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    SO frustrated with this company I am in tears. Do NOT buy a Blade 2014, or do so at your own risk!

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by starbeans, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. starbeans

    starbeans Notebook Enthusiast

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    I am absolutely at my wit's end. I got a Blade 2014 in June of 2015. I've had to send it back twice for repairs for the same damn problem - intermittent charging while gaming. It makes gaming near-impossible because it dies after about 20 minutes on/off charger, because it promptly dies. Completely defeats the purpose of a $2000 laptop. Both times, they replaced the motherboard and battery. Both times, the issue appeared to be fixed but reoccured within weeks. The third time, I asked for a refund and was refused. They pointed to their 14-day return policy, I pointed to their warranty policy which guarantees the machine to be free of defect for 90 days after repair which they did not live up to. They ignored that. Finally, I just sent it back in for the third time for a replacement at their offer. I am a college student in the middle of midterms and was unwilling to part with my laptop, again, but did so out of sheer desperation. I was promised a replacement unit would be shipped out as soon as they got mine. It arrived Monday - nothing. Come Tuesday, promises it was being processed and would be finished soon. Now Wednesday, I emailed again and was ignored the entire day. I called and was told they were testing the unit to verify my claim and it would take several days before the replacement laptop could be shipped out. They'd let me know when they were finished, and I am extremely dubious about their "testing process" that failed the two times they sent a defunct computer back. They're holding the damn thing hostage! I paid $2000 for a gaming computer that's almost useless for the purpose for the past four months. I am in tears and feel completely helpless. I have no idea why my laptop can't hold a charge when gaming, but I'm going with a desktop next time.
  2. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    You know for reasons like that alone is how I ended up shifting sides to the Evil Empire and going with Macbooks. As awful as people may say they are, they are both productive and reliable, backed up with a warranty that is unmatched.

    I used to be an Alienware guy, but switched over. Anyways I just wanted to say that I'm not pushing you to go get a macbook, but I want to say that you're stressed our right now and don't let a computer get you all hyped up and emotional/furious. You're going to look back at this years from now when you're in your job or career with a boat load of cash and it'll be something you will laugh about. Trust me I've been there and I'm reflecting back on it. Try not to let the objects and materialistic things in your life (Razer or any laptop) define your happiness, what you do with these things is far more important then the things themselves. FYI I'm 26 years old so I'm not some old adult telling you this, lol.

    I'm laughing right now that I still owe about 3 grand in college loans, and that was stupidly spent on Alienwares, lol.... I'll pay that off now...
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
    deedeeman, hfm and starbeans like this.
  3. Raidriar

    Raidriar ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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    If you're hurting for a school laptop, you can pick up a cheap ThinkPad T420/T520/X220 on ebay to get you through while the mess blows over. I would sell the Razer if/when it comes back to you and purchase either a Clevo gaming notebook or just go with a desktop and take a thinkpad to school.

    Hahaha, no. I have a Macbook Pro 15 2011 that had its video card fail twice under AppleCare, and while it was replaced then, they no longer touched it out of warranty when it failed again. When I took it in for the "recall", they wouldn't fix the dead video card because it has a small dent in the corner. Apple has several other dead/dying models with discrete GPUs that they wouldn't cover with this recall program, and left owners out to hang. The only Apples that don't really fail are those with Intel Integrated graphics only, and nobody that wants a gaming/workstation/pro work would ever consider such a computer.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
    starbeans likes this.
  4. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    That's not true, Apple admitted to making a mistake on not fixing the dedicated GT 330m Nvidia Chips and started to accept them for RMA outside of the normal policy due to the large number of user issues. Granted you probably had rough timing. I know this because I owned that system as my first system Macbook Pro. Since that system I've picked up 2 additional systems with little or no issues.
    starbeans likes this.
  5. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    After reading this kind of stuff i decided not to buy any razer products anymore. After buying keyboards, mouses, speakersets etc. I wanted to buy the Blade. But in the end I felt it was too good to be true. Bought a Gigabyte P34w V3 with similar specs and it has similar problems Just too much heat in such a tiny chassis is killing off parts of the laptop in no time. I hope it will be resolved for you though.
    starbeans likes this.
  6. starbeans

