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    My Very Poor Experience with XoticPC

    Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by danoflondon, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    (Apologies for the length of this post. I didn't expect to have so much to say when I started, but I wanted to be thorough.)


    After reading numerous positive accounts about buying laptops from XoticPC on this website and others I decided to purchase a Sager NP8657-S off of their website. I only made a small number of changes from the standard model, getting the upgraded IPS screen with G-Sync, an upgraded wireless card, and having windows 10 installed. I had initially chosen to play by wire transer, but after submitting the order changed my mind and decided to pay with a credit card. This part of the process was all actually quite painless, and seemed to work out just fine without any issues. Once my payment was processed my computer went into production, which only took a few days, and so my computer was on it's way to me just a few days later. It was only 7 days between the time my payment was processed and the order arrived at my apartment, a pretty quick turnaround in my view.

    Everything was going quite well up until the point the package arrived at my door. However, soon after I opened the box and turned the computer on for the first time it was pretty clear that I had been sent the wrong computer. When I booted it up, there was no operating system (I had ordered for windows to be installed), the screen was the stock TN LCD (I had ordered the upgraded IPS model with G-Sync), and after entering the bios menu I found that the hard drive in the machine was 2TB (not the stock 1TB from my order). I was both upset and disappointed at this time, it may have only been a simple mistake on their end, but at that point it just sucks to be on the receiving end. You think you're getting a brand new toy but it turns out it doesn't even work. As soon as I realized the error I tried to get in contact with XoticPC to find out what happened. I wish I could say that at this point they worked quickly and diligently to rectify their mistakes and set things right, but unfortunately things couldn't be much further from the truth.

    When I went to contact XoticPC, their website was down, and it was then that I discovered that none of their automated emails, or other official information that I had been sent regarding my order contained a contact phone number for issues regarding sales. That seemed a little odd to me, but I was able to do some quick googling and found a phone number without too much trouble. Then upon calling in and talking to someone I found out that it wasn't just their website that was down, it was actually their server as well, and when I tried to get information about what happened, they said that they couldn't access any of my order information because of the server being down, and so there was nothing that they could do at that time. That was another addition to the "this is kind of odd" file. Do they really not have any physical records of the sales they are making? I know we live in the digital age, and I myself often do not keep physical records of simple purchases made online, but when we are talking about big ticket items costing multiple thousands of dollars, that just seems a little off to me. And how is there really nothing at all they could do at that time? The shipment clearly came direct from Sager and not from XoticPC themselves (as the package was shipped from Sager in California, not XoticPC Nebraska); could they not make a quick phone call to see what happened on their end?

    (I would like to quickly mention that from this point in the story forward, all of my contact with XoticPC has been with one person in the sales department: Tyler M. So it might be that all of my problems are being caused by this one person not being very good at their job. But even if that's the case, it is still reflecting very poorly on the company as a whole.)

    Either way I was told to email them a picture of the serial number along with additional pictures of the computer and told that they would work on it as soon as their system was up. The next morning I find that their website is up and working, so it's likely that their server is too. They open at 8AM so I figure I'll give them a few hours to figure out what's going on. Now you would think that this is the kind of thing that they would try to get to pretty quickly once the day starts, but no, apparently fixing customer orders that they messed up their is of a very low priority to XoticPC. 11AM rolls around I figure 3 hours should have been more than enough time to have gotten at least some idea as to what happened with my order, so I send an email to Tyler M asking if they have any information yet on what is being done to get the right computer sent out to me. Almost 5 hours later I finally get the following response (copied directly): "We would need you to send the laptop back then we can swap it out with sager I'm sry that this happened ill see if I can get you come game codes." (take notice of the sentence structure and punctuation, or lack there of)

    That was the response I had a waited a full day for, you need to send the laptop back. Now I don't know about you, but I knew the moment I discovered I had been sent the wrong computer that I was going to have to send it back. So a full day later and they can't tell me anything that any normal person should have known immediately. I reply immediately about the procedure for returning the computer, but with more than an hour and a half before closing, I receive no further reply that day. It should also be noted that this occurred on a Friday, so now I have to wait through the whole weekend with a computer that isn't the one I ordered and no information on how to actually return it. But at least I might get some game codes as some form of compensation for the extra work I have to put in due to their mistake.

