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    Need help with 2015 Razer Blade 14" issue

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by JonSn0w, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. JonSn0w

    JonSn0w Newbie

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    Hello all,
    Though, being a fan of Razer and their products, my 2015 Razer Blade has me in a frustrating situation. I'd like to preface this by saying that my machine definitely sees a significant amount of use, though in response I go above and beyond to ensure that it is taken care of very well. Now, my situation began after owning my Blade for about 6 months, one of the rubber feet/bumpers started coming loose and had to be held on using tape until falling off entirely.
    Thinking that this would be no big deal to replace, I contacted Razer support, only to be told that to replace the bumper the laptop would have to be RMA'd for 2 weeks. Now seeing as I am currently a Computer Science student, it is unlikely that I would be able to be without a computer for that amount of time, so I shared with them my situation and in response, I was given no alternative or guidance on how I could possibly re-attatch the bumper myself. Nevertheless, I continued enjoying my Blade and made due.
    Fast-forward to about a month ago (about a year into owning my Blade), I noticed it had obtained a new audible clicking that I would describe as a "HD skipping" sound, which was loud enough that it was easily heard by the people around me during class and was present pretty much whenever the machine was in use. I have since deduced that this is probably the result of the right fan being misaligned or having an issue with it's bearing. So yet again, I attempted to contact Razer support hoping for a more reasonable reply. Nope. I received the exact same response, and am currently going through the whole merry-go-round all over again of having my case escalated only to receive the same response until I give up.

    Now don't get me wrong, I still love my Razer Blade. I also understand that these kind of issues happen, but I just think this situation is starting to feel a little helpless. Where if I can't afford to be without a computer for an estimated 2+ weeks, I essentially have a $2000+ laptop that is preventably degrading within the first year of ownership.
    So I was hoping that maybe there is someone here who has had a similar experience, advice, or possibly managed to find available replacement parts?

  2. kent1146

    kent1146 Notebook Prophet

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    You need to RMA the laptop if you want Razer to repair it. Straight up. They aren't going to send you replacement rubber feet, or a replacement heatsink assembly that a customer installs on their own. If you want the laptop fixed, you need to RMA it. This is the reason why warranties exist.

    If you can't afford to be without a laptop for 2 weeks, then that's a different problem. If I were you, I'd first try to borrow a laptop from someone, or possibly the CompSci department at your school. I'm sure they have some unused laptops that they could loan for 2 weeks. I'm certain those laptops are under the control of a single individual who COULD help you if they chose to. So if you're confident in your social skills, you could try navigating to find that one individual, and persuading them to loan you a laptop.

    If you're not confident in your ability to do that, or if you try and fail, the next step I'd take is to buy a used laptop on eBay, and then sell it again when I'm done. Some very capable 2-year old laptops can be bought for only a few $100's, and they would sell again for nearly the same price 2 weeks later. You'd take a hit on eBay and PayPal fees (about 10% of the sale price), but consider that the "rent" you pay to have that laptop for 2 weeks.

    The other option is to view this as an opportunity to upgrade. You could wait until October, buy the new revision of the Razer Blade, and then send your old unit back for repair. When it comes back, sell it on eBay. You'd lose several $100's on selling a previous-generation Razer Blade, but there are plenty of people out there willing to pay that price in order to have the latest-and-greatest. And for people who do that, having a defective part is the absolute perfect time to upgrade.
  3. RageBone

    RageBone Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi JonSn0w,
    if its not allready too late, I think You can fix those two things yourself pretty easely.
    Razer only has a 1 Year waranty and if your out, itll get expensive compared to whats broken.
    Opening it voids the waranty too, so there is no way of looking inside without voiding.
    If you have waranty, use it, if not do it yourself!
    The fan, is probably a "DFS 501105 PQ0T" atleast in the 2013 and 2014 model. Its obtainable.
    Edit: Not every 501105PQ0T you can find on ebay the one you actually need.
    found this, even thoug overpriced:
    Edit2: Cheaper one :D

    And for the feat, its only a matter of the right glue as long as you still have the feat.
    I'd suggest not to use super glue (cyanoacrylat)* but everything else could be good, try and error.

    Sincerely Rage
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016