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    My experience with Razer Support

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by Makyura, Nov 4, 2016.

  1. Makyura

    Makyura Notebook Consultant

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    Hello everyone!

    I want to share my story with this community, as many of you are here to burn 3k $ or euros on Razer systems and I'd love them to make sure they do know what they are going through.

    I'm a proud owner of a late 2015 Razer Blade which is under warranty for a month more; many of you may have read already about pressure/heat marks appearing on the display with time, and some migth have experienced battery/AC problems as well.
    Well, I'm (un)lucky enough to have had both issues:
    - display began showing marks from the very begin, I didn't care enough at that time and I just started leaving it cool down before closing the lid as I found out that's the main reason for this to happen.
    - Since almost a month ago the notebook started going back and forth from battery mode to AC mode while playing games (Witcher 3 mostly) making my FPS jump as damn; I noticed the AC plug got broken somehow since by keeping it in place this issue stops (I carry it around using a Tactical Pro backpack and Razer Blade hardcase, so it shouldn't have been damaged by any outer action; most likely one more heat damage...)

    Well, I obviously contacted Razer Support and, after a few days of e-mailing I finally got issued a RMA and a shipping label: economy one.

    It took them 5 days to get the laptop (as I said, economy shipping), 10 days to work on it and, while they were about to send me the unit they noticed they had "forgotten" about the display issue.

    Really? Yes, really.

    I waited 10 more days since they didn't have any display in stock at EU support center and they then needed some time to install it.

    Fine, almost a month's gone, about 7-10% of my warranty period, okay.

    Yay! I just got the notebook this morning, was so happy; this long wait also killed my productivity as I use many softwares as I'm a space engineering student, but who cares? I had been told they swapped the whole MB and the whole display, I was gonna get an almost brand new laptop....Great!

    Or not.

    Here you can check the "proof" out:

    Not even one of the two issues has been fixed, something has also been used on the display and some of the anti-fingerprints coating is now gone, while I try to clean it with a professional notebook cleaner it clearly shows how the screen isn't completely hydrophobic anymore (it was just perfect before sending it in)..


    While I asked to get my unit replaced the Support guy just said "it's against their policies".

    I'm now waiting on a reply from their support manager, God knows how long more it will take... God, the time I've wasted...

    I won't comment on all of this as I just want you to KNOW how this company relates to his customers.

    EDIT: My discussion on Razer Insider has been locked and I've been told to contact the mod through direct PM, he's been online for hours since I did so, multiple times, and he absolutely ignored my message.

    UPDATE (15/11/16):

    Update on the issue:

    I got told to send in my unit 10 days ago, being absolutely assured I'd be given a PERFECT (support guy himself used this word) laptop, either new of refurbished. Both my unit (as they kept using economy shipping labels) and the new one arrived at their Hamburg offices yesterday; guess what?

    The new unit shows display issues, easily caught on a cheap camera, I don't even wanna know how bad it looks in real life; I'm attaching the pictures they sent me to show me the problem:

    I got told I'd have to wait for US offices to send them a new unit which will then be forwarded to me, for a total of around TWO more weeks. I asked for a swap to ANY (even FHD altho mine is QHD, even 128gb altho mine is 256gb) new device, the much I need a laptop: I got told no, it's against policies.

    I contacted their support in October the 5th, 42 days 'till now; nothing has been fixed yet, it's gonna take TWO months.

    This is what a company which sells so-called "premium" (what? brand new display shows issues, bran new montherboard shows issues, brand new LAPTOP shows issues) laptops offers with its support.

    I want everyone to know about this; altho I'll be happy to update this thread once everything gets fiexed, this is what it looks like 'till now and who's gonna spend a bunch of money on their devices needs to be aware.

    Reposted with updates on the issue to make sure people won't burn their money.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  2. kent1146

    kent1146 Notebook Prophet

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    Yup. I had similarly poor customer service when ordering my Razer Blade laptop.

