I just purchsed my 3rd laptop from Powernotebooks.com and every single experience has been outstanding! The service is great and their followup cannot be beat. Donald was a big help to me during my purchase and made it another great experience!
All these people with the same signature picture and very low post counts posting about powernotebooks.com is pretty suspicious. Every single one mentions and praised this Donald guy as well. Quite suspicious indeed.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/reseller-feedback-forum/635262-powernotebooks-com-buying-experience.html -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Hmmm, let's see redman4264, is that an Xoticpc badge, just like a bunch of other Xoticpc badges on this forum I see in your signature?
Hmmm, and you have been here since...let's see...oh yes, a month ago. So you quote http://forum.notebookreview.com/reseller-feedback-forum/635349-buying-powernotebooks.html, who has been here since 2008 and is a PowerNotebooks.com repeat customer and call his post somehow suspicious? Suspicious of what?
ikethegreat, you post that a PowerNotebooks.com customer that has now purchased 3 laptops from us over the years and wants to post about his experience with PowerNotebooks.com is somehow suspicious? Suspicious of what? I am "...this Donald guy..." and as you can see I have been here since 2004 with over 6,600 posts.
Isn't this the section of the forum where the Stickie says that customers are encouraged to create their own thread instead of posting in someone elses? Have you read the Stickies?
Let's stop this bomb throwing and false assumptions and false accusations right here. Having the same badge in the signature is quite common here among the various resellers like Malibal, Xoticpc, GenTech and PowerNotebooks.com. There is nothing unusual or suspicious about that. There is nothing suspicious or improper in PowerNotebooks.com customers coming to this section of the forum to post. It may be unusual in that so far only the other reseller's customers have dominated this section, but that should not cause any suspicion since PowerNotebooks.com is one of the largest and longest standing Sager resellers in the world. We have been contributing on this forum since 2004, and have served literally 10's of thousands of Sager customers over the years.
Your apologies will be graciously accepted, but further bomb throwing is unnecessary, and unwarranted. -
Hmm I still think you are full of BS.
Lets look at the SIX threads posted about Powernotebooks (ALL POSTED YESTERDAY)
OP #1: Hoovier - join date: Dec '11, posts: 9
OP #2: ATCSMike - join date: Jan '08, posts 35 (might be legit)
OP #3: lenon - join date: Dec '11, posts 8
OP #4: NeverlastingRose - join date: Dec '11, posts: 11
OP #5: NZMike - join date: Dec '11, posts: 8
OP #6: Awong2284 - join date: Feb '11, posts: 9
No, that's not suspicious at all! I couldn't care less how many posts YOU have or how long you have been a member. There's too many coincidences here. Don't be mad you got caught. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Suspicious of what? Exactly what are you implying...come right out and say it. But be careful, because in the end we will all be able to see the truth about who is full of what.
Why in the world is it suspicious of anything if 6 PowerNotebooks.com customers post about their buying experience in the Reseller Feedback section on the same day? This is the purpose of this section isn't it?
All of them are legitimate PowerNotebooks.com customers, and several of them have been our customers for years with multiple purchases.
So, who are you to cast aspersions on them? What do you really know about it...nothing. You are just throwing bombs with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Don't get mad that you got caught. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
I would say this because it is true...period.
So, now that you recognize that you have cast aspersions on 6 innocent PowerNotebooks.com customers, and on me directly, with absolutely no proof what so ever, have you learned anything about proper behavior among civilized responsible adults? -
Ok, so I will give you an apology on the fact that I have no basis but that there is 6 posts in the same day ( which I cannot find this number to any other reseller in the same day on the whole forum). I am sorry, I did in no way intend to flame or degrade your company in any way. My intent was only to question the relevance of the posts quoted.
Now to the good stuff... What does my Xoticpc badge have to do with anything? (nothing) I have not posted good or bad reviews of anyone ( including Xoticpc ) I do not even have my laptop yet! I have posted in threads relating to Malibal and never once tried to steer anyone away from them. I would have posted in some related to you, if there were any but these 5 in 1 day, with the same result.
What does my time here have to do with the fact of what I may or may not think comes across as "suspicious"? absolutely nothing, nada, zip, zero.. It is what it is, take it how you want...
Forums are meant to express opinions, correct? That is what I was doing and it was not meant to be aimed at you directly. Although I could have worded what I said differently, I am not sorry for stating my opinion.
What does your post count have to do with anything I said? Again nothing, zip, zero, nada. I did not even mention you as a person, or as a company in my post. Simply a someone...
So now lets do the math to see exactly how I formed my "opinion", and we will assume you do know math... The number of people who buy gaming laptops= A , the % of those who buy Sager = b, the % of those who have bought from your company = c, the % of those who actively look to post on forum = d, the % of those who have found this forum = e, the percent of those who have posted a review = f..
axbxcxdxexf= a very small number to have actually posted on the same exact day, assuming post count means nothing as I stated.