    So then Monday rolls around, and by about 10:30 still no response, so I email trying to get the details on how I'm supposed to go about returning the computer. Thankfully I finally receive a reply that I will be sent a shipping slip and should receive it soon. About 15 minutes later I get an email with the shipping slip, except that it's a link to the pdf on their google drive which I don't have access to, which then takes another 30 minutes for me to get permission to view (why they couldn't just email the pdf I don't know). I was then able to print off the shipping label and get send the computer off at a UPS store later that day.

    But in the meantime before I was able to get to the UPS store to send it out I ask about the status of what was happening to get me my correct computer, specifically what was the status of production on said machine, to which I got the following response (again copied directly in its entirety, lacking capitalization and punctuation and proper grammar as did nearly every email from Tyler M): "its already done we are just waiting for the computer now of yours to come in." Now this is potentially open to some interpretation, but to me sounds like he's saying "your correct computer is done and ready, and is only waiting to be shipped out to you as soon as we get the wrong computer back." The next day I inquired about the possible game codes we were able to work out that I would receive codes for two games and when I asked about when I would receive the codes I got the following response (copied directly once again in its entirety): "OK sounds good the email will come the day your computer is received with the codes." Again due to poor grammar and no sentence structure there maybe some room for interpretation but my reading was "when the wrong computer is returned you will be sent the game codes." So while it is true that those are just my interpretations of what was said the fact that there was room for such potential ambiguity is completely the fault Tyler M and his apparent inability to provide meaningful details or write in anything approaching proper grammatical English.

    These pieces of information are relevant as the day after the tracking information for returning the wrong computer showed that it had arrived at its destination I inquired about if my correct computer was being prepared to ship out to me, and if I would be receiving my game codes now that the wrong computer was returned. This was the reply (again copied in its entirety): "it should be coming soon and the game codes will be sent when it is sent out to you." This might potentially sounds promising, as though they are possibly just waiting to make sure that the computer I returned was all in working order but being unsure I asked for clarification on what soon meant and received the following replies (as always copied in their entirety): "I will get you an update I have to wait get this info from my manager," then "I will get you an update soon trying to find where it is at"... Wait a minute, didn't you say just a few day's ago that it "its already done we are just waiting for the computer now of yours to come in?" When did it go from "already done" to "trying to find where it is at?" Again this miscommunication may come down to the fact that I misinterpreted his earlier emails that is entirely due to the fact that almost none of the emails that I have received from Tyler M since dealing with this issue have had any substantive details about what was happening, and entirely lack of proper sentence structure.

    While this poor grammar and lacking any proper sentence structure (not capitalizing the first letter in a sentence, and not using any form of punctuation) may potentially seem like nit picky issues, to me they go to the credibility of a business. What does it say about the company as a whole if their sales representatives don't even have either the ability or the willingness to write their responses in a professional manner or with any relevant details? It tells me that they don't care about their customers and whether or not they receive the item they ordered.

    Then we finally get to today when I expressed my displeasure at how long everything was taking and asked again about the status of my computer I received the following response (once more in its entirety): "hey we are currently waiting on your computer to come in and then we can get it out to you soon as we get it into are hands." Well now, we finally get some information about what is actually happening, but what is it? Instead of sending the computer to me directly from Sager as they did the first, wrong one, they are adding extra time to this whole process by having it sent to themselves. Wait what? you have someone who has already been waiting longer than they were supposed to for their computer, and now you are adding on additional time for no apparent reason? Are you serious? And I do so no apparent reason on purpose, maybe there is some good reason why they are doing this this time, but didn't the first time, BUT THEY HAVEN'T GIVEN ME ANY INFORMATION AS TO WHAT THAT COULD BE!!!

    So throughout this all everything has been marred by Tyler M's either inability, or unwillingness to tell me anything at all about what is actually going on. And maybe, just maybe I would have been okay with all of this IF AT ANY TIME I WAS TOLD WHAT WAS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!!

    So having had enough of Tyler M's lack of information, and seeming inability to form a cogent sentence I told him that I am upset with the lack of details he is giving me regarding my order, that I thought his style of communication was unprofessional, and that I would like to speak with a manager as numerous times throughout our emails he had said he needed to get information from his manager, and I would like to cut out the middle man. This was his response:


    I currently am waiting for your system to come I'm sry I cant provide more info at this time. due to the system not being here on site its hard for me to give an update for something that isn't here yet . Management has already been notified of this problem and we are working to correct this problem

    Thank you for checking us out today! If you need anything my email is [email protected]. If you get some time go like us on facebook or follow us on twitter/youtube!"