    starbeans Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks to everyone who replied, these kind of comments have helped me get through this crazy mess. I posted on Reddit and got a lot of helpful advice there too. Razer has reached out to me and offered an upgrade to a different laptop and a gaming mouse because of the extreme nature of my case. Although I was totally stressed with their product quality and customer service up until now, I am pleased with this result and would recommend dealing with them again - if you can be persistent and STICK UP FOR YOURSELF. I've learned that. Thanks to everyone for posting their experiences in this thread, good and bad. I am hopeful that this laptop will provide better experiences. I guess time will tell :)
  7. hfm

    hfm Notebook Prophet

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    That's sucks but at least they made it right in the end. I still love my 2014. Had it for a year and a half now with zero issues. Well.. I can't exactly say zero. One of the fans wasn't secured properly and I had to tighten the screws to fix a buzzing sound and my left track pad button is not very sensitive sometimes, but I was the one that chose not to send it in for that as it was still well under the 1yr warranty when that started happening. It's rare that it happens so I'm just dealing with it.

    So really other than the track pad button I've been extremely happy with it.

    Sent from a phone that is not a 128GB Frost Nexus 6P
  8. EmberV

    EmberV Notebook Evangelist

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    You should NOT need to call them out on social media to be treated well. I don't see why you would continue to recommend them after they wanted to screw you over?
    hmscott, HTWingNut and Eason like this.
  9. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    It's a pipe dream to have all of that stuff into a tiny compact system and not having things break at high temperatures. Its the sole reason why I have given up on gaming laptops several years back and migrated to a Macbook/Gaming Desktop setup. This setup has not only saved me countless headaches but it has also improved my overall productivity. This in turn has netted me tens-of-thousands of dollars in the last 4 years :)
  10. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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  11. Raidriar

    Raidriar ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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  12. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    As hard as this may be to take or swallow, don't let one experience from one store or manager give you the impression for an entire organization or company. I'm not saying that as an Apple Fanboy or anything, but just as a customer or consumer of really anything. This thread is a perfect example as to what I'm talking about.

    Originally the OP had stated he had issues and went on to say 'Don't buy anything from Razer, Screw Razrer' gee this sounds familiar doesn't it?

    Then.... a razer community member probably reached out to him and gave him a better experience. In short, I believe that you just need to reach out to the 'right' people to get issues resolved. If this has been exhausted then I would agree with you. I just feel that in life alot of times you'll find things get done through relationships and contacts with the 'right people' and I feel that you shouldn't be so quick to write off organizations or large groups through single experiences.

    FYI, I work for a large generic drug company, and assist in pricing of hundreds of drugs we/I deal with this everyday.... And yea we have just as many haters as any other organization probably even more :) But I'm trying to provide a product that improves quality of life, and give an experience that's enjoyable for all. Many people have called people like me everything in the book :)
  13. Raidriar

    Raidriar ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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    This isn't my first shoddy experience with Apple. I had a iPhone 5S that magically had its screen start lifting for no reason, and apple denied the warranty repair on it even there were absolutely no marks, scratches, or damage to the phone anywhere. I pulled it apart and found the battery was SWOLLEN. Wtf Apple.

    Don't compare Apple to Razer. Razer is not a well established PC manufacturer. They've made accessories for a while, but they are relatively new to the PC manufacturing front. For the amount of incredible BS Apple spews about quality and superiority, they definitely have not been in my experience. And mind you, I have owned Iphone 3g, 4S, and 5S as well as the 1st gen ipod touch and a Macbook Air in addition to this Macbook Pro.

    Every manufacturer has build quailty problems, I get it. Alienware has its fair share, but I've always been taken care of. Even Razer can be goaded enough to fix its problems. But Apple? I've never had anything but lame excuses from them for every issue I come in with.


