Hello everyone.
I'm looking to buy a top spec Clevo P751ZM soon and have a few resellers on my radar. CEG Hardcore Customs appear to have a good offering of customisations and a good price.
Does anyone have any good or bad experiences with them?
I've very new to all this so am really looking for a company that will offer good support to someone less experienced.
thanks so much for the help =)
splinterfaction Notebook Enthusiast
never heard of them. where are they based?
splinterfaction Notebook Enthusiast
Sorry, I should have shared their website too: www.ceg-hardcorecustom.com/
They are based in Germany but have a very accessible website and ship worldwide. -
I don't have a great experience with them up to now. I've purchased a P751ZM from them in start of february and still sorting out issues with this order. I actually going to do a proper write up on my full experience later today.
they are not on the clevo list most prob wont get much feedback on them (scroll down to german flag) http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-resellers-in-the-european-union-v1.652403/
imo best even though most prob dearer would be mysn.de -
posted my experience in own thread
http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-experience-with-ceg.774292/ -
splinterfaction Notebook Enthusiast
Any experiences with CEG?
Discussion in 'Reseller Feedback Forum' started by splinterfaction, Apr 8, 2015.