    I congratulate you Tyler M on actually getting really close to writing multiple sentences in proper English, but at the same time, it only goes to show that he just couldn't be bothered to do so before. And unfortunately this once again completely lacks any details that I did not already know. So I responded once more with the following:

    "What do you mean when you say you are waiting for my system to come? Is my computer still being built? Is is currently being shipped to you? If it is being shipped to you do you have a tracking number that tells you when it is most likely to arrive?

    Also in either case that does not match up with what you said in an email you sent to me on Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 11:55 AM, when in response to my email asking about the state of production on my correct computer that "its already done we are just waiting for the computer now of yours to come in," which to me indicated that my correct computer was completely prepared to be shipped to me, and that you were just waiting for the wrong one to be returned before sending it out.
    So now my question become were you just straight up lying to me? Did you just "misspeak" in what you said in the reply? Did you have the wrong information about what was happening?
    Also I requested to speak with management not to just make them aware of the situation, but in hopes of obtaining more specific details about what is actually being done to rectify the mistakes that have been made, which is something that as of yet you have been unable to provide me."

    That was my last email sent today at 11AM, but even with 6 whole hours of time before his work day was over, no response was sent. Maybe I will try again tomorrow to speak with someone who might have some real knowledge about the situation, and hopefully Tyler M won't just shut me down.

    I think the thing that has bothered me the most in all of this, that I have not already mentioned, is that I have not once received an unprompted email from someone at XoticPC about the status of my computer and how they are proactively working on the problem. It's like pulling teeth with them. Things only ever seemed to get done when I checked in to see what the progress was, and I only way I can get information from them is by directly asking what is happening; and even then the information I am receiving is incredibly vague and uninformative.

    Something that writing this review has lead me to realize is that most of the "good reviews" that I have read for XoticPC are actually just people saying that they got what they ordered, and that they liked the computer they got. The thing receiving the good review is actually the computer itself, and XoticPC is just doing the job that should be expected of them and nothing more. That's not a good review of XoticPC, that's a "they did what they were supposed to do" review (there may be reviews that aren't like that, but I hadn't seen any that I can recall). But when reading the bad reviews that I have seen they all have had a common theme of the customer service being untimely and inadequate, just as it has been for me.

    For a final note I do want to say that this is all clearly from my perspective, and maybe there is another side to this story that I an somehow missing, but that seems unlikely. Also I know it's possible that I am overreacting to some degree, but to me when you are spending this much money on something, you are entitled to overreact at least a little.

    At this point I am finding it very unlikely that anything could ever possibly convince me to use XoticPC when purchasing or recommending the purchase of computers or accessories in the future.

    Once again, sorry for the length of this post. I guess part of this was just wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving anything out.
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  2. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    I'm very sorry for your issue and obviously this is never what we want. I know you have been frustrated by Tyler and I will work with him on proper typing along with some of the other issues you brought up. We do have a back end system that unfortunately no one in sales has access to so when you initially contacted Tyler we had to go through our service team to figure out what happened and what the solution was, as this is not something that happens frequently. The support team is who typically handles things like this, Tyler was trying to do everything he could without passing the buck, but unfortunately in this case that didn't work out very well and I am sorry for that. Our goal is to usually try to keep you with the same person throughout your experience as much as possible so we can give you consistency (imagine always calling in and talking to someone different and hearing different answers back).

    Obviously in this case Sager shipped the machine, so not only do we have to work with our internal processes to ensure that everything was sent over to sager properly but wait for sager to answer us back on what happened, the entire time while you are getting frustrated, likely someone is still working on it even without contacting you as it is a couple emails up the chain. We do open at 9am and Sager at the same time on the west coast so 11am our time, so sometimes communication can be difficult as we have to wait for them to open, and we are only open so long so we do as much as we can as quickly as possible. However due to the amount of business we do with Sager we typically get answers back pretty quick which is sounds like we did in this case as after we verified the serial number we got the label to you (although some issues with the PDF).

    Since your PC was mis shipped Sager is bringing them both back to them so they can double check them and ensure everything is correct on both of them before shipping it back out to you to try and avoid future issues for you. Sager is currently waiting on the other customer to send their PC back and we are doing everything that we can to get it back to Sager as quickly as possible. We have been working with Sager to resolve this issue from day one and I'm very sorry that they shipped you the wrong PC, however as you said Tyler can only do so much in the grand scheme of everything going on. XPC wants to do everything that we can for you which is why we offered you some game codes to make up for the mistake by Sager. Obviously we want to get this completed as quickly as possible, however every time that Tyler receives an email he likely has to go through to our Service team to get an answer, who then has to go through to Sager, and back down the chain. Like you said we still got you a Label it sounds like the next day to try and send it back in so while it does take a little time, everyone is working as quickly as possible to get this resolved for you as this is never our goal.

