I ordered a Silicon Lottery Kaby Lake i7-7700K rated @ 5.1 GHz AND factory delidded from HIDevolution / @Donald@HIDevolution for 2 reasons:
1) I've had the worst luck in the past with Sky Lake CPUs (6700K) always overheating to 98C even at clock speeds (forget any overclocking) and due to my very successful experience with the Silicon Lottery 6700K CPU that I ordered from HIDevolution which gave me a stable 24x7 4.6 GHz overclock.....
I went ahead and ordered a Kaby Lake 7700K from them as well as I don't have time or patience to be installing, pasting or returning CPUs
2) I got it from HIDevolution directly rather from Silicon Lottery in order for them to test the CPU when they get it and ensure it's working to save me the hassle of installing it, testing it, only to realize it's DOA. that way I have HIDevolution's warranty cover me
- Ordered on the 12th of Jan 2017
- Shipping info received a couple of hours later
- 13-Jan-2017: The CPU has reached the FedEx Sorting Facility
I will keep updating this thread with the progress, how I go about on installing it, and how high can I overclock this baby!
Stay tuned
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Definitely looking forward to see how high you can get the overclock on a good processor in that model. Can't wait to see the updates come through.
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
CPU Arrived.
running @ 5.0 GHz with stock voltage but IC Diamond couldn't keep the temps down so I repasted with Liquid Ultra and to my surprise, it worked better. probably because the P870DM3 is better than the previous P870DM heatsink and is making better contact between the CPU and the heatsink
Benchmarks will come soonPorter likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Nope, 5.0 GHz not stable with default voltage my system crashed when opening multiple Chrome tabs
So I set a +20mV offset but when opening 20+ tabs in chrome, the temp reached 99C and the CPU thermal throttles so I will try keeping it @ 4.8 GHz for now to see if its any better.
I initially did a wPrime test @ 5.0 GHz with default Cache Ratio:
I will wait for a while till Silicon Lottery release higher rated 7700K CPUs then buy that and sell this one
@Mr. FoxPapusan likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
not even 4.8 GHz is stable with a -80mV
overheats to 94C within 1 min of running AIDA64 -
Could you please run Wprime [email protected] and run Hwinfo in the background? Maxed fans. Thanks. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
even 4.8 GHz wasn't good, 4.7 GHz reaching 92C on max funs with Aida64 stress test -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
oopes, AIDA64 stress test aborted after 3 mins "hardware failure detected, overheating"
Also do not expect to run anything over 4.8-4.9Ghz for 24/7 use unless your ambient temps are super low.TomJGX, i_pk_pjers_i, Papusan and 2 others like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
this reached 90C within a minute of running AIDA64 stress testTomJGX, i_pk_pjers_i and Papusan like this. -
Run TS in the background and we can see the difference with same multi, voltage and wattage. Thanks -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-overclockers-lounge.788975/page-933#post-10435204 (4.7)
http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-overclockers-lounge.788975/page-934#post-10435216 (4.6)
That is weird, there is a good chance your voltage is too high.
Papusan likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
running @ 4.6 GHz with default cache ratio, CPU overheat the moment I press the stress button in AIDA64
stock voltage -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I didn't need any undervolt for 4.6 GHz on the 6700K SL -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
-100mV @ 4.6 GHz with stock cache ratio =
Gonna re-paste again with IC Diamond (CLU on right now)
meanwhile, lemme run it at stock clocks and see how it doesPapusan likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Test also with only stress FTP checkedSpartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
stock clocks speeds / stock voltage.........
gotta repaste with IC Diamond. Epic Fail
Glad you are taking one for the team I know I would have these same issues, sometimes I think you and I have a lot in common by the bad luck and odd issues we both seem to run into.
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
(Ignore the Intel GPU offset)
Also why do you hate TS, its an amazing application.
