I give up. I sent my laptop in for a screen repair back in February which took until April to get sorted. Communications were spotty then but actually happened. Within a week of receiving my laptop back it began having some kind of power or over heating issue. I'm not really sure. I opened another ticket and apparently struck a nerve. I seem to be being ignored as I've tried calling, adding information to the support ticket, their online chat, PM'ing the rep here all with no response. I did finally put a post up on their public facebook page which they found time to delete. I added my last note to the support ticket today to just close it as it isn't going anywhere. More for me than for them. You guys won't ever see another dollar of mine.
Please check your PM
Mythlogic, I surrender.
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by SargeOsis, Jun 22, 2017.