    At the end of the day, use what you like and stay away from what you don't. Plain and simple. I can never be convinced to purchase an Apple product again. I ended up trading the Macbook Pro for an Alienware M15x to some sucker that thought he could get it fixed at another apple store even after I told him they didn't fix it at mine. Best trade of my life.
  14. Raidriar

    Raidriar ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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    Double post glitch
  15. .PoNeH

    .PoNeH Notebook Evangelist

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    Recommending Apple laptops for those in the gaming sector is an absolute LOL. You made my week. xD
    Makyura likes this.
  16. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    You might lol at it, and I may have made your week. But I'll just simply tell you this, me switching over to the macbook saved my life. And if it didn't save my life it literally netted me a difference of about 35 to 40k in my yearly salary intake today.

    It assisted in my ability to 'grow up' and transition from a 24/7 gamer to a more controlled 2-3 maybe even 1-2 hour gamer per day. I literally would not have graduated college had I kept going down my gaming laptop route that I was leading. Before switching to apples I owned a grand total of 5 alienwares, go through my post history I even gave away 2 alienwares for free on this very forum or for a few hundred dollars as a flat out lost. People thought I was either crazy or extremely generous. I knew at the time I had bigger plans and ideas in motion, and boy was I right....

    I would not have gotten the grades that I earned towards the later part of my college career nor the productivity output that I was getting. I'm currently 26 years old today and I can proudly say that I earn over 96k and over 100k after my year end bonus check. I only have a bachelors degree and I live in the Midwest. The Apple laptop helped tremendously in the last 5 years to get me there as well as Linkedin. LoL at that.... How do you like dem apples? Is that an absolute LOL for you?

    I don't promote Apple laptops because I'm a fanboy of apple, I promote them because I want others to experience what I've been fortunate to experience in the last couple years of my life, and I want others to grow and become successful. I did not get there by myself, and I'm doing my part to give back in the only way I know how. I wonder everyday had I made the transition sooner what could have happened, because again I made the transition in my 20s, what if I had done it at 16??? If I'm able to do this in 4 years, what could I have done 4 years earlier with 8 total years??? Read my posts in their entirety the only thing I really spew out is 'Perspective' go back and re-read my posts in even this thread from the beginning. You're getting caught up on the hardware keywords I say,but really I've been spewing out 'perspective' from the very beginning, you'll see it if you go back and re-read my very first post.


    I'm still able to play a small but limited number of titles on my Macbook as well more games via windows Bootcamp today...
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
    Splintah likes this.
  17. Splintah

    Splintah Notebook Deity

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    I would say this had less to do with the fact that it was an Apple and more the fact that you had a mindspace change ;)
    .PoNeH and rinneh like this.
  18. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    Believe me I want to agree with you and I want to say you're right however the reality is that I have a compulsive or addictive behavior and I required a complete removal for that to have happened. It's similar to that of an alcoholic being around a bar or a shopaholic being around a Mall or Department Store. In many cases extreme measures are required in order to get over something. These extreme measures are not for everyone, and to those who can control it I say 'Good go you', because you have strong self control and discipline. Over time these things can be resolved (It's part of growing up) but in the mean time some people need help. Anyone with an addictive or compulsive behavior (I'm not calling it a disorder) should know exactly what I'm talking about.

    Going back to hardware, I could have just switched to Linux and I should have been fine and perhaps have a thicker wallet. However do you know how much easier is it to meet girls at the Library in college with an apple laptop as compared to a gaming laptop? Wow.... I had no idea...

    Today I'm just glad that I can talk about it freely and openly because I've gotten over it and have grown from it and I also want to help others should they want/need help. But getting back to the original topic of this thread, the OP almost seemed as if his life was ruined over a Gaming Laptop that wasn't working. I was there at one point, and through my experiences in the last 5 years I've learned that life is much more grand then that. In turn, I was trying to share insight. If my insight isn't wanted, I'll gladly shutup but again I just want to help where I can.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  19. .PoNeH

    .PoNeH Notebook Evangelist

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    "Going back to hardware, I could have just switched to Linux and I should have been fine and perhaps have a thicker wallet. However do you know how much easier is it to meet girls at the Library in college with an apple laptop as compared to a gaming laptop? Wow.... I had no idea..."

