my laptop just turned off, and it wont turn on. even when i plug in the adaptor it dont turn on, even the charger light doesnt work,
i opend it up and check the power jack and it was all fine, all the fuses get the current and have the right voltage.
could anyone suggest any other ideas they may have.
also is there a way of reseting the laptop when it is off, (i.e an internal button) if so can you please let me know.
MahmoudDewy Gaming Laptops Master Race!
if the charger light aint on maybe it is the problem and ur laptop just ran out of battery and aint getting charged so it cant be switched on ... try another "working" charger with same voltage ... current (Amps) wont matter it is only for testing and see if the laptop gets charged and you can turn it on
the charger work on another laptop and i have tested it, it give out the correct voltage
MahmoudDewy Gaming Laptops Master Race!
have u been updating bios prior to the laptop failure ?
also have you tried to remove the battery and the adapter and hold pressing the power key so that all the remaining energy dissipate ? -
no i havent been updating the bios,
yes i hav tried removing the battery and pressin the power key
easynote tx86
Discussion in 'Packard Bell' started by the1u2000, Nov 25, 2011.