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    Major Battery Issues Plague Razer Laptops

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by signer, Jan 1, 2020.

  1. signer

    signer Newbie

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    14 Battery Malfunction Issues reported in under 3 weeks, and that's only regarding Batteries
    People are getting ripped off within slightly over a year right after the warranty ends as batteries keep swelling up and potentially causing fires.

    Can we get some tech media journalists to investigate this scandal?
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  2. Muezick

    Muezick Notebook Evangelist

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    This problem isn't isolated just to razer. It's a cheap Lithium Ion Battery problem. Have seen many laptops that are not six months old come into my shop with swollen up batteries. Lenovo. Hp. Dell. Samsung. Seen them all come in, aged between 6 months and 24.

    It's a bit disappointing that Razer does seem to consistently use really cheap garbage batteries, given the price they sell at. Wasn't "Warping" a fairly big problem with the Razerblade 14s as well? From circa 2015-217 before the 2018 RB15 was released? Wonder if batteries were responsible for that. Makes sense. Not sure what else could warp a unibody aluminum chassis.
  3. jeremyshaw

    jeremyshaw Big time Idiot

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    This is really what has kept me away from Razer laptops. I used to just like the concept, but now quite like the designs as well. The overall layout is quite decent, IMO, from the 13" and 15" laptops.

    But the battery won't last, and their support is challenging ASUS and no-name junk brands for last place. Oh, well. :(
  4. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    Dell etc sell in the millions a year, Razer didnt even sell 60000 Blade Stealths in a single year. The failure rate is much higher.

    It can happen on all brands, that is true but it tends to be off cases while at Razer it is just common. Where all other manufacturers use reputable brands such as Getac, Samsung, LG etc for their battery cell pouches. Razer uses BYD, in fact their whole laptop line is made by BYD. BYD is not a laptop manufacturer but actually known for their E-car copies and just simple cylindrical li-ion cell batteries. Every Razer laptop generation has a **** load off issues. I hoped the 15 would be different. Bought into it also because it was simply the only laptop available for me at short notice and I really needed one. Will enver buy something from them again.
    Vasudev and Muezick like this.
  5. Muezick

    Muezick Notebook Evangelist

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    I dunno of all the things to be concerned about failing in any laptop, battery is pretty small potatoes. The worst case imaginable is like an Alienware 15 or 17 R1-R5 et al, where it's like a complete disassembly to replace. Razerblade 15 and so on are maybe a dozen screws, or so, in and out and you're done. Replacement batteries aren't that difficult to get ahold of. I think of all the parts of a laptop I'd like to fail, that's the best? Basically anything else is going to be more expensive or require more labor to replace.

    These are all fair points. I agree with you.

    I guess if it happened to me, I'd probably be mad, but all the other benefits of the razer outweigh it for me. I could sit here and weigh my own pros and cons, but its a personal thing. The software is more of a deal breaker for me than any part of the hardware and i got over that heh.
  6. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    It is true that it is easy to replace, but it tends to deform the whole chassis in the process if you dont catch it in time and or it just happens too quickly. Screw threads are also ruined from the pressure when it happens. Just all in all very messy,
    Vasudev likes this.
  7. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    This means you will from now go back to Alienware and soldered ram and WiFi?
    Vasudev likes this.
  8. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    Nope, to be honest. THere is only 1 laptop that I would buy as of now if I had the choice. Mag 15. It is the only machine that fits my current lifestyle unfortunately. Still have my ALienware 15R3 as a backup. But quadcores arent really cutting it anymore.
    Vasudev and Papusan like this.
  9. Muezick

    Muezick Notebook Evangelist

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    This is a serious competitor. Had no idea these guys existed.

    Do you know who makes their motherboards?
    rinneh likes this.
  10. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    They are made by Tongfang. Not sure if they create the motherboards themselves or not. But as far as I knwo they are a competitor to Clevo and the likes.
  11. Terreos

    Terreos Royal Guard

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    I’ve definitely seen other manufacturers have this issue also. But, it is Razer so I’m not surprised. Though I’m guessing it’s an issue with the batteries themselves and not how Razer built the machine. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if they never bothered to switch suppliers if they kept giving them bad batteries.

