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    Considering buying a Razer Blade Pro, have some questions

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by blakktux, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. blakktux

    blakktux Newbie

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    • I know that the Razer Blade 14" does not have upgradable memory, but does the 17"?
    • I've seen images of the 17" with a HDD, but it seems that the newest release does not, is this true?
    • Both Razer Blade (14" and 17") have received tons of criticism for their displays. Is it really so bad that it ruins the experience (my previous laptop was an m11x, so the screen on that wasn't amazing either and I didn't mind)?
    • The trackpad on the 17" seems really gimmicky but it doesn't receive much criticism, so it it safe to assume that it is a generally pleasant experience?
    • Does anybody have even half a clue as to what Razer's release scheldule is? I need a laptop by June of 2014, but I'm tempted to buy the Razer Blade in these weeks, so I'd like to avoid seeing a new Razer Blade within a few months of when I buy mine.

    I'll be keeping track of this thread, and an answer to any of the questions would be really nice to have. If I can upgrade the memory, then I would definitely buy the Razer blade over the MSI GS70, which has better specifications than the Razer but without the trackpad and sexy form factor.
  2. phnx90

    phnx90 Notebook Enthusiast

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    If you don't need a new laptop until June 2014, I'd hold off on buying a new laptop until then...that is unless Razer does some sweet discounts in the coming weeks.

    Plus the RBP isn't exactly a high performance system relative to its 14" brother since they have pretty much the same innards.

    I'll let people who have either or both laptops to answer the bulk of your questions as I'm still waiting to buy my RB.

    The impression I'm getting on the Blade 14's screen is that it's not bad, but certainly not good considering the price of the laptop overall and the quality of the parts for the rest of the laptop.

    Personally I'm not too fussed about it since I need a portable mid-size computer that is somewhat discreet-looking and performs well enough to run most of my favourite games at high or ultra settings, which the Razer Blade definitely does. The only thing holding me back is the non-upgradable RAM, which wouldn't be a problem if it could be upgradeable through the store to have 12 to 24 GB of it.

    Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
    maguey likes this.
  3. Jamesng1986

    Jamesng1986 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi Blakktux,

    I'm a Blade Pro owner for a few months now so i'll try to help answer your question as best as i can.

    1.) Blade 14" does not have up-gradable ram but the Blade Pro does. Having said that, in the Blade pro, you'll only get 2 slots for ram.
    2.) It is true. The Blade Pro does not have a traditional mechanical hard drive like the R2 does. It uses msata ssd. However, the bay for the traditional mechanical hard drive still exist in the Blade Pro. All you have to do is find and buy the right connectors and you can add an additional HDD into the Blade Pro.
    3.) Both the 14" and Pro's display is nothing to write home about. The Pro's display is much better than the one in the 14" though. I've personally seen the displays on the Razer Blade 14 & Pro and the m11x. If you can accept the display on m11x, you'll have no problem with the Blade 14" display. The Pro would be a slightly better.
    4.) The Switchblade UI a.k.a the trackpad on the Blade Pro is gimmicky. However, even as a trackpad, my experience with it so far has been fantastic. Having said that, i do enjoy playing around with the Switchblade UI and i even use it for my Maya needs. It's something good and innovative to have but it's also something you won't die without.
    5.) If you have a need for a laptop now, just get it. There is no end when it comes to chasing and keeping up with the latest technology especially when it comes to computer related stuff. Razer don't really have a appointed release date for their refresh or new products. All i can say is that if they were ever going to come up with a new Blade, its most likely to be when the next gen of processors or GPU for laptops is launched. Which isn't happening anytime soon.

    The Blade 14 and Pro does share the same innards. Theoretically, the Blade 14" would be a more powerful machine since its screen size is smaller thus you run the game at a lower resolution which does not work the GPU as hard. However, if you take into consideration of the "upgrade-able" aspects of the machine, you won't have the ability to upgrade the ram in the 14" (if you really need that extra ram) and you can't add another traditional HDD or 2.5" ssd (which cost much cheaper than msata) in the Blade 14". Not to mention you could simply run the game in the same resolution as the Blade 14 on your Pro and it would perform the same. You could argue its not the Blade Pro's native resolution but trust me, if you're not that anal about things, you can barely notice the difference when running games in 1600x900 on the Pro. End of the day, its what you need. If you don't care about about extra weight and want a little more option to upgrade your machine plus be able to experience the Switchblade UI, get the Pro. If you want something easier and much lighter to lug around (not to say the Pro is a brick but it still is heavier than the 14" Duh. :X), don't want and don't need the Switchblade UI, not planning to use wired ethernet connection or willing to spend a little extra to get the wired ethernet to usb adaptor, then you would more likely to be happier with the 14". Regardless on which you go with, you'll be much happier with either compared to your brick of an Alienware. Trust me, i know. I come from an Alienware m14x, Asus G75SX.

    One last personal opinion. GS70 vs Razer Blades has been a topic going on for awhile now. In a nut shell, what i feel after all the stuff i have dug and read about this topic is this. If you want a laptop that's more "powerful" in specs, have more ports, multi-colored backlit keyboard, a more plastic feel with flex in the chassis, take the GS70 and pray it does not overheat or the keyboard feels awesome to your fingers. If you don't mind lesser ports, no out of the box traditional harddrive and willing to drop a bit more for a higher quality full aluminum chassis with no flex on the keyboard that feels nicer to type on (again, personal opinion and i did use the GS70 for a week) plus don't want to open the laptop on the very first day to repaste it so that it won't overheat, go Razer Blade.

    Hope it helps! :)
  4. maguey

    maguey Notebook Enthusiast

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    I am 100% agree. The 8gb RAM is a joke and a contradiction since the OS W8 is 64 bit :-/.
    RAM is a big problem for me and the lack of customization.
  5. Yosomono

    Yosomono Notebook Geek

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    If you can wait till June I would wait till June, I have an RBP and I don't regret it at all but I imagine by June there will be an update. As for the MSI G70... I feel that it reeks of poor quality and has very few redeemable properties. Keyboard is steelseries which IMO is a joke the power cord is on the wrong side the ports (not including the video ports) are just silly. Even when running at perfect configurations it is hotter than the RBP by all accounts I have read, that combined with its over all flimsy construction is a serious reduction in lifecycle. IMO treat the GS70 like the bubonic plague.
  6. Supermiguel

    Supermiguel Notebook Evangelist

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    can you game on that RBP?
  7. Yosomono

    Yosomono Notebook Geek

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    I havent tried any newly released AAA titles since there aren't any worth playing IMO. Every Blizzard game runs max settings @ or above 60FPS (Heroes of The Storm of course I have no idea about) LoL runs about the same based on word from other RBP gamers check around in the forums you may find some newly released AAA titles listed as well