On Tuesday I ordered a Pollux 1612, and i am so very excited. But shortly after I ordered the laptop I started reading all these horrible stories about the 7970m and clevo p150em laptops. My order has the 7970m, i thouht it would save me some money. Should i upgrade to a 680m? Do you think it is too late? What should i do?
I originally ordered the 7970 and about 3 or 4 days later I change it to the 680m.
All it took was one phone call.
Whether you should change it or not, there are TONS of threads and information everywhere in this forum about the enduro issue. -
Since you are asking for advice, i'd say get the 680m.
Since it's only been three days, I doubt your laptop has progressed to the point where it's too late to make a change. Send them an e-mail, and they'll hook you up. I placed my order three weeks ago, and they were still willing to accommodate a number of configuration changes.
Ok, thanks guys. I did email them and they are making the change for me. So far they have been great. They were honest and answered all my questions about the 7970m and its troubles. I even gave them a list of games I play and they went line by line as to how the 7970m is with those games. I am getting the 680m now.
Also, do I need an optical drive? I don't think I do and I think I might want to sub it out for an ssd. The problem is that I already ordered a msata drive and I heard that they dont go good together because the msata holds back the ssd. What do you think? is it worth it? right now I am getting a msata 128gb with a 750gb 7200 hhd, and a optical drive. -
You can get the mSata, put an SSD in the HDD bay, and get a caddy to put the HDD in the ODD drive space, and use an external ODD. They are cheap and work well, you don't lose speed on the ODD with an external and if your like me, you will rarely use the ODD. I chose an SSD and HDD for speed plus storage. You can get the mSata and an SSD and with a caddy, also a HDD, cache, speed and storage. Profit!!!
What this means is, an SSD on the HD SATAIII ports will perform better, and to spec, where as an mSATA SSD can be held back by the controller's limited bandwidth.
Having said that, remember, an SSD is many many times faster then any HD, so an mSATA SSD will still show incredible performance vs any HD on any controller.
What may also been said, it is a bit of a waste to have an mSATA boot SSD and a SSD, since you will get better performance out of the SATAIII controller SSD.
My ordered Mythlogic lappy will have a 512GB Boot M4 SSD and I will toss in my spare 500GB 7200rpm conventional HD. I do not need a mSATA SSD.
What the mSATA SSD is very good for is using convention HDs with a mSATA drive configured as a drive cache. This can save you a tremendous amount of money and still give very good performance, as the more you use it, the more the most requested data gets cached on the SSD. -
The basic advantage of the mSATA drive is that you can use it as a cache or a additional storage drive.. or for the OS kinda sad it's limited by SATA-II
I need guidence about a recent mythlogic order i placed.
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by Voelger, Sep 6, 2012.