    Seeing a lot of 99wh batteries in these CES laptops being announced, so hopefully we see less of this is 2020 from all manufacturers.
    Joikansai likes this.
  12. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    It is about the difference in severity. There are one off cases for every brands through. It is the amount that differs and Razer doesnt even sell 60000 Blade Stealths a year. What they sell is peanuts compare to the others. They are making as stated in their financial result papers a huge loss on system after service.

    Razer didnt design and build this system. They are using BYD as a system designer and supplier. They also manufacture the batteries themselves (they are actually the company that copies electric cars in China)
  13. Raidriar

    Raidriar ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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    You guys are ignoring another factor. All these manufacturers are pushing thin and light machine with high power components that generate a ton of heat. Laptops in the past had external/removal batteries in their own chassis separate from the main chassis, giving them some thermal isolation. Cramming all this stuff in one spot has been problematic for years with CPU temps bouncing off the limiter and SSD controller temps also bouncing off the limiter. I don’t understand how these “engineers” are just ignoring thermal constraints.

    A battery’s worst nightmare is exposure to high temperature.
    Dennismungai, Papusan and hmscott like this.
  14. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    It's not the engineers fault - necessarily - it's the customers that demand impossible products - thin and light yet full performance laptops that ignore proper thermal management and result in creating unsafe battery environments, not to mention the rest of the components that get starved of cooling, like high performance SSD's.

    When this trend started many of us tried to help potential owners understand the problem, and to steer them toward large frame laptops if they wanted to game or do real work. Unfortunately it was the manufacturers that held that role and fell down on the job.

    In order to stay in business they've had to cater to what people will buy, and the large frame laptop with adequate cooling isn't popular - even though it's the only size that makes sense technically to be able to expel the heat and protect the components in the laptop.

    Many of us also tried to help potential buyers to clearly realize that thin and light laptops were for posing for selfies. Those laptops are "props" for filming, not for using.

    The thinner the laptops are the noisier they are too when actually using them, and that is just one more thing manufacturers have "solved" by allowing components to overheat.

    I've shared my experience of when I finally couldn't use Apple laptops because every model thermal throttled and screamed their little fans out when I tried to do my normal workload on them. I wasn't even doing any batch processing, just loading up my remote access software, development software and some support items.

    As each Apple laptop was configured for work and failed to perform I took it back to Apple and showed them the problem, they scratched their heads because they couldn't believe the Apple Engineers would put out such a product that failed to perform actual work.

    This was in 2012 or thereabouts...

    Apple let me take out each model available that season configure it for work, and subsequently return it for a full refund because I could show them it was not cooling adequately to do my job.

    The last Apple Macbook I tried was the 17", and it got closest to any of them, but it was the last year model of the 17", and it had already been thinned down to uselessness - higher hotter performance had finally met the thin form factor and the form factor failed.

    It's gotten so bad that for the last couple of years many more makes / models have done the same, wasted their batteries quickly under high thermal load, bloating and ruining their chassis and needing full replacement.

    I'm pretty sure it's potentially gonna happen to each and every model of thermally unprotected laptop battery using the newer packaging and chemistry that exhibit's this sensitivity to heat - something has changed or the heat has increased past the level the battery's can operate.
  15. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    Not the full truth, bro Hmscott. The engineers or the OEM manufacurers think they know what the customers want!

    Dell thought the idea with soldered Storage was a good/great idea. They never asked what the customers wanted when they pushed out soldered storage in their thinner Dell Jokebook last year.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
    hmscott and Mr. Fox like this.
  16. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    Hmm... a smartphone with a 13-inch screen would be a lot more desirable than a tiny turdbook with soldered storage and memory. If you're going to stoop that low, then you might as well have a cheap price to reflect the cheap engineering. No point in buying some dead-end piece of crap like this when you can get an Android tablet or Chromebook for about $200.
    Papusan likes this.
  17. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    They sell millions of Macbooks and Dell XPS'es a year and even though there are some one off cases of abttery bloat with those machines and brands as well. They are by far not as common as what you see with Razer. While Razer yet has to touch 100k units sold a year! A well manufactured battery is able to sustain the stresses thanks to just good overall chemical qualities & batteries with proper load balancing between cells. Razer Batteries have none of that and even puff up in Stealth ultrabooks that dont nearly get as hot as the full size Blade lineup.

