I am wondering what the rules are about posting parts of, or entire email conversations here. I have had an interesting experience with a vendor that I feel needs to be shared but do not want to break the rules etc. Thanks in advance!
ps. yes I did search and couldnt find anything except the no slander speculation etc. which is not what I plan on doing at all of course.
- Although what you could do is post which vendor you talked to and what he expressed. We've had some weird incidents with whole emails being posted and such.
I sent you a PM. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Per http://forum.notebookreview.com/site-suggestions-help-announcements/109941-forum-rules.html
It does say:
Do not post content from private correspondence, such as email or chat, within the forums. Posting any other persons private information such as email, phone number or address could result in banning.
You are welcome to share your experience though, just not post emails. -
Thank you guys. Just posting what happened etc. is what I plan to do but I also want to make sure I can back it up. A response from the person here would most likely be to defend themselves and possibly discredit me. I wish to present a fair review and not be subject to retaliation and accusations of falsifying anything. I hope that makes sense. Thanks for both of your replies and I have responded to the PM.
Rules regarding posting email co-respondance etc. here
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by kd7lri, Oct 29, 2012.