    You're so full of **** bro.
    hmscott, rinneh and Makyura like this.
  20. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    How am I full of $hit? Anyways go read my next post, I posted everything there just for you. Then tell me how exactly I'm full of $hit?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
  21. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    Removed on 3.17 in hindsight I'm not even sure what I was upset about or what transpired here but it was a mistake on my part.. .
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
  22. bennni

    bennni Notebook Evangelist

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    Be happy that you met your fiance and that you're doing well financially - that's all that matters. With this said, also be aware that human beings make extensive use of confirmation bias by attribute outcomes to whatever fits with a preconceived narrative that we have in our minds.

    Nobody is saying that you haven't done the things you have done and achieved what you claim (It's not exactly wild stuff so there's a distinct lack of imagination if this is a work of fabrication... Claiming that a Macbook turned you into a dragon slayer and dropped Megan Fox into your bed would be pretty wild, for example), they are just saying that-on the balance of probability-it is more likely due to things of much greater significance than a Macbook. You did these things by yourself and achieved what you did on your own merits and hard work - and you should celebrate this success without attributing it to an electrical device.

    Ok, in light of the last post you wrote before I hit the submit button. Let it go - life's too short and with enough problems to go finding some on an internet forum. It just doesn't matter.
    darkloki likes this.
  23. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    I agree with you, but a couple of things.

    The original OP seemed to have lost perspective, and I never said that the Macbook is the reason for my success. I merely said that it helped me gain greater perspective which I felt the OP has lost, and admitted that I had lost it at one point in my life as well. On top of that I went on further to state that there are other ways to gain 'said' perspective but felt it was important to gain. That is more important then any electrical device, and in fact it will help one enjoy life better. I can't get over the statement where I said it's not about the devices you own, but about what you do with it.

    Then... PoNeh seems to either have doubts in what I was saying or 'believe in general' further stating that I'm full of $hit... Thus, I gave him everything he should need to back up EVERYTHING I've said.. My history with gaming laptops, with an image of myself, which he can then match to my Linkedin Profile so he can clearly see that I've done what I've said I've done :) and I'm now curious to see his response on how exactly I'm full of $hit. If your'e going to make an accusation you better be damn sure before you make it ;)

    In light of everything thought you're right bennni, I've got better things to do with my time then to deal with the trolls on internet forums like PoNeh
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
  24. bennni

    bennni Notebook Evangelist

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    Ok, I can't be psychic and assimilate your ultimate meaning, but when you say:

    "switching over to the macbook saved my life. And if it didn't save my life it literally netted me a difference of about 35 to 40k in my yearly salary intake today."

    and: "I don't promote Apple laptops because I'm a fanboy of apple, I promote them because I want others to experience what I've been fortunate to experience in the last couple years of my life, and I want others to grow and become successful."

    I think there's a fair argument to be made that you're attributing too much influence to an electrical device - and I doubt I am the only person to get this impression. It seems that .PoNeH was expressing this same sentiment-albeit in a less kind way-although who knows?

    My life is too short to argue against what increasingly appears to be circular reasoning but consider that since I could do anything else with my time and that my post was well and truly written with your interest in mind - that it doesn't require refutation but consideration.
  25. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    I wish you knew me during those years, things instantly changed when I made that switch. As much as you might think it's an overstatement, let me just say that I graduated late was in a phase of just enjoying the moment as compared to building a foundation and I needed a strong cold turkey switch. He still stated that I'm full of $hit which I don't quite follow and I think you haven't even touched upon that either. I'm still waiting for his lame response to come, which should be interesting.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
  26. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    This irks me the wrong way, it is fine you think that owning a macbook was a big change in your life. But kinda implying that having a gaming laptop or play games is anything bad surely rubs me the wrong way. I am a gaming enthusiast, hell I find time daily to play some videogames, but I also have a good career, graduated university twice, playing music in a band and can travel multiple times a year while having a good relationship. The stuff you own has nothing to do with it, the hobby's you have, has nothing to do with it. Personality and self control has.

    Not meaning offensive in any way ofcourse.
  27. darkloki

    darkloki Notebook Deity

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    That particular post wasn't directed at you (Notice the name after it? Is that your name?), it was directed at .pohneh, he accused me of being full of $hit so I went off to backup everything I said. I'm not sure why he said I was fully of $hit though so I went off to prove him wrong. And your sentiments are reflected in my first post within this thread.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015