I just wanted to chime in with my 2 cents here as I was also very surprised to hear about these issues people are having.
I'm on my second Eurocom laptop and whenever I've had to deal with service and support, it has always been stellar. I bricked my 860TU last week (writing this from my previous Eurocom D500P...still going strong albeit a bit slow by today's standards!) and while it wasn't really my fault, it was out of warranty and they had to replace the motherboard. So, I was a bit worried that I would get dinged for the motherboard but they warrantied it for me anyway.
Sorry to hear about those people having trouble but I will definitely be looking at another Eurocom once upgrade time comes again.
Megacharge Custom User Title
Megacharge Custom User Title
I did indeed buy more computers from Eurocom. As a test, I got one of my employees to order a small system from them, and they did not mention anything about me, nor gave my business address as shipping.
Since I give my employees a budget for their computers, rather than a brand to buy, they had choices, and based on her experience she chose Eurocom (a sub 2k model).
It is too bad that this company has a bad name in general... but my experience has been positive with them. Their sales staff should be better educated however, and slamming the competition is never a good sales tactic.
Outside of your complaints, there is nothing to show that you don't work for a competitor. I don't see court documents, sales slips, etc.
So what I see here are a few people who seeing the company that they purchased their laptops from being trashed responding in turn with their own positive experiences.
You can choose to believe or not, you have made your choice. I let the reader decide whether or not I am shilling for the company. I guess in a way I am, but not because I have any vested interest in them besides the fact that I have now purchased over 10 laptops from them now in the past 18 months.
From my Eurocom - Clevo D900C -
Megacharge Custom User Title
Eurocom are sleazy dirtbags mr-1-post -
treated me great -
Trust is earned, not given--
Once violated, good luck in getting it back- If ever. -
eurocomm is not going out of business anytime soon they are huge. they are the second largest importer of clevos in north america. they are who sells the clevos to rjtech and ava direct.
Theyre huge. Just needed to point something out that was incorrect in the gossip. Nothing small about eurocomm they are top dog. -
If they are so big, then why behave like a small nickel-and-dime operation?
At least Toyota apologized. -
Megacharge Custom User Title
Next time the greed kicks in and they are itching to make those few extra hundred by tricking, lying to or manipulating a customer again they will think twice and hopefully take the honest route. The next time a head employee of Eurocom decides they want to threaten a customer that writes a bad review of their company because they didn't take the honest route, they will look back on what happened last time they acted this way and realize they don't want to go down that road again.
Regardless how big a company is they do not want to lose any customers, and because of their actions they've already lost quite a few potential customers and will probably lose more potential customers in the future. In my opinion and as someone else pointed out on these boards before, they are better suited to just selling to their smaller resellers and should probably avoid individual customers altogether. But how they run their company is their choice and as the saying goes, the way you make your bed is the way you sleep in it.
There may be some happy people who have bought from Eurocom and I'm not denying that. Eurocom can behave themselves when it suits them, but there are also some very unhappy people who have been victims of the shady side to Eurocom's business practices, and that just doesn't "go away". -
I just wanted to add that I've had a very positive experience with Eurocom when I purchased my M570RU 3 years ago and have had excellent continued service since then.
My sound output port stopped working (while on Warranty) and they replaced the entire motherboard for me and were very helpful.
Just my 2 cents. -
I want to share my experience with buying a D900F from MyCIzmo(located in Germany). The prices were not so bad compared to other resellers so I bought a D900F(with 6 GB DDR3 RAM 1333 Mhz). When it arrived I checked my configuration with Everest Ultimate. The Ram was at 1066 Mhz Clock. unfortunately after 2 weeks!!!i realised there are 3 stuck pixels on my display(the laptop was all the time at the table, no manipulation with it. When i asked the company for display repleacement i´ve received an answer that they are allowed to replace displays only after 6 stuck pixels(according to ISO standard they must follow). The only options they recommend me is to send them the laptop and they will replace the display for free as they want to have happy customers as they said to me. but i must pay all the transport costs and that´s a problem for me at the moment
First things first:
10 laptops in 18 months ?