    Again i'm very sorry that you received the wrong computer. It's obviously not something that we have to deal with to much so I understand the frustration in waiting for people to figure out what exactly is needed to get this taken care of, as there are a lot of moving parts that need to come together to get it taken care of, the website issues obviously compound onto the difficulty. You can feel free to PM me on here, email me or call me and I'd love helping you any way that I can. I know right now we are waiting on the other PC to get back to Sager.

    I am deeply sorry this has happened to you and I want to do everything that I can to show you that XPC cares about your situation and every customer that we encounter.
  3. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    Well thank you for finally providing me with some real information as to what is happening which is honestly the number one thing that I have been waiting for this whole time. First off though, if issues like this are usually dealt with by someone in support, why was I even speaking with a sales representative at all? I don't know about other people but I would much rather have to end up talking with 3 or 4 different people, so long as they are actually giving me relevant information. And I would understand the timing issue if, as with everything else, I had ever been told anything about it.

    But regardless of everything else this new information is bringing to light more issue that are even more serious to me than anything mentioned in my original post. It would seem as though despite the fact that I quickly discovered that I was given the wrong computer and worked to return it as soon as possible, I am still being forced to wait for this other person who could still take weeks to return what should have been my computer? At this point it would have been much faster for me to have asked for a refund, and then ordered a brand new computer (assuming it doesn't take as long to get a refund as it has to finally get some information on what is happening). So I am being caused an extra excessive delay because of your/Sager's mistakes, and now having to wait for this other random guy. How is that even remotely acceptable in your world?

    This then brings me to a second, and frankly much more worrying point: I ordered a BRAND NEW computer, but based on what you are saying here, the plan is to wait until the computer that was given to someone else is sent back, and then send that one to me. This would mean that computer I receive would not be the BRAND NEW computer that I ordered, I would be getting a SLIGHTLY USED computer (regardless of how long the other person had it, it is now a used computer). This is wholly unacceptable to me, and to me would seem to be bordering on fraud, as you would be knowingly be giving me something other than what I ordered. I see only two acceptable solutions. The first is to start production of a brand new computer following my specifications TODAY, rushing the production, and sending it with the quickest shipment option possible, along with providing proof that what you are building and sending me is a wholly BRAND NEW computer as I'm not sure I any longer trust you to do so willingly (this could include pictures of the production process of the computer with something date sensitive included in the picture to prove the timeline). But if you are all still dead set on sending me a SLIGHTLY USED computer instead of what I actually ordered I would demand that I receive a full upgrade on all possible warranties, including the "1 Year No Dead Pixel Warranty" and the "3 Year Parts & LIFETIME Ltd Labor Warranty 24/7 Tech Support w/ LCD Accidental Damage Protection for Sager Machines (SKU - WTY013)", as well as an extended window (90 days at a minimum) for no questions asked return for full refund If I find anything wrong with the computer. Either of these cases would of course be on top of the already promised game codes.

    I await your reply.
  4. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    I'm not sure why you selected the sales line and not the support line however we do everything that we can to help every customer that we encounter as that is always our goal.

    We are working with Sager to get you a PC as fast as possible. That is really all the information that I have right now. We unfortunately ultimately have no control over how Sager decides to operate and do everything that we can and use our influence with them to get situations taken care of, at the end of the day it is Sagers business to operate. From the beginning XPC has been trying to get them to just build you the new PC and ship it out to you without waiting, we are using everything that we can to get that done for you.

    We could certainly get those warranties added to your order for the price that it shows online as since you haven't received the PC yet you would still be able to add those on. I don't think that Sager would be willing to take pictures of their production processes, however I would be willing to ask.

    Xotic PC is doing everything possible to rectify your situation with the Sager machine that you purchased. Since we never see the machines here we are really just acting as a middle man between you and Sager and doing everything possible to get this taken care of for you as quickly as possible.
  5. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    Maybe I wasn't as clear as possible about the warranty, but I would expect that to be provided free of charge, to cover any potential damage done by this other random person who got my computer.
  6. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    that would not be possible. Again we are doing everything we can to work with sager to get this issue corrected as quickly as possible. Any machine that Sager sends out would be certified by the manufacture (as they are the manufacture) and would carry the warranty that is agreed upon at the time of purchase. The default warranty is 1 year and they would work within that.

