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    How is Razer's customer support?

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by peculiarpanda, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. peculiarpanda

    peculiarpanda Notebook Geek

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    How is their customer support? I couldn't find a number on the website so it makes me feel uneasy. Any of you have any experience with their support?
  2. imelectronic

    imelectronic Notebook Geek

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  3. newvelaric

    newvelaric Notebook Consultant

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    With my Blade-R2, I did inquire about a few things and send them to the customer support. And until now I have found them unhelpful... The questions I had were half-answered. My request for support were half-fulfilled.

    You would have a better experience asking for the guys here for help.
  4. imelectronic

    imelectronic Notebook Geek

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    what were your questions?

  5. Dedish

    Dedish Newbie

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    Well I'm not sure if anyone is following this thread still, but I will share my recent experience with them.

    So I bought a Onza controller for my computer about 6-7 months before I had to contact Razer support. I literately used the controller about 5 times no more then 6-10 hours of gaming with it. Never dropped it or anything. 2 of the trigger buttons just stopped working out of the blue and since they weren't working I couldn't remap them them to other buttons. So I contacted Razer by phone. I explained what was wrong with my Onza and how long and how much I've used it and they said they would make an exception and send me a replacement seeing as how I have about $400.00 worth of other Razer gear. They told me they were going to send me an e-mail and I was to reply to it with a picture of the serial code on the back of the controller and of the cord being cut and both the cord and serial number had to be in the same shot.

    Here is a insert from the e-mail they sent with the explanation of what they wanted:

    We know that cutting the cord on a Razer product can be a bit painful for some of our devoted fans; truthfully, it makes us cringe a bit also. If you prefer to return your entire defective unit, just let us know and we will supply you with a traditional (RMA) Return Authorization Number. We just thought sending the picture would make things a bit easier and quicker for you.

    Please let us know your choice and reply back to with the photo or let us know if you would prefer the traditional RMA number.

    Photograph tips:

    - Use the camera in the close up/macro mode if your camera has one.
    - Lighting is key in any photograph. You may want to try the picture with the flash on and off to see what offers the best results.
    - Use other light sources if need be.
    - Different camera angles on the unit may result in a clearer picture.
    - We have seen acceptable pictures from a cell phone, but some just do not have the quality needed.

    So I did just that, told them I would send the pic and attached the picture to that reply.

    About 2 months go by and I've heard nothing from them and have not received a replacement so I gave them a call. They tell me they never got my reply and I likely sent it to the wrong e-mail. I asked them how would I get the e-mail address wrong when replying to their original e-mail and even read the address back to them which the guy on the phone confirmed. So he tells me he is going to send me another e-mail and to reply to it with the picture attached. I did, they never got it, I did it 3 more times out of frustration and he tells me he never got any of them. So at this point my frustration level is on the verge of erupting when he finally asks me how big the attachment was. I told him the file which was like 5199 kb's (so just under 5.2 mb if I am correct) or something and he told me that was the reason they never got it and that they cannot receive files over 5 mb..... This was the point where I lost it. I was like really dude, really !?!?! You send me a e-mail basically explaining to me how to take a picture like I have never seen or used a camera before but you leave out the part about the file size restriction, what the hell man kind of a vital piece of information don't you think?

    So I ended up having to derp around and change the file size and re-send the picture. They finally got it and said they would put in the replacement order. About 2 hours later I get a e-mail with a tracking number explaining it could take 3-5 business days to send. AND on top of all that I find out the cheap s are sending it USPS which I assume is United Sates Postal Service to me who lives in Canada. They couldn't even send it by courier. Wow just wow.

    So ya Razer customer service is beyond terrible in my opinion.
  6. Hybrys

    Hybrys That Damn Cactuar!

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    Uhhh, one little thing, and this is totally off topic. You WANT them to send it USPS. Couriers charge a huge import fee, where as it's around $2.50 for USPS.
  7. Dedish

    Dedish Newbie

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    Ya if they think I am paying for the shipping of a defective controller after I went through all the bs they can kiss my lily white .
  8. Yosomono

    Yosomono Notebook Geek

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    I asked them for a USB restore key for my RBP and offered to pay for it. They sent it out no charge via USPS and I recieved it no problems and my RBP was working fine I just wanted a USB backup key and was too lazy to make my own ;-}
  9. Viralistic

    Viralistic Notebook Guru

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    I have had no issues with them at all. I have only contacted support twice. Once was for a pair of Razer Kraken headphones that I stepped on and broke. They replaced them with a brand new pair for no charge at all. The other time was for a usb restore drive. Received that for no charge at all as well. Pretty good support if you ask me. Also, when you call Razer Blade Support (not peripheral) you are talking to someone in California, that you don't wait on hold forever for. When I called, they pretty much answered like it was a house call.