    Razer laptops are like Verizon Wireless cellular service: Amazing product, but absolutely piss-poor customer service. (Un)fortunately, the amazing product is why we keep buying, despite the fact that the customer service from any other company would tell us to run away.

    C'est la vie
  3. Makyura

    Makyura Notebook Consultant

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    Could I get back the money I'd be sold on AW 13 as of now, or prolly GS43VR...

    Notebook itself is awesome, but I could use it 9 months/10 as of now, and it's probably going to take one more month...

    I rather HAVE a good notebook, than knowing I own one in a reparing center some k's km away, lol!
  4. kent1146

    kent1146 Notebook Prophet

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    Yup. The new Alienware 13 looks slick... Especially with that OLED screen. Yummy.

    The big advantage of the Razer Blade is that it looks subdued, like a black all-aluminum MacBook Pro. If you are a working professional that meets with client leadership, you can bring that laptop into board rooms for work. The Alienware 13 would look too tacky and gamer-bling, and give the wrong impression.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  5. mario64

    mario64 Notebook Evangelist

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    I too am having major issues with Razer Customer Support right now. May I ask how you were able to get a manager engaged?
  6. Galm

    Galm "Stand By, We're Analyzing The Situation!"

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    For any prospective buyers out there, I highly recommend getting Razer machines through HIDEvolution. You pay a premium of 100 dollars or so depending on the model, but then you don't have to deal with Razer's pitiful worst in class customer service. HID has fantastic customer service and will help you quicker should there be an issue. Protect yourself from Razer by using a competent middleman.

    For example I have a keyboard software issue that I know what the cause is, but I have had a ticket for like almost a month trying to get them to wipe their cloud data for my account and fix it. Should finally happen in the next day or so.
    saturnotaku likes this.
  7. Makyura

    Makyura Notebook Consultant

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    I told them I won't accept any "this is our policy, now just waste some more time" reply as they kept my laptop for a whole month already, meaning that I want a new unit since I gave them too much time already.
    This made them escalate the issue.

    Note that I sent them 8 pictures of the issues I'm experiencing and the YouTube video I posted.

    I'm attaching some of my pictures, just in case anyone experiences the same.

    Attached Files:

  8. spiralzz

    spiralzz Notebook Evangelist

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    I just ordered one! this is now making me nervous...
    I've also ordered an alienware, they should arrive around the same time window and I'll be able to return the one i dislike the most. But the level of customer service issues at razer are swaying me towards AW regardless.

    Also it seem they (Razer support mods) are not very nice on their own forums constantly locking down threads where people have issues and other crap stuff, damn shame really it wouldn't take that much effort surely?......

    I really hope I'm wrong as i love the look of the blade and the specs, but they just seem really really arrogant and while they have good product and seem to be milking the whole supply/demand scenario's this kind of attitude will will not work out for them in the long run.
  9. Makyura

    Makyura Notebook Consultant

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    As I said, if I could get somehow my money back I'd be sold on the AW.

    Too good display, too good specs, good upgradeability, second SSD slot, removable RAMs.
  10. hellsend

    hellsend Newbie

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    this is mine

    First of all this is not a request for support, I already have a case I only want to share my experience.

    Case: 00879016

    Let me start again since my post was deleted and it didn't violate any of the forum or community rules. Also, I got no answer, message or notification of any kind from them about the post or about support.

    my first post that is still up

    my second post that was deleted

    My case number 00879016

    In June, I asked for a RMA for my Razer Blade 2015 qhd+ because It has several issues:

    the screen had dead and stuck pixels, also it had screen bleeding

    the fans made a clicking noise

    the bottom rubber band had peeled off

    if you touched the metal part next to the touchpad and keyboard you got an electric shock

    the system overheated a lot

    The RMA number RMAREZ-156910 was assigned to me, I sent the notebook and Razer received it the 12th of July, after a few days it was sent back to me.

    I was assured in an email that the product was fixed and had passed all quality controls in their repair center.

