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    I need some serious help: full bios needed for Razer Blade Stealth 2017

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by veridiux, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. veridiux

    veridiux Notebook Enthusiast

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    First off, I know what I did was stupid and I know I screwed up. I tried to update my bios on my Razer Blade Stealth 2017 7500U and it failed, caused the computer to brick. I freaked out for a few hours because this is my one system at the moment and then ran into a post that helped me try and hardware flash the bios. Alright, everything so far so good. I flashed the bios, but still didn't work. I came back later around 2am and tried to flash it again, only to realize after that I flashed a completely different chip. The chips looked the same, it was late and I messed up. These are the two chips I flashed and now I need help from someone that can send me the .bin from both chips, and maybe tell me which one is the actual bios chip. I would really appreciate help guys, I keep digging myself into a hole on this and now I'm at a dead end.

    I circled the two chips I flashed...

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  2. Emtee_

    Emtee_ Notebook Enthusiast

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    Sorry cant help you with my RBS 2020, just bios mod flashed mine a day or two ago with success, but I could also have screwed it up as I also almost tried to flash the wrong chip.

    I highly doubt that they would help you (even if the effort on their side to mail you a 16MB? bios would be 10 mins of work at best) but you could always try and asking Razer :D

    Their customer support is atrocious though (And I've only ever had a Razer system for a few months now) they couldn't even understand the most basic questions and/or answered them all wrong.

    So even if you get passed their most basic stupid 1st line customer support ... chances of success are slim.

    Btw. Check the number on them and find the datasheet, the biggest (Mbit) is most likely the actual BIOS.
  3. veridiux

    veridiux Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hey, I appreciate the response and I did message them I'm just waiting to hear back from them now. I don't think they're going to send me one, but I think I may have a backup plan. WORST case scenario I'm going to buy a replacement board from a supplier, copy the bios, and return it. I hate doing this and honestly, it feels wrong. However, I do need my system and this might be the only thing for me to do.
    Emtee_ likes this.
  4. parawizard

    parawizard Notebook Consultant

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    Are you sure it even flashed the wrong chip? Did you not do a read/dump before you erased and flashed? Did it verify that the flash worked afterwards by reading in the flashed data again?

    The chip must identify itself properly when connected to the flasher
    You must be able to read/dump and validate it by reading again to compare to make sure it's reading correctly. If you just see FF FF FF the connector isn't on right.
    It must be setup properly so the chip is actually writable. Power needs to be supplied to a certain pin and sometimes it isn't possible to do without taking it off the board. It also needs to be the right voltage supplied.

    It's really easy to get the process wrong and it's also very difficult to get the connector on the chip properly. Especially the cheap connectors.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
  5. Emtee_

    Emtee_ Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yea first time i flashed (the right chip) it went wrong and probably half flashed.

    Thought I bricked my new 2K notebook :)