You're either terribly rich or just doing that for a company. In both cases - you're greatly biased.
As a person who never bought Clevo systems but always wanted and took plenty of time to do a research on most retailers (especially Eurocom, since we are practically neighbors), I can tell you that the amount of their false advertising paired with the way-above-average pricing (not to mention the amount negative feedback from their customers) is very disheartening.
Now, add to this their feeble attempts to address some questions on this forum (or by phone and email), lacking knowledge and skills and simply promoting the company name/product/etc, and you (like most of us) will come to the same conclusion - They are not to be trusted.
I'd rather pay the brokerage fees + taxes + shipping but get Clevo's from Justin(XoticPC) or other respectable retailers,[ who took their time to help with many technical questions, offering the best deals and always ready to help ], and still will pay less than what Eurocom is asking for the same product.
I wish we had more retailers here in Canada, to make Eurocom change their ways. -
HOLY !!! After reading the post linked to the first post.
It seemed strange to me the fact that, for instance, eurocom, charges extra 55 euros for the x8100 having usb 3.0x2. I thought that the new chasis costs more.
But then i learned they charge extra 50 euros for bluettoth and all models have built in bluetooth.
Same as for in built camera on some models.
But i guess, if you buy without commenting on the price, you get what you pay for.
The only reasons one would do that are:
1)Has to much money
2)Really need what eurocom offers and can't find anywhere.
I have no problems with companies that overprice
By all means, overprice, if you can afford it, but don't count on my money.
That's why i will never get me an iphone. As a matter of fact, tommorow im gettin my Nokia N8
Now i know i should never go lookin on eurocoms website unless i have the money to burn and the mood to burn them. -
Well let's see.
Eurocom - Overcharges, lies, steals, harasses.
XoticPC - Competitively prices, helps, cares.
If I were living on the moon and Eurocom was the only company there, I'd still buy from XoticPC and deal with increased shipping cost/wait.
If you walk into a Lamborghini dealership, and the salesperson shows you a brand new Gallardo before accepting your money for it, you purchased a Gallardo...not a pinto. Same deal applies here.
I do not know what else happened in e-mails (someone was saying the OP was offered a full refund), but I'd stay away from this whole mess regardless.
I recently made and am awaiting my third purchase from XoticPC and suspect it will be flawless like their reputation. With Eurocom, I'm not so sure.
Sorry for the losses of those who were jipped off.
P.S. Is it just me or does everyone that praised Eurocom in this thread have alarmingly low post counts (newly created, or staff member accounts maybe)? -
I bought two M570ru units from Eurocom 3 years ago. I sent them both in for warranty repair this month. First repair was not too big a deal -- cracked hinges and case - simple and relatively inexpensive fix. My second unit was beat to hell with all kinds of issues including GJOD, broken hinges, blotchy screen, case cracks... you name it. If ever there was a unit that they could have easily disputed the warranty on this would have been it.
Well they fixed both units 100% --- essentially fully replacing the second unit (after 3 years) with new MB, screen, case etc. There was never a hint or question from them that they would not honour their warranty. There was no hesitation at all. They were prompt and thorough and I am very pleased.
I would buy from them again based on the service and support I received. I can't speak to any one else's experience -- mine has been positive in every way.
So there you go. -
One thing I don't understand: If they charge you for things built in the chassis, what if you don't choose those options? Are they going to take them out?
Alas, many companies use these dirty tactics.
they charged me for the 3rd hdd bracket on my d901c.. i didn't choose it.. and they didn't send it.
Now typing www.clevo.com redirects to Eurocom's website (didn't use to be that way) :/ As if they manufactured the notebooks themselves. The real Clevo website is CLEVO
For me it now goes nowhere, but the whois gives eurocom as the owner - perhaps clevo complained...
