I would like to share my Experience buying a Laptop From Eurocom
I have bought parts such as GPUs from Eurcom in the past but never a laptop.
I have been in the market to get out of my Alienware 18 for about 3 weeks, I was going back & Forth between 3 resllers/Manufacturers Xotic/ Eurocom/Mythlogic i had decided on the P6xxS model. I Had a limited budget from selling the Aw18, so i needed to be frugal. i researched many diiff laptops, searched ebay, looked at virtually every reseller builder i could find.I liked Eurocoms site because they let you remove things like the hdd, and downgrade the wifi card, on the site i didn't have to call & ask to know i could do that. i personally like the the No BS website as well that is very straight and to the point. no flashy shenanigans. this allowed me to create the lowest cost m7 i could. I then was able to use a 10% discount coupon i found to allow me to splurge on the screen, (since im going to be remotely working more and more this is more important than ever)
I was able to get out the door for just under $1200USD ( i paid CAD) for this laptop shipped.
-p670 w/ 90% NTSC Glossy screen
-8GB Ram
-i7-4710HQ processor
-Killer 1525ac wifi
-GTX970m 3GB gpu
probably the best sub $1200 new laptop you could find. I ordered online, and emailed them immediately to confirm the CAD price, ( which i miscalculated) and John emailed me within 3mins of my email with a total, then emailed me right back after i paid, answered some of my questions, never with a delay.
the Next day i had a update saying they needed 2-3 days for testing then they would ship.
the laptop shipped 2/26 from Canada, and was due to arrive on 3/2, i asked Fed ex for it to be held at the store so i could pic it up Saturday.
that is the quickest i have ever received a new laptop, and not only that they emailed me at lest once a day during the process, i never had to seek them out,they were on top of it.
the laptop was packed fairly, although i prefer the Dell super over packaging from the Alienware days.
On a side note, not that this really goes into or factors the over all experience, My laptop was upgraded for free to the i7-4720HQ & GTX980m. I feel like i won the lottery.
thanks for a great buying experience they will be my first stop next go round.
Wow you paid 12oo for something that should have costed at least another $250!! Thats a great deal. Sounds like a deal of a lifetime to be exact!!
mammalsloveeurocom Company Representative
Thank you for the feedback!
Looks like you did well!
Eurocom M7 (P670SG)Buying Experience
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by cleverpseudonym, Mar 2, 2015.