Hey Guys, I ordered laptop for £4,500 but site did not give any feedback after submitting payment. This was on last week.
To my horror several days later, I noticed not only had they charged me, but had charged me twice to the sum of £9,000.
After going to the site, it says they have gone into liquidation.
What I want to know is why hell would they charge payments in first place if this was case and charged me twice.
My bank says I need to wait 30 days before I can claim. It appears they fraudulently try to claim as much money before going bankrupt.
Will I able to charge back still, or they scammed me. If this case I have address of directors and will get pay them personal visit.
Unfortunately, unless you used a Credit Card, assets in liquidation go first to secured creditors such as suppliers, banks that give loans, bondholders, etc., after that the money that is divested goes to pay workers their final wages and other necessary finances to complete dissolution. LASTLY, whatever left (if anything) is split EVENLY amongst those who are consumers who ordered goods.
Jason -
welcome to nbr under these circumstances.
firstly what day did you order and are you sure you didnt press the buy button twice as this has happened once or twice before and it turned out to be user error as the website was automated.
it would be worth you posting in this thread > http://forum.notebookreview.com/res...kobalt-computers-officially-out-business.html to keep everything in one place.
we do all feel for you and hope it gets sorted as soon as possible. -
I wasnt going to bother replying but but this was pointed out to me.....its really simple
We never processed any payments its all done via the checkout, we never even saw any card details. All payments were handled by Paypoint or Paypal with no exceptions regarding card payments.
You simply pressed the button to pay twice. Sorry thats your mistake. Contact the registered office and be prepared to prove you been billed twice
Word of warning, if you attempt to contact the directors outside of the correct route they are prepared to defend themselves legally if need be.
Pman -
Nianchi - best advice I can given is to get on to the bank and don't take no for an answer. If you've paid via some sort of card (which it seems you have) then there should be something they can do. You might just need to shout loudly - if you don't get anywhere try writing to the CEO of your bank. I always find that gets the right level of attention. I used to work in Banking so feel free to PM me if you think I can provide any help. -
Wow, not even the slightest attempt at an apology, specific to a person or otherwise. Lost for words.
To the original op, I hope you used a card of some form for the transaction as there might be an avenue that you can pursue.
@ mrdj, I can imagine that you are copping an insane amount of unwanted and misdirected grief and abuse over this fiasco.
Good luck to everyone -
@grassyparkie. enough but not as much as i expected. i think most people know i was a customer like themselves and only a voulantary moderator and didnt work for kobalt.
I don't understand how the employees take such a combative attitude with the customers, as if it were the customer's fault that the company couldn't ship orders.
dont forget Pman lost his job so hes not in the happiest of places at the moment.
That's not really a good excuse.
Can he really be that shocked about losing his job? Has he been keeping his eyes and ears shut at work the past 6 months? You would have to be pretty oblivious to not see the business going down the tubes. -
Pman didn't even work for long there, no?
Kobalt Computer Charged me £9000! and even though they went into liquidation
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by nianchi, Oct 16, 2011.