Also, anyone noticed that clevo have removed the bioses from the usftp site? -
Personally, I had a great experience with Eurocom when I was ordering. I got a good deal at the time, received good customer service, got a sweet discount for trading in my ancient/bricked laptop, and got to order from a Canadian company, thus no worries about cross-border purchasing. A lot of people will rip on Eurocom based on what they have read from a few users, even if they themselves have never dealt with Eurocom. If you're a smart enough shopper and can realize when you're being ripped off (i.e. realizing they are adding charges for nothing), there's no harm in contacting them and seeing what they have to offer. I do realize they have pulled a few sketchy moves though, and I really am curious to know if all the Eurocom hate on these forums have affected their sales at all... -
After that, I contacted Eurocom to discuss what I was looking for. The whole process seemed fine to me. They were very responsive, I feel I got a fair price and I've been very happy with the machine the 2 months since I've had it. I would certainly consider them again in the future. -
Megacharge Custom User Title
It is definitely nice to see all the bad press Eurocom is and has rightfully been getting from users here on NBR is keeping them in line for now (hopefully). -
Megacharge Custom User Title
Their company president was actually busted once using a newly made account here to make favorable statements toward "his side" of the situation while at the same time not coming out and disclosing who he was openly. The guy who started this thread caught on to him and called him out. Eurocom's president was then directed by a moderator to register himself as a representative (grey nametag) as it is a requirement.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/sag...ery-bad-experience-eurocom-3.html#post5440598 -
I had no prob with Eurocom<<< my perfect experience ......oh my I hope my post count is sufficient -
Megacharge Custom User Title
And no it's not. -
As for legality, this is definitely controlled by the UCC as a sale of goods from merchant to non-merchant so any deviation from the writing in the form of the purchase order that is paid for is grounds for refusing delivery... So not illegal, unless he doesn't take it back with a full refund, or an offer to cure with a fully complying delivery... Even the full refund might not be enough because that would entail a breach by the merchant followed by a material breach for refusing to perform or unilaterally revoking the contract...
Anyways, not something that you can sue and make money on (most you can recover is losses + court fees if you show fraud, very hard to show damages beyond that, I mean emotional distress would be quite hard to prove...) -
Megacharge Custom User Title
Interesting read, I've had horrible experiences with online retailers before too, but luckily for cheaper products.
While I do feel the frustration, I do want to point out a few things for the benefit of the victims.
1. Be extremely strategic in how you word things in public forums, correspondence, or anything that may be recorded. That means, STICK TO FACTS. Don't interpret it, don't make assumptions, don't make inferences. Don't make definite statements like "is has to be XYZ", or " which could only mean XYZ". If the opponent wanted to get technical, these statements can bring you down.
2. Only do what you can do as a civilian. For example, you can file a complaint with the proper authorities (which I see you've done), you can warn people on notebookreview with a report of what went down, but you cannot bring justice to these people. Therefore, do what it is that you have the liberty to do as a civilian, and move on.
3. Sort of related to 2.. once you've done what you can do, don't linger. If you've already done all you can do, move on. If there's more you need to say, edit the original post so all your statements are in one place. Continuously bringing a bad image to the other side can have negative effects, especially if there has been significant positive developments on the other side. Even if not, dragging the issue out for a long time may look slanderous or defamatory. Especially if it involves statements based on opinions, inferences, or otherwise non-provable material. Becoming aggressive towards low post users because you assume they are eurocom accounts may potentially backfire.
4. Always take the moral high ground. The opponents hate this. Always be the one showing kindness and compassion. Be forgiving, but demand truth and equity. (Notice how you cannot refute a statement that is intrinsically ethical) A record of high integrity actions will only play in your favor. As much as the opponents disrespect your position, respect theirs. This is very good ethical behavior on the victim's end, as well as strategic.
Which reminds me... as you may have noticed, my post count is low and so I'm a candidate for either a very well written bot or a fake Eurocom account.. check my ip, it's in NYC. Soho, actually. So don't worry.
Anyway, I'm writing all this because if you guys crusade too long in the wrong fashion, it may play against future victims, or to notebookreview. So just be mindful of how you present your ideas and viewpoints on the matter. If you do it right, it'll surely bring on positive changes.