    In the end I end up tweaking the **** out of my systems to keep the temps around 80c during gaming load but I know with this Razer crap I can expect a fairly high chance still of having a bloated battery in time. The only thing I can do is catch it in time and buy a replacement battery until I replace this laptop. Hopefully soon I have to travel less like I have to do now and I will just build a proper desktop again and have a less powerful laptop for my travel days.

    Regarding the soldered stuff. Soldered memory and SSD's is where I draw the line. I couldnt care less about soldered CPU's and GPU's. Intel changes sockets more frequently than I change laptops and the GPU upgrade boards are just too expensive for what they offer (and do take space). But not being able to just quickly swap an SSD for an upgrade (or just a faulty drive) is just a big no for me.
  18. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    MacBook was designed to run hot :D. Back in 2012 was upgraded my laptop from Qosmio x505 to MBP 2012 and use as work and gaming laptop, GTA, FIFA, AC I play mostly on that with crappie fps but playable to me at that time. Yes it runs 90ish, but idk maybe I’m just lucky that Applebook still runs Catalina and 1909 very well only maybe 150 bucks ssd and ram upgrade in this...6 years. Since I use rarely on the go (battery) since 2014 (upgrade to Razer Edge), and now I still can get good two hours windows. I never regretted throwing bucks on this laptop. Just upgraded to 2019 base model in fact, and with core help I play fallen order sometimes for fun on the internal display which is quite good since the color and sound is decent on this jokebook, well external speaker is better though but for fun it’s just great :p
    Stealth is cool if you’re using it as ultrabook but stealth before 2019 was hot when you paired with external gpu like Razer Core. Thanks to power limitation, but even I removed it it still can manage 80ish max spike, meant they do better cooling on new model.
    Lol comparing Razer with Dell or Apple, Razer has only 3 laptops models now with specs difference it’s bigger though, they even sacrificed the tablet for concentrating in laptop, and the idea maybe is stolen by Alienware on project UFO.
    hmscott likes this.
  19. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    Its the users fault if they start removing limits that are in place for a reason but in general they run cooler. But I cant imagine that more than 25% would remove those limits. Macbooks run hot always out of the box but their battery designs are sublime and they use great manufacturers.

    and ofcourse I compare Razer to the likes of Dell and Apple. They are asking the same amount of money! We arent talking about cheap Acer budget laptops (and you could argue even that those are more reliable). a tablet with add on controllers are not Razer's invention nor are those of NIntendo. NIntendo perfected it though so I think the credits should go to Nintendo. But Alienware iterates and improves heavily on it. Would be an instabuy for me.
    hmscott likes this.
  20. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Apple and dellbook aren’t same with Razer, Alienware I would say m15ish. Performance wise also asked money.
    It is literally Razer Edge painted white :D, added with recent specs. No after Switch came out it literally swapped my Razer edge, I don’t need work out anymore :vbbiggrin: when playing games on handheld mode. If it comes with TB3 it’ll be different story though, pairing windows tablet with core is one of my dream, but asus transformer the name I think, thermally throttle a lot and I think it was 2 lanes.
    Wait this’s out of topic, yes you’re maybe true the battery on MacBook is looks like day one, the capacity weared though. Stealth 2016 and my old Blade 14 was running hotter than current units so if I keep it over 2 years maybe I’d get them also pregnant idk, but both units are sold to someone I know they didn’t tell me anything though (live in other city so I don’t see them often) but I told if there’s anything wrong they can use my id for repair on Blade 14 since I sold it with EU rest guarantee (8 months rest from 2 years but I think now already passed). I’ll contact him and asking about it later.
  21. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    Razer Edge was more of an Ipad style tablet with a backframe extension with 2 controllers. While the Alienware UFO is a whole different form factor with 2 separate controllers similar to a Switch.....

    I think ALienware doesnt receive enough credit, even though Those GPD Win Max tablets etc that people mod to play Doom 2016 etc mobile on are a similar concept but more in a Nintendo 3DS formfactor.