Again I apologize for any "bomb" you think I may have thrown at your company. I am deeply sorry you feel I singled you out. I would have done this to anyone though. -
To the OP, I would like to formally apologize for posting this in your thread. I am sorry and in no way was I trying to make an example of you. This just happened to be the thread I posted in.. Again I am very sorry to you. I am glad that you had a good experience and I only hope mine goes as well as yours.
Sincerely, Greg -
Liar is a strong word, but I cannot find it anywhere is this thread except your post....Now he did say BS thoughIn the interest of the keeping this thread along the line of behavior consistent with "civilized responsible adults", as paladin44 stated, lets not put words into other peoples mouth.
Let's see, he accused Donald of posting fake reviews, which Donald has said is not true. I'm not sure what else to call it. And I don't think I put words in his mouth.
I don't doubt for a second that Powernotebooks has a great service. They do have prices on par with XoticPC/MALIBAL unlike some other US resellers with premium services. However, that sudden increase in the number of identical threads posted on the same day was just odd. If you recently encouraged your customers to share their buying experiences on this forum, and that's why there was such an influx of posters, it would be absolutely understandable. The more coverage each reseller gets, the better.
Donald, do you offer any promotions/discounts to NBR members or do you have any plans to do so? Even though I have XoticPC in my signature, since I've bought my laptops from them, I often recommend MALIBAL as well because they sometimes have better options for certain models or certain components in stock. So I am by no means averse to recommending you as a budget reseller as well to potential buyers, as long as we continuously get more information about the service. You are absolutely right that these forums are dominated by XoticPC and MALIBAL as budget US Clevo resellers and everyone deserves a spot in the sun. The more customers you encourage to post here, the better. Keep up the good work and perhaps this forum will shift preferences in accordance with time. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Thanks Ellatan, I appreciate your reasonable response.
Yes, we figured it was about time we encouraged our customers to become more active in this forum. We sell thousands of Sager laptops a year, and have been doing so since 1999, so 6 customers posting on one day is not such a staggering number. I am sure you will be seeing a lot more posting about their experience with our service in the future.
Do we offer special discounts for Notebookreview members? The mere fact that you ask that tells me that you haven't noticed the rather large banner at the top of this page that we have had here for the last 6 months with the RED button that says: "CLICK FOR NBR SPECIAL DISCOUNTS"
I think from now on we may stay with encouraging our customers to post here and quit wasting thousands of dollars a month on the banner -
Look guys, Donald asked me, and my wife who is NeverLastingRose here, to come post about our experience here in this forum. There's nothing wrong with that. He didn't ask us to post a good review, in fact, the only thing he asked is to make sure we have PowerNotebooks.com in the title of the post.
Now, my wife and I make it a habit to write it down somewhere when someone is providing excellent service to us. We've both been in the service industry before, and really appreciate it when someone goes out of their way to make us happy. We would have ended up writing a review somewhere anyway, Donald just pointed us in the right direction.
PowerNotebooks' strong point is not their prices, though they are good, or their website (it's pretty plain and uninteresting, sorry Donald). They don't have a unique product, or even a unique twist on a common product. No, the biggest thing they have going for them is a great customer first attitude that will keep me coming back to them for years to come.
They do their best over there to keep their customers happy, so it's no wonder each of us is willing to come over here and post a good review. There's a reason why they have a 9.94 rating at resellerratings.com, and you'll notice that each review says pretty much the same thing we've all said here. -
Sweet! I am glad you ( and others ) had a great experience.. I actually looked at their site, and all the other resellers, before I ordered mine. I had seen they had a good rating.
The only factor that influenced me when choosing a reseller was that Xoticpc had the cheapest price. $10 is all but hey money is money. I went through every site I could find with good ratings just to compare.. I know all of them do price match but I just thought it to be easier to not have to mess with it..
I have seen bad ( insert you def. of bad here ) reviews of all resellers here lately, yet none for powernotebook.com. That stands for something.
I see you got the 6990. Man I really wanted to go that route but I just could not afford it with the holidays, and birthdays I got coming up. By the time that was over it would be June, HA.
Edit: I guess I should have put this in your thread, sorry. -
I do see jpegs in signatures, so I think having customers put something similar to what is in my sig is better, though having a banner will attract people who are unaware of Clevo/Sager. -
Not to hijack this thread, but Donald, do you all offer any Police discount, ala the military discount?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
No worries errell...but, we don't negotiate discounts here in the public forum. In addition, and discounting will depend on what model you are buying and what upgrades you are getting.
Oh yes, when you email or call me, be sure to ask about our Notebookreview member exclusive discounts. -
I am sure some people will call me out for having the low post count (actually, I only wanted to register so I could post in this thread). Seriously, do you people really have to make accusation toward Powernotebooks; matter of fact, to resellers when they received good reviews?
I have been lurking around this forum quite a bit reading reviews and feedback on gaming laptops, especially P151HM1/NP8130, because my XPS m1530 has been having problem with the GPU (known issue with geforce 8600m gt). I had the three resellers in mind where I will buy from: Xoticpc, Malibal, and Powernotebooks. Well, the GPU finally died on me just last week a day before New Year eve. So, I had to make the purchase right away. I ended up picking Powernotebooks.
