 series
Optical jack now works as the headphone jack.
Potential sound fix for P775TM/TM1 laptops that sound muffled or flat after bios flash
Big thanks to @Kunal Shrivastava for finding this fix, much appreciated![]()
Just an update:
Got the old sound quality back by installing a custom driver and soundblaster x720 app.
Had to disable enforce driver certificate in advanced restart options.
Also have to completely uninstall the soundblaster xifi mb5 app and the old realtek drivers (and anything realtek sound related) via device manager, then let windows auto install a second realtek/Microsoft audio driver upon restart.
Install the custom driver via the have disk option in device manager and then the x720 app to get the old audio quality.
Profiles are back too!
Coffee Lake Refresh Bioses are available here, RTX CARDS ARE NOW SUPPORTED:
Credit is due to @dsanke for providing the BIOSes, donate to him via PayPal, he worked hard to make fully functioning bioses for us: [email protected]
You can also donate to me here: http://paypal.me/ZeeshanAkhlaq
It's crazy how I'm the first one to post this AGAIN! I hope you all enjoy your cannon lake upgraded laptops!
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I have not got a 9th gen processor anymore, so if you flash this bios can you please pm me some of your benchmarks so that they can be added to the thread.
will keep tabs on this thread, curious to see first hands-on user results
ole!!! and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
You're talking about 9th gen Coffee Lake-S refresh, not Cannon Lake, right?
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
Well can't wait for some benchmarks so i can upgrade my 6700k to a 9900k
this is awesome! REP+sicily428, bennyg and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
Nice work, can you share the BIOS version, is this BIOS can work with the KM1 with coffee lack CPU's?
DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
Hello I have install your bios in my p775dm3 with 7700k cpu but the max frequency is 3.8Ghz but my cpu is 4.2 turbo 4.5 Thanks you
DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
With cpuz benchmark i dont have max frequency and fans turns very fast for nothing
Attached Files:
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DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
This thread was solely meant for 9th gen Coffee lake 'REFRESH' cpus (title is being changed by @John Ratsey, I'm guessing that @dsanke has modified a few things so that if an i9 or i7 is put in your laptop it doesn't overheat. Hence the aggressive fan tables because these laptops are not made for 8 cores cpus! Not sure about the throttling issue. Just try the bios from the thread above. That should work fine.Tryner likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
DaMafiaGamer likes this.
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
DaMafiaGamer likes this.
Well I just had a whytheFnot moment and snapped up a 2 day old 9900K on fleabay with a 5% coupon for a decent saving under RRP not bad since here in Aus availability is still next to none. Probably some guy who preordered before the reviews showed how hot it is... or benched it and flipped it on ebay coz it's dud silicon.
If I get time to bios flash and install it this week, it'll be basically on the stock DM3 heatsink which stabilises in high 80's under a ~105W load (delidded 6700K @ 4.6 AVX) so will probably thermal throttle while POSTing lol. Til those fat 10mm diameter heatpipes come and I can make something special.Mastermind5200, jaybee83, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
awesome news! Quick question: I don't have 9900k on my hands right now, so If I upgrade my bios right now will I be still able to use it with my old 6700k?
Look my post About it -
P870KM can flash P870TM's EC.
1.07.13 BIOS+ 1.07.08 EC = Control Center 2.0 WorkMr. Fox, Clevobest, DaMafiaGamer and 3 others like this. -
Last edited: Nov 7, 2018wersuss, DaMafiaGamer, Tryner and 1 other person like this.
I switched to the previous version of the bios and everything works I look forward to receiving my 9900k to try. thank you dsanke
Control Center 2.0 looks way more better than old one and seems like finały have stuff to control fan's speed correctly.
