I recently made an order for a P170HM from XoticPC, but I failed to notice that they only accept credit cards that are issued within the US, which I don't have, so I had to cancel my order. Needless to say, I'm not a happy camper
Does anyone know if Malibal accept an international American Express cards that are not issued within the US? And can anyone share their experience on how Malibal's international shipping works in terms of freeing the item from customs, speed of delivery, etc?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Yes Malibal accepts international credit cards. However, they also require a statement from the issuing bank that the payment is approved.
I bought my p150hm international order using wire transfer because it is cheaper for me. However, I was surprised that I was required to contact them to confirm the payment to their account, rather than them changing the order status to paid as soon as they receive the money????!!!!
All is said, Malibal is great, I have received my laptop as promised from them and I it was fully functional with no problems so far. -
Drat. What's so difficult just charging the credit card like nearly any other internet business does? If the transaction is approved by the bank - great. If it's not, decline the order and that's it. Arrgh.
I thought I could get me a Sager before mid-April when I'll be moving to Berlin, but that won't be the case, I see. Oh well, perhaps someone is trying to tell me to wait for the next refresh with the new GPUs or something. -
hmm this close to the new refresh, I'd say wait for a month or 2 unless you need a new laptop pretty soon , other resellers are also already accepting pre- orders to the new high end models
Yeah, I guess I'll have to wait for the refresh, under these circumstances. It's just that I'll be left computer-less in Berlin (isn't there a song with this title somewhere? ), so my precious little Skyrim / Kingdoms of Amalur / Mass Effect 3 will be left unplayed for the time being..
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
None of the Sager resellers, nor Sager themselves will accept an international credit card. Bank Wire Transfer (T.T.) or Western Union Money Transfer are the only acceptable forms of payment for international transactions.
Unfortunately there is no seller protection or recourse with international credit card, nor is there an adequate way to verify them, and in today's world there is just way too much identity theft and credit card fraud to allow us to accept international credit cards, or even PayPal. -
Yeah, thought so, thanks for replying.
As usual in our world - bad people do the crimes, and honest folk have to pay for it. Oh well. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Exactly! It is a real pain, and we don't like it any more than you do...it certainly restricts all of us.
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
amirfoox, thank you for originally placing the order with us. As Donald has mentioned it there security for international cards is just not there limiting us to bank wire transfer as payment. They do clear quickly though.
Ehh that kinda put me off as well, as I now have to contact my bank to sort this card confirmation, so that Malibal can accept my card but anyway, hope it all goes well, never used bank wire, so thats why its kind of confusing
Malibal accept credit card outside the US?
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by amirfoox, Feb 15, 2012.