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    2014 Razer Blade Pro SBUI Trackpad improvements

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by UrbanBroccoli, May 12, 2014.

  1. UrbanBroccoli

    UrbanBroccoli Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi there Razer gang!

    Glad to say that I am the new owner of the 2014 Razer Blade Pro.

    On the whole, I'm really excited about the hardware and performance. But I am in need of some recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of the trackpad.

    I've tinkered around with Synapse and Windows settings to try and improve the track pad, but It's still just kind of "meh". When simply navigating around, the touchpad is constantly registering a click and resulting in unwanted selections and highlighting.

    Also, the bottom left-hand corner of the touchpad (a space of 1"x1") seems almost nonfunctional or "dead" for registering my finger's movements.

    I have not downloaded any new drivers or updates for this in particular as I wanted to reach out to the community first for recommendations.

    I'm a previous Mac user for close to 20 years, so I've gotten used to their fabulous track pads... Is this something that I will simply need to get used to with Windows machines? I hope not! Because otherwise this machine really takes the cake.

    Thanks for keeping this forum rocking you guys. It's one of the reasons I made the jump to this new machine.
  2. losyork

    losyork Notebook Enthusiast

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    i havent had an issue with the dead left trackpad. it is a little hard to get used to for sure. the clicker buttons are not the most responsive and feel mushy when you depress them.
  3. Colto

    Colto Notebook Guru

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    Have you tryed looking at the setting on the actual trackpad most of the settings for it are in the settings macro and will be displayed on the track pad it self
  4. blahblah75

    blahblah75 Newbie

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    I am having the same issue with the dead lower left 1" x 1" area of the track pad. It registers touch chaotically, resulting in the odd behavior you mentioned where errant clicks and selections will register seemingly at random (as the trackpad seems to cut in and out over and over).

    Did you end up finding a resolution to your issue? This problem essentially renders the trackpad nonfunctional, so I would probably return my blade pro (that I just received today!) if it turned out to be a hardware issue.
  5. RazerCS

    RazerCS Company Representative

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    Please uninstall both Razer Synapse 2.0 and the Synaptics driver. then download and install the latest version of Synapse 2.0 from here:

    Should the issue persists please send us an email so we could have this taken care of.
  6. UrbanBroccoli

    UrbanBroccoli Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thank you for the recommendation on the fix, but unfortunately, the reinstall did not alleviate the issues with the lower left hand corner. By modifying the Synaptics settings I was able to improve the usability of the track pad, but the dead corner still makes things disconnected and disjointed.

    I sent Razer Systems Support an email on Tuesday and Thursday of last week, but still haven't heard back yet regarding the process of returning or repairing my Blade Pro. Will probably call on Monday if I continue to not hear back. Come'on guys, I spent a lot on this new machine and need yall's support on making this right :/

    I really look forward to having this machine with a fully functional track pad because it is a superb product that satisfies both my needs and desires as a creative professional and as a gamer.
  7. jamesoth

    jamesoth Notebook Enthusiast

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    Same issue here. Reinstalled synapps and synaptics drivers with no help. Reducing the palm rejection on the synaptics settings help a little but still not reliable....

    Slow response from Razer support too. Is this problem new to RBP? Are the previous RBP or old Razer blade having this issue as well?
  8. UrbanBroccoli

    UrbanBroccoli Notebook Enthusiast

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    Got my replacement unit in today. Right out of the box, the same problem with the lower left-hand portion of the SBUI trackpad... PLUS the new power brick is buzzing intermittently...

    As a work/play laptop I must say that this has been most frustrating and disheartening. Due to the return process, my work-flow has been stunted and my patience wearing thin. I was in the hopes of finally finding a Windows machine with serious horsepower that could compete with the build quality / design of Apple's products. Is this not a reality?

    I must lift up Razer's support staff, as an individual in particular (Steven M.) has been VERY helpful and quick to process my first return and answer emails. But great staff need to back a GREAT product. So here I am facing possibly another return... another trip to the post-office... another waiting period... and another held breath as I start up possibly my 3rd machine, hoping the trackpad issue has been alleviated. And perhaps this is simply an un-fixable hardware problem that will continue to crop up in each Blade Pro that I receive.

    The unfortunate swing to all of this is a gun-shy feeling towards the brands' products. I now have a bad taste in my mouth, and with my personal experience, and $3000 in Razer's hands, I'm afraid I cannot recommend the quality of their systems :/

    I will keep you guys updated on what happens next.