Do you know if P870TM have two versions of BIOS ( one for P870TM-G and one for regular without G-sync)? -
Like P7xxDM2 and P7xxDM3 , only difference in both BIOS is the model name . -
clevo-extreme Company Representative
clevo-extreme Company Representative
jaybee83 likes this.
clevo-extreme Company Representative
Fastest Customizable Gaming Notebooks & Mobile Workstations | CLEVO System Integrator -
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using Tapatalk -
1. Lack of backwards compatibility of the EC firmware from the P870TM to the P870DM due to different fans
2. CCC2.0 not working with the old DM's EC f/w and instead needing the TM EC f/w
Would be perhaps interesting to know if the TM firmware works on the DM3 (12V fans)... But until I have a reason, Obsidian software works just fine for mejaybee83 likes this. -
EC FW 1.07.08 for P870KM/KM1/TM/TM1
Use rufus to create bootable FreeDOS USB disk , copy file into it and boot to DOS then run FLASHEC.bat to flash. Need type"Y" when it alert you the project name are different ( because you are flashing TM's EC to KM )Attached Files:
hi all, i have a clevo p870km with an intel i5 6600 and gtx 1070. all bios are latest official version. i want now to change the cpu to an 8 gen or even better a 9 generation. do i need to flash the bios for p870km from the first page googledrive zip? p870km.bin ? do i also need to flash last ec files?
im asking that because i dunno what bios i should flash to my laptop.
also do i need to cover the 2 cpu pin? my seller when i first bought the notebook told me it was not needed annymore, but i really dont want that pins to get any damage, so if i need to cover them i can do that with no problem.
also what is the difference from files in this thread and the files with only coffe lake cpu bioses in this thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...kylake-kabylake-clevo-lga1151-laptops.821694/
edit: now with i5 6600, gtx 1070, 1m2 1tb, 2x 2.5 hdd, 16gb ddr4 i can use one single 230 watt psu.
if i upgrade to i5 9600k do i need 2 psu to make it run or 1 is still enought ?Last edited: Nov 11, 2018 -
clevo-extreme Company Representative
CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K LGA1151 NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR cdn... Test Benchmarks Cienbench STOCK Settings UV -100
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3DMark Fire Strike Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 408.4 KB
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- 644
3DMark Time Spy Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 435.1 KB
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- 584
3DMark11 Performance Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 313.8 KB
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- 480
3DMark11 Extreme Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 318.2 KB
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- 576
3DMark Sky Diver Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 477
bennyg, Clevobest, jaybee83 and 1 other person like this. -
clevo-extreme Company Representative
CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K LGA1151 NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR v2 Test Benchmarks Cienbench STOCK Settings UV -100
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3DMark Fire Strike Extreme Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 371.1 KB
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- 527
3DMark Time Spy Extreme Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 439.4 KB
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- 421
3DMark API Overhead Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 464.2 KB
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- 415
Cinebench R15 Test Benchmark CLEVO P870KM Coffee Lake i9-9900K NVIDIA GTX 1070 VR.jpg
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- 467.7 KB
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- 445
My CH341A wouldn't auto detect my motherboard bios chip (on the P870DM3, chip "U12" basically lies under the touchpad) but seemed able to read fine when GB25Q64 was selected as the chip, close enough is hopefully good enough.
I tried using the TDP tweaker tool on the vbios included in the package (1080, gsync) and programmed it directly => code 43
Will try driver reinstall tomorrow morning and a stock vbios flash.DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Good luck on fixing your GPU problems though, I remember I got error 43 on my gecube 1070 and that was that, it was dead. I'm thankful eurocom took it back though and gave me an msi one.Clevobest likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You do need to be careful even with the Skypro as it likes to write the first hex value as 0
Johnksss, jaybee83, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
Pfft much anxiety about nothing. EFI version 3000A vbios works fine with CFR system bios, driver fiddling not required.
USB key flash went fine.
FYI theres some throttle in the SA that keeps the 6700K at about 2.8ghz with this bios. -
Edit: kaby lake? Think its been a while since I updated CPUZjaybee83, DaMafiaGamer and dsanke like this. -
wow! amazing! was it difficult to do everything?
i have a p775dm3-g with 6700k i was thinking to sell it, but no i want that upgrade too lol. -
clevo-extreme Company Representative
Be carefully because you can burn your GPU.
Fastest Customizable Gaming Notebooks & Mobile Workstations | CLEVO System Integrator -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.