I'm thinking about purchasing a Clevo/Sager laptop since there's a lot more customization variety. The biggest qualm I have with buying laptops is paying extra for upgrades that I think I can make myself. Also my last laptop has lasted me a long time (7 years) and the whole experience of laptop shopping has changed a bit since I bought my old Dell Inspiron 6000. I'm hoping the next machine I get can last as long. It's not my primary machine, so I think that should be possible. At the very least I want to get as close to that as possible, even if it doesn't quite make it.
I think I've decided on a Sager NP3260 from XoticPC. I think I have the build I want, but I'd feel a bit better about it if I could get it at a discount without any hard drive or RAM at all. I've heard this is a possibility with orders at XoticPC but I don't see the options available when I customize the laptop.
I'm hoping to leverage the cash and free shipping discounts as well on top of any others I can (I know, I'm cheap).
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
We can special order it without RAM or HDD. I would tell you to send me a PM but you need 5 posts to do so. If you click on my name in my signature you can send me an email directly and i can provide instructions on how to do so.
I think you responded to a similar chat request I placed through your web site. I'm replying to that email, but I'll link back to this thread, so hopefully there's no confusion.
XoticPC Questions about Buying without Hard Drive and RAM
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by jveezy, Oct 26, 2012.