    But honestly I really feel you should be more critical of Razer, Dell, Apple etc have large margins on all machines, margins to keep such large companies afloat. Razer isnt that size at all yet, but they do ask a lot and sometimes even more. They should at least be equal to the industry leaders when it comes to reliability. But all their laptop issues might be just the fault of BYD. But then they shouldnt stick with them for what is it now? 4 generations, 5?
    hmscott likes this.
  22. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Both to me look similar you play with controller that has screen between it and can be played with normal style controller on dick mode, and it runs windows. Nowaday Nintendo brought famous switch style controller, junglecat razer Bluetooth controller doing also this, if there’s Edge predecessor maybe they’ll use this style as well.
    Razer asked more because there was no similar product, Razer Edge was also 1K asked base model mine, pro was even more, plus Pheriperals, but for its unique it sold like a peanut in zoo. There’s a lot alternative in thin light gaming machine thanks to nvidia bringing maxq, there was only gigabyte with ugly (sorry if there’s gigabyte fans) looks back then, so Poeple like me who put firstly aesthetic before performance :D, and want sexy MacBook Looks like laptop only had Razer as option. They always take a risky bringing new gears with a lot performance on thin and slick design and buyer with bachelor degrees (lol), should consider that. Now it’s not only Razer other brands as well since they moved to this direction, starting with gigabyte with their Aero, MSI with gs65, Asus I think was with zephyrus, and not forgot of course Alienware with m15, I’m not surprise when I’m this 2020 it’ll be another 13 gaming ultrabook, last year MSI trying prestige 14? and Asus g14? comes. It’s good imo made Razer doesn’t monopoly this area and made them selling late 2019 already 200 bucks off on some model to keep the race, plus this and that discount some are even got almost 500 off, wait maybe it was only me :p.
    Yes it’s quite a while they’re using BYD before I think 2014 was gigabyte. With battery issues popping here and there I think they’ll try their best, they’re not idiots I think :D. In Reddit I saw also some are replaced freely even out of guarantee, apparently depends on CS though. But nice to know at least some try to get responsibility like Apple and gigabyte (when I’m not wrong) with similar battery bloat Issues before.
  23. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    Sorry but Gigabyte was doing thin n lights before the Blade, the Sony Vaio Z13 was arguably already a high performance thin and light (early blades came with similar mid range GPU's). Samsung also had a couple of Macbook pro look alikes with mid range GPU's. THe reason why it wasnt done before that was simply because no hardware was available to do it with. Razer doesnt create this hardware. BYD has zero computer experience, they make electric car knockoffs.......SoO they are trying to reinvent the wheel. All those Blade 14s dying because the GPU bios chips where fried etc are already warning enough to be careful.

    Razer just got away with copying the Macbook aesthetic because they werent big enough (And still arent).
    Papusan and hmscott like this.
  24. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Yes I’ve Vaio sz GeForce 7400m but compared to other gaming laptops the performance was horrible so upgraded in 2009 to qosmio. Gigabyte had thin light gaming laptop, sorry that was new to me which model? I knew Aero was first their proper thin light gaming laptop. I’m talking about 2kg gaming laptop btw, not Aorus such big laptops it’s alienware class for poeple who like MacBook form factor laptops.
    Yes mobo fried is thin light laptops issue with minumum cooling room, from Dell XPS to current msi gs65 it’s known not limited Blade 14, want avoid that go with Alienware...wait is 51m MoBo die is solved? Then right you can build proper tower and go with crappie low performance cheap build thin light laptop :D
  25. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    Thats an older Vaio Z. The Vaio Z13 had a custom Geforce 330GT. Could run MW2 which was just released in those days at 1080P at a solid 60fps at medium settings. Whih was unheard off for a 13inch 1.3kg laptop. The laptop that made me switch from a Macbook Pro 13 back to WIndows.

    Gigabyte had the P34 series. those where released just before the Blade 14 and also shared some internal design cues. It was just released in Asia before the Blade 14 launch. I had the P34W-V3 which came with a Geforce 970M. The Aero 13 was the gaming version of it and came just a little bit later.

    Why do you pick singular issues (Which are often solved in later batches for any brands) with a consistent returning issue of Razer which has been present for 5 or 6 laptop generations and they never even opened their mouth about it. Again why do you keep defending malpractices?