    Again we are still working with them to just build and send you one out of their current stock.
  7. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    Also I take offense at your blaming me for calling the sales line. When I attempted to contact XoticPC you website was down, and through a google search I found the number for your headquarters, which is the one I called. Now it just so happens that that number is the sames as the sales number, but if it is really the headquarters number, you would think the people answering the phone would have enough of an idea of what they were doing to direct me to the right person, and send me to the support line. That is entirely on your company not me.
  8. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    Well here is the problem with that. Your website advertises a 1 year warranty under the Sager Manufacture's Warranty Details section, but when I click the link, it's a dead end, and when I try to find warranty information on Sager's website they only list details for 2 and 3 year warranties, with the 2 year warranty being standard (this is actually different from what you claim to offer) so what am I actually receiving here in terms of a warranty?
  9. SystemXS

    SystemXS Notebook Consultant

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    My god talk about entitlement. You're well within your return window, if you're so disturbed, use it. To "demand" $300 in warranty upgrades in addition to the game codes you were given for the inconvenience is ridiculous.

    There's no question the mistake was unacceptable and needs to be remedied correctly, but your response is even more unacceptable expecting someone to eat that much money because you were inconvenienced. Where did this unwarranted sense of entitlement come from these days?

    Edit* And just for the record, my last order with Xotic went back to them for a refund and I went with someone else. No where in my thinking did I figure I should be compensated with 10-20% of my purchase in freebies because I was inconvenienced.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
  10. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    I'm very sorry, when you call the 800 number it should give you options. Either way the person you would be talking to on the phone would have to be doing the same stuff Tyler is doing, going up to our lead RMA, to get over to Sager which is why Tyler has been handling everything. Our goal is to not be a company that says "well that's not me that's another department" but rather do everything that we can to assist every customer that we encounter. as i said, either way we would have to be working with Sager and the person who works with them in the building is not a customer facing employee meaning that we work through others.

    Here should be the Sager warranty details on our site, it is default 1 year.
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  11. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    Wait, i'm sorry i was wrong. Upon more digging sager just changed there warranty on Friday. so you will get grandfathered into a 2 year warranty :)
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  12. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    Being grandfathered into the two year warranty is an acceptable resolution for me.

    And SystemXS, you seem to have misread and/or misunderstood my comment regarding getting an extended warranty. The very first thing I said was that if they built and shipped me a brand new computer today, I would not require anything else in addition to the game codes already promised, I wasn't even asking to be grandfathered in to their new 2 year standard warranty. And so If I received exactly what I purchased, a brand new, shipped directly to me, never used by anyone else computer I would have been not exactly happy with everything, but would consider the matter settled acceptably. But what they replies from Alex stated was that Sager wants to take the computer that was mistakenly sent to someone else, and then send that computer to me as if nothing happened. This is the thing that I would have found unacceptable and would have liked additional warranty for (which I am now getting at least in part with being grandfathered into the 2 year warranty).

    The reasons I asked for this are not out of entitlement, but rather motivation for XoticPC and Sager to be as thorough as possible in making sure that I was receiving a system without any defects, to deter Sager from just throwing a new shipping label on the box and sending to me without doing any substantive tests, and then finally to a smaller degree as a point of negotiating for some kind of resolution more in my favor than what was happening (this is especially after my initial discussions with a XoticPC representative where they told me they had already built me a new machine that was just waiting to be sent and now today finding that that was wholly untrue, and worse I might be getting a slightly used instead of new computer). And the fact is that it is possible that even very thorough test might not reveal what could at this time be some very minor damage (or potentially major) that is not easily apparent, but would negatively effect the lifespan of the computer. If they send me that computer and not a new one, it will have undergone two more cross country trips in a shipping truck, and spent however much time in the hand of someone who for all I know, after realizing they got the wrong computer could try to do some intentional damage. These are things that I don't want to have to worry about, and a warranty is only worth something if part of the system fails, and so by granting me an extended warranty they would have the additional motivation as a profit seeking company to make sure that none of the parts in my computer are likely to fail at any point in their expected lifetime.

