I am considering buying this laptop Packard Bell EASYNOTE TS11HR-335GE
It is 15 inch laptop it comes with i7-2670QM, 8GB RAM and 2GB VRAM 540M. Anyone had personal experience with this company and/or company. Any reviews out there?
MahmoudDewy Gaming Laptops Master Race!
Review Packard Bell EasyNote TS11 Notebook - Notebookcheck.net Reviews <--- The review
As for my personal experience with packard Bells, they overclock good (that may vary from chip to another though), the cooling is extremely efficient, the build quality is quite nice but it aint a macbook kindda nice & don't forget the price, they usually give you the same specs others give you with way less $$$ involved
Good Luck with your purchase
Easynote review?
Discussion in 'Packard Bell' started by pasoleatis, Jan 17, 2012.