    The Blade 15 is one of the lower CPU performance thin and light gaming laptops out there (Which I accept for the formfactor). But ofcourse a similar sized laptop which pushes double the watts on CPU runs hotter. How many Alienware, MSI, Acer etc cases of the past 5 years can you collect with bloating batteries that ruins the whole chassis? a quick Reddit search returns more than 200 cases from the past 5 years!
  26. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    lol, 200 cases did you count it? Never counted that on other brands as well, but I noticed some had, from MacBook and Zephyrus and other brands users I saw also commented it’s happening as well with other brands, that’s what I can tell not really have time to counting that. There’s a lot battery bloat reported on Razer subreddit but it’s because the high price and poeple are more loud due this and expecting same, similar with butterfly keys on MacBook some had no issues with that.
    That gigabyte not curious out of my radar, every Poeple has their own taste and it’s by far my taste :D. FYI XMG has also some tiny ugly (imo) machine before.
    That’s call power limitation, it can pull like other laptops, they’re all same cpu if you can take the risk of higher themal by removing it and get same extra temperature and performance cinebench score, nothing Biggy. On default synapse profil there’s also lower and higher watt cpu profil. I use it mostly for gaming so as long falling order can hits 144Hz 1080p epic i don’t need m15 80watt? 99degrees cpu :D
    Edit: just checked Reddit since you mentioned it, this’s for example not all bad, same with good experience popping out I could also comment there, maybe latter when hater comes :)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
  27. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    I actually did count it.....

    I have stated many times, there are one off cases with other brands or products too, it is about the amount in combination with their low sales numbers. Alienware is currently the best selling manufacturer but I barely can collect 3 cases from the past year regarding battery bloating while There are more than 20 cases psoted just in 1 month time on the Razer reddit.

    Razer, ALienware, Asus, MSI are for their thin and lights all int he same ballpark regarding price. Macbooks are sold in the millilions and it is rare there too. Technicians disassembled the battery packs and notices large differences between the individual cell packs when it comes to voltage which hastens the degradation.

    I really dont get why you defend this crap.
  28. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    I just updated post above with Reddit link. Okay good to know it’s 200 cases. Lol 3 happy users (from that post)/200 :D
    Edit: Oh Alienware just came on this world, it’s time matters. Try to look at Asus, Gigabyte that already came before, I think I saw some battery bloat issue somewhere.
  29. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    why dont you read my posts? I said the amount of battery bloat case vs sales numbers. You can barely find any cases for the other laptops regarding this issue.
  30. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Just put gigabyte battery bloated and you’ll find p34 users Reddit or other forums. That’s not barely LoL.
  31. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    So you can fidn a couple of cases, while you can litteraly find hundreds for the Blades in the same timespan while Razer sells less laptops. Good job.
  32. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    If they make a lot with a bit effort I think I can find more, just doesn't worth my time, rather continuing fallen order yesterday, on almost 2 years blade 15. There was also other post on Reddit that put YouTube video with someone telling his blade 14 still working fine 6 year s when I'm not wrong. So it's enough for me to take conclusion that there's also happy users out there.
  33. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    The thing is, i didnt need to do any effort to collect more than 200 cases. I bet money on it you cant find for any other brand with similar salesnumbers. I put money on that bet. Its was a 3 minute search and quickly counting the cases. I dont care you didnt had the issues, be happy you didnt. Doesnt disregard the fact that razer their quality is trash and can be objectively pointed out why. It is about percentages. Then i ilso ignore the charger cases...
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  34. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Anything is a trash if you don’t know how to use it and always see things from bad aspects. From my wife perspective Blade is also a trash since she loves about her MacBook and doesn’t game and seemly prefer bringing unknown brand from her work place heavy ugly black laptop.
    I mentioned somewhere above Blade 14 charger was hot but they improved it on 15 and current late 2019 stealth by not trying to minimize it. You can bring it on I would be happy to argue :D And yes I’m happy doesn’t have issues with that :)
  35. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    So you are either saying that Razer users are more idiotic than others and that is why their laptops fail way more than order brands or you are just talking nonsense. I think it is the latter. People that know their stuff already pointed out the flaws multiple times. You have never ever given a solid argument against it and only come with stuff like "but hurddurrr the Dell XPS13 also had a bloating battery". 1: again......those brands sell in the millions and those issues are pretty rare cases even with those enormous sales numbers. 2: for all brands you can buy spareparts through official channels including batteries, for Razer you cant. 3: Razer never ever acknowledged publically that they have quality issues while Dell, Lenovo, Sony etc etc all did proper recalls.