    If I had asked for a larger hard drive, more ram, an upgraded processor, or in some other way for an upgrade to the capabilities of the actual computer itself I would have been on your side that what I was asking for way too much. However, I didn't ask for any changes or upgrades to be made to the computer itself, but for an improvement in the potential services required during the life of the computer if any defects were to arise; defects that, I might add, would be of a higher probability to occur given the circumstances surrounding the circuitous fashion in which such a computer would have found its way to me.
  13. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    It's worth mentioning that the majority of parts that do fail will fail withing the first year of use, and so would have been covered either way, and if something were to fail on my, I guess I'll call it a refurbished machine they would just chalk it up to the costs of doing business. But what all of this extra rigmarole would do is create additional wear and tear on my machine outside of what it would have experienced had it come straight to me. And it is this wear and tear which would be much more likely to contribute to parts failing after the first year, but still before the end on a parts expected lifetime, which is what I am most concerned about if I am not receiving a brand new system, and why I felt that an extended warranty was merited.

    Also, Alex could I please get some kind of formal recognition added to my order to indicate that the warranty has now been changed to a two year term?
  14. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    Once you get the new one you will be able to go onto Sagers site and register it so you will be able to verify it that way as when you type in the serial number it will show you the warranty term. If any issues please let me know.

    Also i just received word from Sager that they will be building a new one and shipping it out, hopefully it will ship in the next day or so here. Again i'm very sorry for the issue and we want to do everything that we can for you. Please let me know how I can help.

    Once you get the new PC just email me and I'll get you a couple game codes :)
  15. danoflondon

    danoflondon Newbie

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    Thank you for your replies and for working with me to resolve this situation. I am glad to hear that they will be building me a new computer and shipping it out soon.
  16. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    UPDATE: Sager Built a new machine to your specifications and sent it 2 day air to you yesterday. You should be receiving it tomorrow :)

    Please email me so I can get you your game codes :)
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  17. JohnWhoTwo

    JohnWhoTwo Notebook Deity

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    I'm sorry, but I must interject here that it is the person on your sales line who should have re-directed the call and problem to the support line where the customer then should have been provided with a Support Tech point of contact and this should be standard policy. The customer should NEVER be blamed for calling the wrong line. Be happy he is at least contacting your company and not a competitor's.

    On your website, in the ordering process, you list the "XoticPC Way" includes:

    * 24/7 LIFETIME U.S. based technical support
    * Extreme QA testing by dedicated technicians
    * 24-72 Hour stress testing and benchmarking to ensure top performance and stability

    How the heck are you doing the "extreme QA testing" and the "24-72 Hour stress testing and benchmarking" an a system that is being shipped directly from SAGER to the customer?
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  18. Support.3@XOTIC PC

    Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    Thanks for the feedback.

    As i've said we usually keep every customer with the initial point unless it goes over their head. In this case weather it was a support tech or a sales person we would have to be working through our management team and working with sager directly. The point of contact in this case obviously could have been better and we are always trying to get better.Again our goal is to not transfer people around a bunch and have it lead to always being "another department" which handles it. I'm not saying we did everything perfect on this one, i'm just explaining what happened. I've always really liked this policy of ours as it makes everyone care about every customer that they encounter and do everything possible to help them. Coming from someone who has to deal with amazon seller support daily, I am thankful for this policy, however i will take the feedback here under advisement and look at ways that we can improve.

    We have agreements with Sager to complete our stress testing that we typically perform on the machine when here.
  19. Ramzay

    Ramzay Notebook Connoisseur

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    Every company is super responsive and eager when you're placing an order and are about to give them your money.

    It's when sh*t hits the fan and something goes wrong, and the company needs to do something to remedy the situation, that you see which companies are worthy of your dollars.

    I don't judge a company based on their sales support - every company that isn't staffed by retards will typically provide good sales service. I judge a company based on how they handle any issues I might have.

    It's like a "friend" - any one of your friends is probably readily available to go out for dinner/drinks/movie, or attend your house party. But when you're in a bind and need to call in a favour? That's when you see who your true friends are.

    I've ordered several machines from Eurocom, and they've all been smooth and super fast transactions. A few times, I submitted a quote and got a reply within 20 minutes. But I get the feeling that they wouldn't be quite so prompt were I to submit a support/RMA request.
  20. i_pk_pjers_i

    i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down

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    Eurocom is pretty quick with their support, although I do agree, they are quicker with sales - just as any other company is.
    TomJGX and Ramzay like this.