    My surprise came a about a week later when I tested the notebook and I was unable to play any game at all. I checked in device manager and I realized it had an error under the 970m

    Error code 43, after talking with Razer and trying things out for about a month, they agreed to send me a boot drive to see id that fixed the issue.

    I tried 5 clean windows 10 installs, 3 clean windows 8 installs, razer intel drivers, razer nvidia drivers, latest nvidia drivers, latest intel drivers and nothing. I always got the error code 43 under device manager. I Contacted Nvidia and they told me this was probably a hardware issue and that I should ask for a new RMA, I contacted Microsoft and they told me the same thing.

    I told Razer support that I preferred to send the notebook to RMA because I didnt think that a bootdrive could do anything that I didn’t tried before. They refused to accept and RMA and told me to just wait for the boot drive.

    the first boot drive that never arrived and got shipped back to them (they didn't gave me an explanation)

    Order #*: RMAREZ-162472
    Order Date*: 08/08/2016
    Shipment carrier*: USPS
    Tracking #*: LN459645608US

    After 2 months of waiting they finally (because they refused several times) to send me a new boot drive.

    Order #: RMAREZ-169705
    Order Date: 10/07/2016
    Shipment carrier: UPS
    Tracking #: 1Z90X1520319872033

    this bootdrive also never arrived!

    So, after contacting them again, and again they agreed to send a third bootdrive and continued to refuse accepting me to send the notebook to RMA until I tried the bootdrive.

    And they told me that they would charge me for repairs, because the notebook was out of warranty.

    So I looked up their warranty policy

    Which stated “Repaired or exchanged Products shall be warranted free from defects for a period of ninety (90) days after date of repair or exchange (as the case may be), or for the remainder of the original Warranty Period, whichever is longer.”

    And only after this they told me not to worry that they would cover the repair if needed.

    Finally, the last bootdrive arrived, I tried it several times, and the issue still persist.

    I contacted support last week and I still have no answer from them.

    What frustrates me is that I have been waiting for almost 5 months!!! And whats worse is that they deleted the post

    Which said pretty much the same that this one.

    So I am saving this post in a *.docx, and in the case is gets deleted for no reason I will contact my lawyer, and post it all over reddit, internet, every forum I find, and I will also put all the conversations I have with support so that everyone sees the way you treat customers.

    Instead of mistreating your customers, try to care for them. I really hope this gets to them, so that no one is treated this way again.

    I am very disappointed and frustrated, I bought several items from them including
    • 2 mamba
    • 1 chroma mamba wireless
    • Firefly
    • Deathstalker ultimate
    • Tiamat 7.1
    • Man o War chroma
    • Tartarus chroma
    • Orochi
    • Tron Keyboard, mouse and mousepad
    • Blade qhd 2015
    • Blade qhd 2016
    • Blackwidow chroma stealth
    • Razer Core
    • Razer Blade Armor Case
    • Lycosa
    • Hammerhead pro
    • Headphone stand
    • Razer Naga chroma
    • Blackwidows battlefield 4
    • Adaro Wireless

    And many other, so you can see that I am a very good customer, and I don’t feel by anyway retributed.

    Please Razer, don't be evil! and help people who support you
  11. mario64

    mario64 Notebook Evangelist

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    RazerCS hasn't been active on this forum since last year...
  12. Eason

    Eason Notebook Virtuoso

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    Probably because they can't ban people who criticize them on this forum :)
  13. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    It is ridiculous that for the amount of money they ask for their products they do not offer better warranty & support. This is what you would expect for a cheap brand and even then it is unacceptable. Too bad their brand is hailed by many gamers because it caters to gamers. It is starting to have an Apple "sheep" style userbase. From bad support to flat ou tlying in their marketing materials (the Razer blade pro with the 1080 is not the first thin laptop with an 1080 inside, yet they state the nearest similar product woul dbe an ITX form factor PC).
    Eason and spiralzz like this.
  14. spiralzz

    spiralzz Notebook Evangelist

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    This whole thing is totally disgusting what a way to treat customers

    I'm Gone shame as I really liked there product but the support is just shocking I'm cancelling my order.