Just wanted to lend some advice cuz I just went through a huge ordeal with a local nonprofit that was conducting legal, but non-ethical activity, and I coordinated the entire board of trustees to bring things in order. We were going against a law school graduate, so it was difficult going against a person who knew every trick in the book.. and in the end my efforts were dismantled. If you want to win, you gotta know all the rules, all the tricks, you gotta outspeed and outsmart your opponent. -
Megacharge Custom User Title
Linking them to this thread is one of the quick and easy ways to expose the wrong doings of said company. I as a consumer feel it is our moral duty to help other consumers stay clear of potentially damaging and costly situations by sharing our knowledge and experiences so others don't find themselves in similar situations, it's the right thing to do. -
For all still keeping tabs on Eurocoms Fair and Legal Business Practices they should read this thread.
NBR 6970M Resellers -
Megacharge Custom User Title
Hi, I find your comments referring to a different thread most interesting.
I'm in the process of getting a new laptop. Eurocom was on the list of companies which I was looking at.
However, it appears their practices have been less than expected from a company. Hence I have now removed their name from my list.
Thank you -
if im not mistaken reflex is a canadian reseller and i havent heard or seen a bad post about them yet. just try to help out my northern neighbors
Yep, there are always alternatives.
I just saw your post d2c!
Thank you, I really appreciate that! -
Thanks, fortunately I don't live in Canada and will probably order my Clevo from Mythlogic, but I have some friends in Canada and will point them toward this thread should they consider getting a Clevo (steer away from Eurocom).
I didnt read every response, but heres what happened to me a few weeks ago. NCIX.com had a weekly special. Previously I had received a super high end Toshiba X500 fully loaded for $1100.00 off MSRP which was less than $1400.00 to my door. I was super happy and still ove the lappy. In this weeekly flyer listed a MSI 15.6 notebook for $1199.00 and said it was over $400.00 off. I was actually camping and using my smart phone to check this amazing deal out. I looked at the specs and was very pleased. I made my order the following morning and sometime during my order the computer specs changed. I could no longer link to the original; laptop and thjought these specs somehow look different. Anyways when I got home and awaited the order to arrive Monday morning I contacted NCIX about the error. I was told just to refuse the package. I was transfered to a supervisor who suggested I could try the laptop and return it under the 30 day policy if I didnt like it. So I accepted it and withing a couple hours I decided it was not for me for many reasons. I contacted the sup. again the following morning and he told me the laptop was not returnable. I was like !!!! Dude you told me I could try it. He said well maybe we could take it back but you will pay a restocking fee. I was like !!! dude you should have told me that before you told me to try it. He said I was lucky they would even consider taking it back. So after a couple days of scrapping with them they gave me another $60.00 off the price which was not enough to make me happy with the deficiencies this machine had. I wanted to buy a higher end MSI but wanted them to price match with Amazon.ca. Anyways to make a long story short I contacted Visa and before they did anything the video card started causing lots of problems so I was able to return on RMA. Somewhere in there Visa contacted them and I got a full refund and never heard anotehr word form them. I wont stop buying from them, but the Supervisor I spoke with was a jerk.
What Eurocom did is wrong in so many levels (and possibly illegal, but I have no idea about Canada's laws)... if it was me I would have cancelled the order as soon as the guy wanted more $USD for the screen.
Used car salesman tactics! -
I'll agree though that the original experience described in this thread is pretty lousy. The only person I dealt with from Eurocom was John Shore who came across as nice and polite. -
Megacharge Custom User Title
It's a shame that we have to keep Eurocom in check. Companies usually can do this themselves, but in the case of Eurocom they've proven time and time again they can not be trusted. Thanks to us guys who've been lied to and ripped off by the corrupt company, they're now being careful with their customers. It pays to get the word out. If getting the word out means people can actually get what they pay for without problems, and without getting ripped off, then we've done well. -
its clearly illegal as soon as the money changed hands he was obligated to provide you with the computer you built at the price that you both agreed on. i hope you got a full refund +s/h and complaining here does nothing you need to report them to the better business bureau.
The title of this threat SHOULD BE "Eurocom wil screw you".
Damn, I have a laptop arriving tomorrow from them. Wish me luck!
Fair and Legal Business Practices
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by metrosuperstar, Oct 26, 2009.