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    Do i have a dead or stuck pixel (s)?

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by neoideo, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. neoideo

    neoideo Notebook Consultant

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    Hello everyone,

    Just a few weeks ago i have noticed that my Razer Blade Pro (2013) has a grey near black pixel on the lower left corner. I have taken a picture of it.

    Has someone had the same problem before? I just wonder if i am out of luck or do i still have a way to fix that pixel in the case it is not dead.
  2. t456

    t456 1977-09-05, 12:56:00 UTC

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    How to Fix a Stuck Pixel

    Black is, of course, not a colour. So if it really is black then it's dead. You may want to use Monitor Test to be certain. Also has a standalone exe, which proves useful when buying a new or used laptop; put in on usb (with other portable stress test apps) and find out the display's status.
  3. X33nbat

    X33nbat Notebook Enthusiast

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    Looking at your picture full size, I can make out the RGB sub columns pretty easily (which is really good, since often times the display pixels will alias with the camera pixels which cause a moire pattern that obscures the sub-pixels). The dim spot appears to be about 7 sub-pixels wide by 1 and a half pixels high, and they appear dim, not dead. It is likely that this is some debris caught between layers in the display stackup, not dead lcd pixels. If you had a jeweler's loupe, you might be able to tell what layer it is between by looking at the parallax shift, or if you had a microscope, you can look at difference in focus on the spot vs the color filters.

    These displays pretty much can't be disassembled without destroying the bezel, and doing more harm to the display stackup than is already there. But a cluster of sub-pixels 7 x 2 wide most likely violates Razer's and Sharps specs, and should be covered under warranty. But then, you would have to go through the RMA process and risk getting back a machine that is even worse.
  4. neoideo

    neoideo Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks for both replies.

    Very interesting what you have said X33nbat, I never thought the possibility of debris caught between the layers. I'll try to get a magnifier glass to check that more carefully.
    About using the warranty, i am not sure if it has expired but anyways i live outside USA so it is not a safe option.
    If i have any news ill report back.