Hello everyone,
French guy here, i wanted to share my first experience with Clevo and Obsidian- pc.
I bought on 12/10/2017 a obsidian p670 first, because the price is the lowest i have found on the web.
I was lucky because it was the latest unit they sell. But today i think i'm not lucky at all.
After 3 days of waiting i want to go back on obsidian website... still not moving (stay in processing).
Because i don't know if obsidian has a English phone support,i try to contact obsidian-pc with the chat on the website. i was surprised because they care about the customer and they explain correctly and give solution.
The problem with the p670 is the lcd has dead pixels, they order from ebay + clevo center a new lcd but they received wrong reference....
I don't want to wait further i wanted to change to the P650HS-G with a 1070 + i7-7820HK.
First Update :
I received my new computer the 7/11.
I was shocked because they really protect the package. 3 box for 1 computer and a lot of plastic to protect (first time i see this,better than msi).
The PC himself is very good and as i expected.
I don't know if i can add a review or not of this pc here (if someone know)
John (who is in charge of the support) was very understanding and helped me when i need it. I thank him especially for being present even late , when others support close before 6 pm and take too long to give a answer (hi msi again)
I wanted to try again obsidian by changing computer for a more efficient.
I let some pictures here because i don't see so much in notebookreview
I wait for my new computer now.
Second and last Update (27/06/2018):
I've got a new PC : The P775DM3-G. It's very heavy , but the power of this "beast" is incredible.
(Pictures will be added later).
For the paid after sale service : As always John answer me fast and everything was done
correctly. The price for the parts was cheap and the labor was free.
I thank him again for understanding and all the sympathy that he gave to me. (even if bother him a lot a times)
Did i recommend to buy a obsidian-pc ? a big Yes.Last edited: Jun 27, 2018 -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
I´m here!
We closed the support early today.
I´m writing from home.
You had a delay yes, you got the last P670 from us which had a bad screen, but, i can tell you this, you are about to get your order and you will **** your pants
We included a fair set of goodiesgilles33366 likes this. -
Envoyé de mon SM-G955F en utilisant Tapatalk -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Ordered a P650HS-G from Obsidian-pc
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by gilles33366, Oct 28, 2017.