Hello guys, I previously wrote here for some help with no luck, so I'm coming here in hope it does better now.
I recently acquired a SkyX4C from Eurocom with a 8700k, a 1080GTX and 16gb of ram.
To make a long story short, the ram that should be running at 3000mhz can't get past 2666mhz and I can't seems to either undervolt or overclock the CPU.
My comprehension of the bios in this laptop is nonexistent, there's option for overclocking the CPU/Memory etc that came with the delidded cpu, except that to be totally honest, I'm kind of lost in all those said options, I'm more used to the simply set a Vcore and lower it/up it until it's stable and the temps are good.
I believe that one of the problem with the memory not reaching 3000mhz is the fact that the laptop is not overclocked, thus, the memory is not able to go at its full speed.
One last thing; Yesterday, while playing BF1 MP, I saw the speed of the 6 cores go from 4.3 (usualy, 6 core boost) to 3.9.
People will say that it was probably throttling, but I had HWinfo open on my second screen and other than the random spike that made the cpu reach the low 80s, during gaming it was overing in the high 60s and low 70s.
I know that the bios is from american megatrend, version 5.12 released in february 2018, I looked up guide on how to overclock/play in that bios but alas, I'm still lost.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The CPU will run 2666mhz as it's Intel rated max. Higher will need a bit of tweaking.
By CPU, I guess you mean the memory?
Because the cpu is alright, except for when he decided to downclock itself at 3.9ghz with the temp in the 60-70s -
woodzstack Alezka Computers , Official Clevo reseller.
What he means is the CPU being INTEL, means it supports officially 2666Mhz (of course it can run memory higher) - that things will auto usually to like 2400mhz or like 2666Mhz.
the thing is, you can tighten your timings at a lower rated Mhz speed, and get the same performance. Maybe even better performance and less latency, which is huge in FPS games. -
I have access to custom profile I can make in my bios, if you tell me I could simply tighten the timing and still get some performance, that would be great, even if I paid extra to have 3000mhz memory running at 2666mhz.
Alright, so one problem settled, or close to since I'll have to fiddle with the settings. Do you happen to have a guide for corsair vengeance sodimm by any chances?
I looked alot of 8700k thread and they all say the same; the cpu will downclock itself when it's hot, however, I don't consider high 60s and low 70s to be too hot for a cpu. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Use the ram timings of the 2666mhz modules of the same series and then try tightening them a bit.
Also note the Intel 6 cores will hit their rated TDP under load and lower their speed to not go over. You can raise the turbo power max beyond stock to keep speeds higher. -
I'm necroing my post, even if it's only been a week.
I tried to undervolt with XTU and Throttlestop, however, even if I can see the undervolt in Hwmonitor, the temps doesn't change, so I'd like to do it in the bios because I'm guessing that this is where it's conflicting.
While I'm there, I'm sure I could OC a bit while undervolting the CPU, and like people said, 2666mhz was the max for my memory for a stock CPU.
I added some images, if someone would like to walk me through the process I'd be forever grateful!
https://imgur.com/a/9LxT9 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Have you explored the BIOS options?
Yeah, looked up guides online on how to overclock the 8700k unfortunately, not one had a BIOS close to the one in a Clevo.
So I tried some stuff, played in it, but this is the worse BIOS I've ever dealt with.
I tried setting voltage/offset etc but even after hitting F4 to save and exit, as soon as I enter Windows ; poof, everything reset.
I decided to send back the laptop to Eurocom, I'm still under the 30 days purchase so I'll see if they can fix it, or maybe get a refund, but as more days passes, the more problems it seems are emerging.
Now the CPU decided to act up, during CPU benchmark the laptop boost all core to 4.3 like it should, during light gaming (LoL/Diablo3) the cpu boost, during heavy gaming (Far Cry5, BF1) the laptop is stuck at 3.9, causing stuttering and loss of fps
And previously mentioned, the memory not booting at 3000mhz even less with the CAS advertised.
Honestly, I feel like I either got a lemon unit, my expectations of a desktop replacement are too high or I simply don't know how to finetune a laptop.
The good side; Eurocom is really on top of their game, trying to help me, if there's any rep from Eurocom, tell your support that they are doing an amazing job. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Other software like xtu or the control panel can set their own settings so make sure they are turned off if you are doing BIOS overcooking.
I made a thread on reddit and someone told me I also had to reduce the voltage of the cache of the cpu.
I don't know if it's the LLC setting but I don't have it in my bios -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
LLC is not a properly supported setting even in the unlocked BIOS.
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
Guess I just lucked out on my X4C?
Thank you! -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
Last edited: Apr 21, 2018 -
With a max of 75 degrees, fans are loud but the 1080 stay over 1800mhz for core and 10500 for the memory.
I'm sure there's a better way to do it but, even with a delidded CPU, CLU on the CPU and kryonaut(Eurocom doesn't offer liquid metal on their GPU) on the GPU temps were reaching over 85s
But still, I'm jelly of your overclock and even more of your memory running with the proper CAS -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
It look like you paid for the unlocked BIOS, but I would ask Eurocom if you can try the stock BIOS. That's what I have, and I have no problem adjusting the CPU multiplier/voltage and using the XMP profile on the Corsair RAM. -
I have the unlocked BIOS simply because I wanted the delidded CPU.
If I knew you could still OC with the original BIOS I would have saved myself the 150$ and delidded myself what a ripoff lol.
Anyway, what is that paperclip mode? I googled it without succes, does it really improve temps and such? -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
So you think I could simply unscrew, place the paperclip without having to remove/reaply thermal paste? -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Having some thermal paste on hand just in case is likely a good idea.
But since I have liquid metal, does it matter that much ?
I remember reading somewhere that since it was liquid metal I wouldn't have to clean it and re-apply. Correct me if I'm wrong tho!
Help with Eurocom/Clevo P751TM-G
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by oSChakal, Apr 11, 2018.