I ordered my P150EM from Pro-Star with the GTX 680M card, which turned out to be faulty, and so I wanted to return it. After talking to Wesley, he said he would pay for the shipping,
and his tech would check if it was faulty or not. If it was faulty, I would get a full refund. Otherwise, I lose $30-40 off my refund. How can I be sure that I don't get swindled?
...you can be sure. don't know what the context of those negotiations is (seems like they've simply agreed to refund you the shipping costs if the card is defective, per their terms and conditions), but you can always consult the return policy that's made plenty available to you. how long have you had the machine now--a couple days? how long have you been sure that the card is faulty? because it doesn't appear from your other thread that that's been resolved yet. this post of yours definitely seems peculiar though...
explain a little more about this 'plugging it in caused it to freeze' business. like hutsady, my initial thought was optimus/"triggering" the dGPU. but having the BIOS fail to detect the card obviously transcends whatever's happening post-POST. then you said BIOS did detect the card but you couldn't get the drivers to install on W7. (i too had an issue getting nvidia drivers to recognize my 670m in W7 so initially i had to use a modded driver.) and then you got the drivers to install, but after that you started booting into a black screen...? finally, this...
do you know for sure that AC was utilizing the 680 first off? yes, right clicked and run with nVidia GPU
and what would the power brick have to do with it? you plugged in the PSU and the machine just froze immediately? yes
were you still in-game? Yes, plugging in brick has no adverse effect in desktop/windows environment
do you think this is a bad brick or a bad card? bad card
did you check the heatsink/under the hood? voids Pro-Star warranty -
definitely not a scam or any chance of you getting swindled though. they're well-known enough. if you're that confident it's the card, i say go for it. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
The guys at Pro-Star are good guys, they help here often too. If you're sure the GPU isnt working as it should, and it does sound you've done what you can, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about.
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
Pro-Star RMA(possible scam?) question
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by RBEffect, Dec 4, 2012.