Down? Domain not found? Wats up with them?
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Appears we have a error with our registrar. Should be back up soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Yeah was just about to create a similar thread
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
If you guys are still online can you confirm if it is coming up for you ok now?
Down again?
the site is fine now 4:33 AM est
Down again .. 21 30 GMT. it's not coming up on this forum either, and it still transfers me to some ''.
ya it goes up and down haha, same problem im having here
Come on XoticPC, sort it out.. I just ordered a laptop yesterday, through bank wire, and didnt get any details yet :/
Domain hijack? Appears down at 1230am MST 4/3/12
Hmmm, try using internet explorer. It works for me :S but sadly doesnt work through google chrome ;(
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
If you're still having problems try clearing your Cache, we should be fully up
Yep. up for me. down?
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by corpses3, Apr 1, 2012.