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    Switching from Desktop to RB 14".

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by Qwahchees, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Qwahchees

    Qwahchees Notebook Enthusiast

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    I've been deciding between an Ultrabook + Desktop or just move on to replacing my Desktop with the Razer Blade 14".

    It seems pretty powerful, and on-par with what my desktop performs with, so it seems like a decent switch. I primarily code and do graphic work, I use multiple monitors on my computer but I'm willing to look past that.

    What do you guys think, is the RB 14" good enough to replace a full desktop? And what's the TN Panel like? I heard the viewing angles aren't so good :/.

    Thanks guys :D
  2. Baconstrip

    Baconstrip Notebook Enthusiast

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    I don't have mine yet.. but when it comes to coding/graphics work, I have a feeling you will be alright. This laptop does have HDMI, so you can hook up another monitor. The panel on this thing is pretty much universally panned in reviews, so for graphic work, I would not want this to be my primary monitor. That concern would be gone if you hooked up a 2nd monitor at your desk :)

    For gaming, there will be no comparison between this and a high end desktop. This thing is incredible for how small it is, but the graphical capabilities are far less than what would be in a higher end desktop. Personally, as someone who is a big gamer, this is going to be my ultra portable gaming machine.. I would never give up a desktop setup. No matter how fast any laptop is, it will never come close to comparing to a higher end desktop box.
  3. anytimer

    anytimer Notebook Virtuoso

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    Baconstrip pretty much nailed it. The Blade 14" can dissipate a little over 100 Watts, so they have to use mobile versions of the CPU and the GPU. The desktop, on the other hand, doesn't care about all that. My desktop has an 800W power supply, and I'll go for even higher when I next upgrade.
  4. Nick11

    Nick11 Notebook Consultant

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    If I can add my two cents... my current setup is having my Razer Blade 14'' as my main PC... with a 27'' monitor at my desk where i do most of my gaming. I have been very tempted at times to get a desktop PC as well but I have decided against for the following reasons:

    1) Gaming at 1080p on my 27'' monitor with my blade... I am quite impressed with the performance I am getting. I by no means max out most games, but even on the most demanding games I am able to play on Ultra settings minus the AA. To me this is still very suitable for gaming, I am getting much better graphics and performance than the "average" desktop and every console gamer. So basically I am saying I can live with 40 fps + on all games without necessary having everything on Ultra.

    2) Although it would be nice to be able to max everything out on a desktop.... But I mean we are talking a very small increase in graphical performance, and a massive increase in FPS. Considering my FPS on my blade is already at satisfactory levels I have a hard time justifying wanting more.

    3) At the end of the day its just too conveinent having one PC "My blade" which can travel anywhere and hook up to my monitor for gaming when I am at home. What I think the next step is for me is an external graphics card. Owning a laptop and PC is just not convenient for me... i want an all in one machine like the blade with the capabilities for massive performance when gaming at my desk.

    Taking all of this into account made me decide to live with just the blade for another year or so.... .... I know desktops have better gaming performance but when you take everything into account it's just not worth it for me....

    I think I rather just stick with my laptop and buy a next-gen console.... just my 2 cents...
  5. Qwahchees

    Qwahchees Notebook Enthusiast

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    The two cents you're giving is what I want C:

    I'm ready to kinda shelve gaming aside for more important things, I'll play the occasional DayZ, Battlefield 3 and League of Legends but I'll primarily running Minecraft and doing tests with the code I code :p.
    Thanks guys C: