I like many other forum members live in Canada and as such our options are a bit more limited when it comes to choosing a reseller for our sager/clevo units. As such I have put together a list from some of the more common sources and based on communication (email) have tried to estimate as close as possible the TOTAL price.
The config I priced out at each reseller is as follows
17.3" 1080p glossy
pixel perfect
professional calibrate
ic diamond
16gb 1600mhz
6x bd rom/dvdrw
500gb 7200rpm
centrino 6300
pricing will be shown as follows
reseller $config price + (shipping charges inclusive of all charges) + hst (ontario tax)
mythlogic $2178.55 + (225.45 to 272.48) + 283.21 = 2687.21 to 2734.24
reflex $2258.72 + (included/free) + 293.63 = 2552.35
malibal $2138.00 + (184.09 to 206.09) + 277.94 = 2600.03 to 2622.03
prostar $2163.00 + (55.00) + 281.19 = 2499.19
xoticpc $2212 + (99.00-139.00) + 287.56 = 2598.56 - 2638.56
upgrade prices for those that would prefer without ic diamond, upgraded mem, cpu, cali, dead pixel
$464 @ xoticpc (60 day dead pixel)
$415 @ prostar (no cali option) (30 day dead pixel)
$142 @ mythlogic (cali, dead pixel, ic diamond standard) (30 day dead pixel)
$460 @ malibal (45 day dead pixel)
$431 @ reflex (no cali option) (30 day dead pixel)
additional notes
prostar and reflex don't have professional calibration as an option as such their prices don't include it
all prices include 3 year warranty with all shipping costs covered
mythlogic has lifetime labour and 3 year parts with shipping covered
reflex has 3 years parts/labour with shipping covered / some repairs done in Canada and reflex is also located in Canada
malibal has lifetime labour and 3 years parts with shipping covered and also a Canadian repair location
xotic pc has lifetime labour and 3 year parts with shipping covered
prostar has 3 year warranty and 3 year parts with shipping covered
powernotebooks and avadirect were not included as they have no options that cover shipping if repairs are needed
lastly all vendors were very responsive in regards to emails. malibal when pushed about certain prices on upgrades did become unresponsive and very direct / to the point.
hope this helps future purchasers!
Good thread. I don't really like the suggested build to check with them to be honest though. Not many people would ever need 16GB 1600hz RAM for example, that's a huge waste of money for 90% buyers out there. Same goes for 2760QM upgrade. If that could be redone with 8GB 1333Mhz RAM, 2670QM and without color calibration, it'll probably be much closer to what people actually get most of the time. I guess you were trying to select a lot of those to fairly match to Mythlogic price, but you also forget that they offer a free reskin of the entire laptop. I think only XoticPC offers that as well as an upgrade, and it would increase the cost significantly as well.
mem, cpu, ic diamond, cali, dead pixel
$464 @ xoticpc (60 day dead pixel)
$415 @ prostar (no cali option) (30 day dead pixel)
$142 @ mythlogic (cali, dead pixel, ic diamond standard) (30 day dead pixel)
$460 @ malibal (45 day dead pixel)
$431 @ reflex (no cali option) (30 day dead pixel) -
If you have any more questions don't be shy to ask here/PM/E-mail. We're glad to help out in any way.
What will you be using the laptop for?
Also check the guide in my signature for any more detailed info on buying from Canada, it has loads of good info. -
thank you..this has helped me a lot!
could you enlighten us and tell us which company/option you ended up doing?
however given the current promotion malibal has for canadian customers (trade $50 off for free shipping) i would say I am strongly leaning towards them. we will see what changes in the next few months
Canadians Looking To Buy Sager/Clevo
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by paramehdic, Jan 28, 2012.