Hello, I have narrowed my choice for a new laptop. I am going with the Sager NP9150, or the NP9170. Still debating the size weight option there. I have retired my rock solid Alienware after years of abuse (never needed my extended warranty). I love the 17 inch screen size but with the AC power the thing was like carring a suitcase around. Please chime in on your reasons for the 17 vs 15.6. I also have narrowed down my vendors. I am looking for feedback between Mythlogic and Xotic. Both seem to have good reps. Also any thoughts on buying the extended warranty?
Mythlogic little expensive, XoticPC is little cheaper. If you want better deal go with LPC digital. Sager hardware a good build, you wont need extended warranty. If money not an issue than its up to you.
XoticPC, Mythlogic, and Malibal are the ones that either my friends or I have dealt with and had really good experiences.
I am purchasing my second right now through XoticPC so that should tell you something as well. Would have been my third but I was stupid and went through another vendor, that I will not mention, and now I back.
I have a group of close friends I game with and combined they have purchased 20+ Sagers/Clevos over the last few years. These 3 are the only ones they will buy from now after getting burned here and there. -
I'm in the same boat as the OP (though I am still looking at other models, it is safe to call the 9150 my first choice.)
In addition to xotic and mythlogic, I have also been looking at gentech. Any feedback on them? -
I purchased my 9130 from GenTech.
The CS was really good, and furthermore they were more willing to give discounts than the XoticPC reps that I talked to. Larry from LPC was very generous with his discounts too, but in the end GenTech gave a package so I went with them on my purchase.
Personally, my shipping time was punctual, though that could be because the demand for 9130s are not as high as 9150s, hence Sager could better facilitate orders. Not sure what the shipping times for 9150s are, so I can't help you there.
Vendor recommendation
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by Ltmurphy, Jun 6, 2012.