This is what i get :
Last edited: Jan 15, 2017Papusan and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
yeah gotta repaste again....sighh...I'm tired of this
I think I will be quite happy with my current 6700k that runs cool, and clocks good (bench at 4.8 with stock voltage, after I get Prema BIOS, who knows?). While I love to read and watch others have fun messing around with their clocks, I am willing to spend exactly 0 dollars and 0 time resetting bios, fighting heat issues, heatsink fitment etc...Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
the problem with repasting, is everytime I wanna repaste the CPU, I have to paste the GPUs as well! bloody hell
i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I will wipe it all off tonight anyway and repaste with IC Diamond -
But i did remove every tiny bit of the black booger. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Porter likes this. -
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Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
You guys have no idea how many times I removed the screws/bottom cover and keyboard in the last week just because of ram issues.
Spartan@HIDevolution, bloodhawk and Papusan like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
You're not going to be benching a laptop at 5.0GHz and higher using nothing but fans. Not with 6700K or 7700K. That's really not even realistic with an air cooled desktop. You're going to need AC cooling for that. Try clock speeds that worked with 6700K and your temps will probably be doable. Here's another shameless plug for the awesomeness of @unclewebb
Last edited: Jan 15, 2017unclewebb, Papusan, Spartan@HIDevolution and 2 others like this. -
Mr. Fox and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
NOTE: I do need to investigate the fit of the CPU heat sink a little closer to be sure I am not blaming the 7700K for sloppy CPU heat sink fit. If the IHS is even 0.1 to 0.2mm shorter than 6700K that could be enough to cause a fit problem when low contact pressure was already a problem. I may need to shim it even though I did not need to before.
Edit: I am also booting the system at 5.0GHz on all cores/threads using BIOS settings. I'm not taking the old approach of booting at a lower clock speed and ramping up with ThrottleStop or XTU. If I do not manually launch ThrottleStop to tone it down, I am idling on the desktop at 5.0GHz and running everything in Windows stable at that clock speed. That's a huge leap for air cooled laptops. I never believed we would see this before, but now I have to figure out how to manage it thermally. I'm tickled this is even possible, and I suspect that Brother @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER is as well. Might have to go back to the days when all benching had to be done using AC to manage it effectively, the rest of the time using a boring sissy gamer-boy clock speed, and if that is what it takes it's still worth it. 6700K having such low temperatures with high clock speeds was a very nice anomaly.Last edited: Jan 15, 2017i_pk_pjers_i, Papusan, Spartan@HIDevolution and 1 other person like this. -
From another thread...
New walk-through for @Prema BIOS that was just released to partner shops, including @Donald@HIDevolution and @Ted@HIDevolution and @Eurocom Support for distribution to their customers. And, a HUGE shout out to the newest Prema Partner... our friend @Larry@LPC-Digital !!!! Welcome, sir! Here is the full list of PremaMod Partner Shops.
Please see the special messages at the end of the clip. Great work by Prema and the team of testers that helped validate the success.
@Phoenix - try this and use the ThrottleStop settings already provided. Below are the temps running the 4.6GHz ThrottleStop profile with the BIOS settings shown in the video while rendering this video.
Johnksss, Spartan@HIDevolution and Papusan like this. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
I definitely think that there is a heatsink issue or something similar if your temps are reaching 99C instantly.
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
How are the voltage fluctuation on 7700K? Are there big fluctuations under maximum load? -
The voltage variation usually is about .015-.075V under most loads.Mr. Fox and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
@Mr. Fox @Prema @Papusan @bloodhawk @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER
After my horrible experience with Liquid Ultra, I repasted with IC Diamond. I tried your settings Mr. Fox by lowering the IA/Current to 2400 and lowering the power limits to 160000
Here are the results:
@4.7 GHz (stock voltage) =
@ 4.6 GHz (stock voltage =
I've wasted 50 mins repasting the CPU/GPUs as I have to repaste the GPUs everytime I wanna repaste the CPU, running very low on IC Diamond now
I'm gonna go back to my old trusty Silicon Lottery 6700K that was able to maintain 4.6 GHz @ 82C max and sell this one.......
Also, @Mr. Fox , should there be any screws here as I've pointed out? I can't find them although I could've sworn there were screws there.......
Yes, you are missing 5 screws.
Mr. Fox, Prema and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Ordered a Silicon Lottery Kaby Lake i7-7700K from HIDevolution
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jan 12, 2017.