I don't usually post stuff like these, but I have to say this. I had so many bad experiences with their laptop. I bought P151HM1 last year from their website. They took almost a month to ship it out. When I opened it for the first time, I saw this red dot on the screen. Later I found out that it was a dead pixel. I contacted them and they said it will go away after a few weeks. I still have it on my screen. My hard drive failed on me once and had to wait 2 weeks to get it replaced.
It's been a few months since I lost these two small grips on the bottom of the laptop. I started a ticket (on 10/9/2012) and this is where I am today:
I don't think they will do anything about my situation. Can anyone help me find these grips?
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failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
Threads like this are normally supposed to go in the reseller feedback section.
Sorry to hear about your problems, but it doesn't surprise me much with all the negative feedback those guys have been getting lately. -
I feel you man. I had a pretty bad experience with Malibal when I was shopping around. Good thing I didn't order with them. Hope your situation get resolved.
When I was making my purchase these guys had good reviews, but now I highly doubt they were legit.
You made a wise decision. -
Oooo, I love Malibal horror stories. It is astounding he never learns to be courteous to his customers.
may I ask, why was it rejected and sent back to them?
Why was it rejected? Where do you live?
What sense does it make to refuse to ship again, even when a person offers to pay for it?
What happened over at Malibal? -
yeah i heard if you complain about them, they threaten to sue you. maybe one of kim jong il's son took over. (please dont sue me! its what i heard!)
It was the only time in my life I was outright INSULTED by someone from CUSTOMER service.
On one hand it's nice to know I wasn't singled out, on the other, it's unfortunate others have had a similar experience, if not worse. -
Wow, what a rude employee. He has not realized that the level of satisfaction means everything when running a business.
I live in a apartment in New York.
Do you think it would be wise to file a complaint here? MALIBAL Business Review in Las Vegas, NV - Southern Nevada BBB
+ Where do I get these grips? I still need them. -
But I would definitely report on reseller ratings, that seems to be Malibal's pride and joy, their reseller rating. -
and still the OP wont respond why it was rejected..
sure the OP wants to pay for the shipping, why not shipping and handling? This is a business, it is work to REpackage and REsend stuff. thats time, time is money.
I am NOT defending Malibal, just need full scope from both sides -
OP did respond 2 up from your post.
Do you think I wouldn't pay for the handling? Show me a company who cries over rubber grips.
I would pay for it, but they never asked. They are too arrogant of their decision. And also look at the time between our replies.
And look people they already locked my malibal account, so I can't access my order information:
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UPS must make one attempt to deliver package then two subsequent attempts unless you request them to hold the package.
In any case it shouldn't matter. They should just ship the damn thing with USPS because value is low and who cares. I can't believe they locked your account too. That's how they end up smelling like roses, they block out anything that is even remotely negative about them. -
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
That's ridiculous, locking a customer out of their website because they had a legitimate complaint in an open forum? Too bad it's not within the first 30 days, I'd return the laptop and buy from LPC Digital, Xoticpc, or Mythlogic. Screw Malibal.
thescreensavers Notebook Consultant
Do a BBB complaint. Its pretty easy
Wow, can't believe they locked your account. What happens if something else, such LCD or GPU, fails while your account is still locked? This should get resolved as soon as possible.
it's good that they can't block your NBR account
Oh god I feel your pain, this is just brings ridiculousness to a whole new level.
Reading this makes me want to email them and remind them how much they suck. Even though I dont reslly mess with clevos thst crazy
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2 -
Do not buy from Malibal. Ever
i assume NBR is probably one of the largest source of customers for these resellers? then it honestly doesnt make any sense for them to us off, what they thinking!
go avalanche! -
So this is the nice email I got from Malibal after I told them I was going with Xotic:
"I like how you try to suck the life out of companies like a vampire - we gave you a nice discount code... even though we already had the LOWEST price - and all you did was use that nice offer to get a better price at Xotic - if we wouldn't have given you the $35 discount offer - you would be paying $35 more at Xotic... then on top of that you have the nerve to come back and ask us to price beat a price that you only got because of us - in the first place... and then lied about the specs being the same - and then tried to rub it in our faces that you were going to buy from Xotic if we didn't price beat your fake price comparision.
Listen, we weren't going to accept an order from you after your last email and I hope that was obvious. Your account has been banned from our store. Now go purchase from that other company, that's where things like you belong."
When I brought this up in NBR, this is the nice PM they sent me:
"Do not ever speak our company's name again. You are not one of our customers and you will never be one of our customers."
If this is how they treat potential customers, I can't even imagine how bad they are after they get your money.
erm... huh, well golleee, I guess I want to order from them in the future... -
Lol they won't be getting an order from me.
Thanks for the heads up on Xotic PC, though, will definitely have a look there.
Malibal, you suck.
Advice to anyone reading, DO NOT BUY FROM THESE FRAUDS!!!
Please threaten to sue me... -
If those messages are real...oh boy... What a nice way to alienate customers. One should never take it personally, even if there happens to be a difficult customer. When a seller behaves like a child, he looses all credibility.
Getawayfrommelucas Notebook Evangelist
wow and I thought my experience with xotic was unprofessional - sorry to hear what happened dude. My experience with another reseller was also a bit unprofessional but it wasn't nearly as bad as this - it's almost like a lot of these resellers should go through a CSR type of class before they do business, it would really save themselves and their brand a lot of head ache.
Wow... well f*** malibal.
dont get how they even get money if thats how the deal with customers. also as a consumer we are acting in our best interest to get lowest price possible, not being a vampire.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Bad Customer Support (Malibal.com)
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by N1L, Jan 24, 2013.