    I dont care what your wife prefers, what does she and her work have to do with this anyway? Stay on topic.

    The Blade 15 adapater doesnt get hot? it gets over a solid 65 degrees!!!! It is the warmest ever recorded by NBC! I have 2 PSU's just simply for the reason if one craps out I still can use this laptop. People have seen 'm litteraly go poof! If you consider it running cooler than the Blade 14 PSU, how hot did that one get according to you?

    You might be a nice guy irl and stuff. But you know nothing about laptops yet you defend Razer as if you work there (i hope not because they seem to treat their employees pretty bad if we have to beleive recent articles).
  36. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Wrong it’s Blade Pro ac adapter that nbc mentioned hot, and it’s predictable since it use higher gpu tdp but remain on same wattage with Blade 15. I posted here somewhere or maybe it was per pm playing games while putting ac adapter on my thigh like an hour or so, it’s warm but not hot.
    The thing is if you think that’s trash and couldn’t do about it than it’s trash for you, that was an example. I can manage it well so it’s by far trash to me, yes good to me :) Seems you just paranoid about that, unless I need it on work I never buy secondary ac adapter, well on go I use mostly stealth that can be charged with anything even a Powerbank though, so that’s out of my concern.
  37. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    The Blade Pro 2019 charger is the same as the Blade 15 2018/2019 charger......

    It gets way hotter than the Triton 500, ALienware 240watt etc chargers by far. I can grab a flir camera from work even to show it actually does get above 65c. PSU temperatures arent exactly linear to power usage you know and those 10 extra watts of power on the Blade Pro GPU dont make it suddenly much hotter.

    Again flaws have been pointed out, it is not an opinion but facts. Facts you try to discredit with just a mere singular opinion without any proof to back up your claims.

    People just use the laptop ffs, flaws have been pointed out. There is nothing you can say to prove otherwise. You have never given any credible information. Just in every topic you are "no my blade runs fine", it isnt about your blade. You are just using the blade as pretty much any other user. THere is nothing more you can do or nothing less. It is about all the customers that do run into problems and Razer isnt helping them. Razer is not fixing any flaws. It took them 3 Blade 14 generations to fix the GPU bios chip design flaw which ruined motherboards. They solder jumper wires to a motherboard because after discovering a fault they where to cheap to release a new revision! You are naive or just a fanboy and dont act like you have a magic usage pattern, you where just lucky with your units....
  38. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Yes I’m fanboy both Apple and Razer, what wrong with it, since they’re great device and suits my needs.
    With your prophet title you should know the difference between ac adapter powering different units, because Blade pro requires more power of course it’ll be hotter on specific usage like gaming. It’s like powering Blade stealth 2019 gtx model with 65 watt mx150/non gpu model one, that tiny one would run hot.
    Edit: sorry here apparently titles is due post numbers so I took that word :D
  39. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    You are terrible at reading posts.....I said those 10 watts barely matter. People including me noticed the heat of the PSU way before the article was even written by NBC. Again, the watts/heat curve isnt linear. Then also even considered that both laptops dont even fully drive the PSU since the power usage doesnt even surpass the 200 watts on both units. Someone (cant recall who) theorized that Razer maybe doesnt mention the through watt output and just mentions the power that it pulls from the wall socket. No PSU is 100% efficient. It is most probably between around the 85% efficient. My PSu is far hotter to the touch during a match of Modern Warfare than the top side of the keyboard deck is (which is the most hot part of the laptop chassis), that says a lot.

    You do know the Blade pro 17 only pulls 10 watts more right? Just saying. and being a fanboy basically means you cannot look objective at said subject.
  40. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    No no who said 10 watt you meant gpu 100 watt tdp I’m guessing that’s wrong maybe more depends on bios version that might limit it, I saw somewhere i think here or maybe Reddit it can even spike to 140 watt. Plus extra fans, maybe not too big, cooler environment might make users want to push it more, meaning it demands more power supply from the brick. We’re not talking about 10 watt difference, overall performance on jarrodtech and I think other reviewers telling that Blade pro 2070 is equivalent with some 2080maxq laptops, that’s pretty sure not only 10 watt difference, on this forum someone tried cross flashing bios Blade pro, I think he didn’t get the same performance even there’s improvement compared to default one. I remember from that he couldn’t pull out tdp he wanted.
    Back to Blade 15, AC adapter is lying right under table so I can notice that well, it’s warm but not too hot to touch. Maybe rtx cards require more that idk, but mine gtx model 2018 one is fine.
  41. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    There isnt headroom for 40 watts in that PSU. So you would just drain your battery if the 140watts long term gpu usage is true.