    Any 2014 Blade Pro (860M) owners NOT have the SBUI trackpad problems that have been mentioned in the beginning of the thread?
  9. jamesoth

    jamesoth Notebook Enthusiast

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    Got mine repaired, instead of replaced. Atfirst they ran into problems repairing as they fitted a RBP 2013 trackpad into my 2014 edition. (Means theres really an "improvement" over last years SBUI). It than took them 2 more days to replace with a 2014 edition trackpad and tested it thoroughly before asking me to collect. (Razer service centre is in my town).

    So far the trackpad works very well. Very sensitive throughout the trackpad. I urge you to get razer tech support to test the set before shipping it out to you to avoid another lemon.

    Theres a RPB 2013 at the razer showroom where i dropped my set off, and the trackpad of that is the same issue with ours, left portion not responsive. I think this is a common problem. Maybe users dont use the trackpad much or at all, or they accpet the flaws.
  10. blahblah75

    blahblah75 Newbie

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    Woops, double posted apparently.
  11. blahblah75

    blahblah75 Newbie

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    I am in the same boat. I had my laptop replaced due to the trackpad issue, received my replacment Tuesday night, tested out the trackpad and the issue remains, possibly worse. I am now unsure if it's worth another replacement attempt, if I should just deal with a broken trackpad, or if I should return and look for a new laptop. If I do ask for a replacement, I will certainly ask for a test of the trackpad to ensure it is working properly.

    Did you end up finding a different solution to your issue? It's really a shame, I'd like to use the computer, but I also don't want to pay $3k for a flawed laptop, especially with how quickly new models are released.
  12. UrbanBroccoli

    UrbanBroccoli Notebook Enthusiast

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    Got my 2nd replacement machine today (this makes 3 different Blade Pro's that I've owned in the last month). And still, the trackpad issue persists.

    2014 Blade Pro Owners: Please check if the lower left hand corner of your trackpad registers touch and clicking eradically. I need to know if I've had the worst luck in the world with Razer's quality control, or if this is a standard, irrefutable aspect of the SBUI trackpad.
  13. nalim

    nalim Notebook Enthusiast

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    My Pro 2014 has the same issue...

    Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
  14. jjonnotebookreview

    jjonnotebookreview Notebook Enthusiast

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    They sent me two razer blade pro's with this problem! It's maddening. I can't use a laptop with a messed-up trackpad! They promised they would personally test the new laptop and would not send it unless the trackpad worked perfectly. NOBODY TESTED THE LAPTOP THEY SENT AND THE TRACKPAD IS AN UNUSABLE PIECE OF CRAP. I've never been so furious at a company in my life.
  15. UrbanBroccoli

    UrbanBroccoli Notebook Enthusiast

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    Ugh, yes so frustrating. I put together this video to better illustrate to Razer what is going on.

    What I've determined is it seems as if this is an inevitable fault that will be inherent in any Blade Pro. Support has told me that they are working with their engineers to get things functioning properly, but I'm afraid until then, the problem is here to stay.

    On a similar note, I decided to return my third RMA'd 2014 Blade Pro and pick up the Blade 14 instead. Aside from the track pad on the PRO, I was experiencing crashes often and at seemingly random times. I'm afraid I couldn't trust the WORK side of this WORK/PLAY device if I kept losing content each time the machine crashed. Yikes!

    I've only had the Blade 14 for a couple of days thus far, but wow. This is what Razer's been doing over the last year! Build quality is of the same standard (high) as the Blade Pro, but thus far it has seemed much less buggy. To me, it seems like they really must have put most of their time and resources into the new Blade14, while leaving the needed bug fixes of the Pro still to be worked out at a later date. Unfortunately I think the Switch Blade trackpad on the Pro could be the culprit. It's a really really great idea, but I think the software and hardware aren't communicating well with each other. I look forward to seeing it improved in the years to come. Great idea, now they need to execute.

    I hope you have better luck with your Pro, as it truly is a great machine that seems to be pushing the limits of device input. If you don't think it holds up to your standards (which should be high for the price of these products!), then I recommend you trying the Blade14, as I have found it thus far quite impressive.

    Frustrating that the PRO has so many issues. But it looks like the Blade14 got all of Razer's resources this go-around. Let's hope the future Blade Pro's see improvement.
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