Maybe I was in such a hurry that I found Powernotebooks website to be more straight forward (just my opinion). I tried calling to get the cash discount, but no one was there. It was a holiday weekend, so I didn't expect much. I made the purchase anyways with my credit card. In my head, I was thinking that my order won't get process probably until Tuesday when people start working again. To my surprise, Donald called me on New Year eve to confirm my order.
So, I agree with whatever the OP said. I can't say anything about the other resellers because this is my first purchase from a reseller. But, I don't regret at all picking Powernotebooks. -
am new to the forum too.. I have also been lurking around for sometime. But never registered because most if my questions are already answered on the forum..
I have been also looking to buy. A laptop and had contacted malibal, xoticpc and PowerNotebooks.. I am though an international customers. I had to worry more about cost than American based customers.
I had to exclude malibal simply cos their shipping charges internationally are really high and no bundled offers atal.
This left t me xoticpc and PowerNotebooks..
I really was considering to go with xoticpc as they were giving 4 gb ram, however i also wanted an external mac hard drive for my bro.. Which there were not willing to source
PowerNotebooks though didnt have the free ram but were willing. To source the hadd drive for me and also their shipping cost was a little lower than xoticpc..
I haven't yet received my notebook.. So i can't comment much till. It arrives in my hand.
Till then i have to say both xoticpc and PowerNotebooks were very helpful.. I will keep yhr post updated till i receive it. As this mau help anyone ordering from outside of us
I did notice that most resellers have very strict "rules" for international customers.. Like they don't really need our business?? Which i hope would sometime change in future. -
Hi, what country are you shipping to and which shipping method? The UPS Rates on our site are pulled directly from UPS.com.
UPS WorldWide Expedited Shipping/handling/ins: $185 to dubai for 8150 laptop
Am in no hurry..so any shipping with good tracking is fair enough. -
The shipping price difference shouldn't be that much. Can you submit a ticket on our site with your full specs and shipping address, so that I can look into this further? Our shipping prices should be essentially the same, thanks.
Sure, ill do so... U still dont have any offers though
Sorry.. I already ordered thru PowerNotebooks..i will raise the ticket either way
I just wanted to say that I decided to go with PowerNotebooks after Donald originally helped me in the MSI GT683 thread with a couple of my questions. Today I decided to contact them via phone to finalize everything and he was extremely helpful with all of my questions. He gave me a couple of suggestions and then helped me even further in getting into my budget.
Thanks, Donald! -
donald i just sent you an email
Wait wait just wait, there are special nbr discounts for powernotebooks.com????? I just bought a laptop for alot!! Nooo i have been on this forums for a whole amd never noticed it
Hi everyone, this is my first post. Iv been doing a some research on different sager resselers and how they compare to each other. So far I was really surpised how many of them (or their customers) have really been bashing one another. I hope this doesnt reflect how they do business. I understand each have their right to defend themselves but I have to admit it does bring some doubts and uneasiness to customers like me. I plan to buy my first customised sager laptop very soon so you can imagine the impact these forums have on customers like me. So far Iv been looking at powernotebooks.com, xoticpc, and gentechpc. All seem to have outstanding service and almost identical prices. Im leaning towards powernotebooks because they are the only ones that accept western union money transfer. I know I know it isnt the best way to purchase laptops and to send such a huge amount of money (which is why i have to do my research on forums) is kinda risky. Unfortunately this seems to be my only option if I want to avail of the cash discount. Any thoughts on this?
XoticPC also accepts WU, but it's a longer wait because they have to send someone to pick it up, I nearly sent my payment that way because the banks here are incompetent and they didn't know how to send the international wire, luckily I found one awesome bank that sent the payment and they received it the same day. In any case ask the resellers if they accept WU transfer and don't worry, all the resellers that are mentioned on the forum, and have forum accounts are more then trustworthy.
Now lets ban all those people that joined in late '11 and early '12 because they bought a laptop from a resellers. Wow. -
With WU that can't happen because they are the only one that can get the money, so if they didn't get the money you can still cancel the transfer, if they did and told otherwise(which won't happen you don't have to worry about that) you can't really do much but you can get a proof from WU that they transferred the money. With banks it's a little different, it can happen that the money get lost. If it happens you should go to your bank and ask them to check where the money is, usually it happens that the money is on hold at a bank because of some typo in the beneficiaries name or something trivial like that. Don't worry about getting scammed, all the resellers here are awesome, I myself ordered from XoticPC, but the rest is also great like Malibal, LPC-Digital etc (sorry if I forgot to mention someone)
Such a debate here. But my experiences with them have been OK so far. I will be placing an order with them over Xotic based on the research I have done. If things don't work out I will make sure to post about it.
Powernotebooks.com is the BEST!
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by hoovier, Dec 29, 2011.