    You are just making assumpetions which are totally baseless and ignore the commetns from users including mine that the PSU gets extremely hot and for quite some users they have gone up in smoke. Just as a lot of Blade 14 PSU's.. I cant comments on the 1070MQ models but in the 2070MQ it gets extremely hot. Far more than any PSU's that I have ever owned. Also compared to laptops from the same generation and similar size.
  42. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    It’s normal tdp spike to higher wattage, like 90 watt tdp 1070maxq Blade 15 that spike to like mid 90ish, that Blade pro gpu can spike to 140, and it’s not an assumption. I’ll back later if I found that HWinfo64 screenshot, too lazy don’t have too many time to check. If the tdp throttle down and remember cpu one is also limited maybe same 45 watt, it won’t drain the battery, main power from laptops cpu and gpu still won’t across 200 watt, this’s bonus for you to explain why Blade laptops cpu is different compared to other, they put effort on gpu performance, like Blade 15 1070mq 90 Watt, early 2019 rtx2060 that dominates 3dmark, now Blade Pro which was crushing other maxq laptops gaming FPS. Check google or your favorite Reddit if you want to check my statement, forgot where I saw that. I make one if I say “maybe”, that what usually poeple doing when assuming things.
    About hot PSU I know only Blade Pro since someone asked me about that, but on Rtx model Blade 15 I think I only heard from you, gtx 2018 1070maxq literally sit mostly on the carpet since June 2018, it should leave some mark if it’s too hot, I believe Blade 14 one would be. I don’t have other similar specs to compare, what laptop did you put for comparison, for similar size I’ve MBP13 and Old stealth 2016, on gaming tiny 65watt ac adapter was hot when I checked but mostly I don’t care about it, PSU for demanding works should be hot nothing to worries about, if it make loud coil whine like on 2018 some early batch 2018 advanced model I would be worried.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  43. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    There are plenty of comments regarding the blade 15 psu. Dont be a selective reader. Compared it to my own alienwares and the triton500, msi gs75 psu's. 65c doesnt leave a mark on carpet.

    Razer isnt "crushing" other laptops. Also wouldnt matter if it goes up like a balloon thanks to that battery.
  44. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Just finished Fall order, played around 2 hours or so. That’s not hot at all, normally warm, way cooler than previous Blade 14. Maybe you should care or consider RMA if it left mark on your carpet already. Maybe if one of my Blade falling out I’d consider trying other brands, you know lullabied since 2015 with Blade laptops changing brand is like changing MacBook to windows OS, some got culture shock :D
  45. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    I nowhere ever said it marked my carpet, as if 65 is enough for that. Also I have to Razer PSU's both are equally hot.
  46. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    Sorry my bad, i didn’t get secondary Blade 15 PSU on 50% sale today since I’m pretty confident it’ll hold well, maybe rtx one hotter but mine I think not even 50 degrees, I know how hot is 50 degrees since I had mx150 laptop with keyboard surface area running on that temperature, but today my first time getting secondary PSU, 65 watt stealth power brick for on the go since 1650 100 watt one is quite huge to bring around. Ah btw that 100 watt is also not hot at all, so feel bad knowing you have two hot PSUs.
  47. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    All my other laptops have by far not a PSU that runs this hot. It is that hot I cant hold it for long when in use.
  48. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    I can put it on my foot both while gaming, don’t have rtx Blade both gtx maybe rtx demands more power. Only Blade 14 tiny one I couldn’t do that on my other laptops Qosmio, MacBooks not quite sure never touching them.
  49. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    Fun detail, the one i ordered from the Razer website. came in a Razer Blde 2018 adapter box and was marked as one for this machine. They never updated the boxes.
  50. Joikansai

    Joikansai Notebook Deity

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    That are all same adapter the difference only the lappy, maybe more to that model power consumption Issue. They are just right doing AC adapter form factor change in 2018 imo, at least to me. Way cooler than predecessor, maybe rtx one should be bigger o_O
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