Every attempt at searching any term in this forum gets the following result:
Does anyone have any idea why?
The search feature stopped working about a year ago. If you go to the main Clevo Forum and do a search - you will see that the newest posts that come up are from around October 2010... and none of the posts/threads in this Reseller Forum are that old - so that's probably why nothing shows up when you search.
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
_ -
Anthony@MALIBAL Company Representative
Try in google,
site:forum.notebookreview.com ##!@#!@%!#%!#$!@$@!
This should get you what you want.
( The funky characters are where your keywords go, like LPC-digital, Malibal, etc. )
Why is the Reseller Feedback Forum not searchable?
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by TransformingNow, Sep 14, 2011.