    Some people have said their arrogance is like apple... wtf? love or hate apple they have phones to call support, they replace item no questions asked if its faulty wish more support was like theirs.

    Razer are terrible, its taken them 4 days to respond to my request to cancel and that was just to say we will get back to you regards your cancellation request in 48 hours..... guess what they haven't got back..... t***s
    bloodhawk likes this.
  15. .PoNeH

    .PoNeH Notebook Evangelist

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    As soon as the Dell XPS 15 comes out with a 1000+ Nvidia card I'm putting my RB2014 up for sale and not looking back.
    Eason likes this.
  16. saturnotaku

    saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    When I had my MacBook Pro, I had nothing but positive experiences with Apple support, both at their stores and over the phone.
  17. X33nbat

    X33nbat Notebook Enthusiast

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  18. Makyura

    Makyura Notebook Consultant

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    Update on the issue:

    I got told to send in my unit 10 days ago, being absolutely assured I'd be given a PERFECT (support guy himself used this word) laptop, either new of refurbished.
    Both my unit (as they kept using economy shipping labels) and the new one arrived at their Hamburg offices yesterday; guess what?

    The new unit shows display issues, easily caught on a cheap camera, I don't even wanna know how bad it looks in real life; I'm attaching the pictures they sent me to show me the problem:


    I got told I'd have to wait for US offices to send them a new unit which will then be forwarded to me, for a total of around TWO more weeks.
    I asked for a swap to ANY (even FHD altho mine is QHD, even 128gb altho mine is 256gb) new device, the much I need a laptop: I got told no, it's against policies.

    I contacted their support in October the 5th, 42 days 'till now; nothing has been fixed yet, it's gonna take TWO months.

    This is what a company which sells so-called "premium" (what? brand new display shows issues, bran new montherboard shows issues, brand new LAPTOP shows issues) laptops offers with its support.

    I want everyone to know about this; altho I'll be happy to update this thread once everything gets fiexed, this is what it looks like 'till now and who's gonna spend a bunch of money on their devices needs to be aware.
  19. eastbayrae

    eastbayrae Newbie

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    My 2016 RB 14(bought first week of May) died last night: when it boots both fans run at max and the screen/keyboard won't light up. I am waiting to see what CS will do.
  20. Makyura

    Makyura Notebook Consultant

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    Good luck with that...

    I got last week a new replacement, after two months, and I've had 7 BSOD yesterday, it crashes every time I unplug the AC.

    While I asked them to stop sending me ****ing 2015 (very likely refurbished) stuff and just gimme a 165 W (new version) AC, I got told NO!

    They will send me one more 2015 AC...

    Stay away from this retarded company, stay away!
  21. hiuwo

    hiuwo Newbie

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    Exactly the same for me, I had a Razer system - the Razer Edge Pro,
    the webcam didn't work, the mic was very choppy, and the WiFi/ Bluetooth does not work.
    I emailed support all they told me was to reinstall and restore.
    Then ended up asking me to spent hundreds of dollars sending it back to the HQ in the US and after days they insisted it was fixed and they sent it back to me only to know EVERY SINGLE above-mentioned problem was there.

    So if you received a working unit, congrats, but if you havent, then dont spend any time with Razer, just sell it. Don't buy from them unless you have a working unit in a store for purchase and you can test it before you buy.
  22. Makyura

    Makyura Notebook Consultant

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    This sucks so bad, sorry to hear this; they should pay for something like this, it's absolutely against any possible law.
    Keep it up, keep asking for free return as you've paid for it already, and they didn't fix what they had to, don't give up!
  23. Eason

    Eason Notebook Virtuoso

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    It's funny that in the Razer forum/Razer reddit, anyone who makes a post like "I am enjoying my razer!" (despite listing numerous issues) gets an official response like "Great! Glad to see the majority of users are enjoying their ______!". It's so cringe-inducing.
    rinneh, Makyura and bloodhawk like this.