Lenovo E-550 longevity?
The Lenovo ThinkPad E550 laptop is well-priced, sturdily-built, and enjoys high ratings from satisfied users, but how can you expect it to perform in the long haul? Considering it’s a 2015 model and already beginning to age, users on the NBR forum recommend one user away from the E550 and toward the E560, which includes a Skylake processor.
(Old) laptop for business use
What’s the best refurbished business-class laptop with high portability, average battery life, and low cost in the 12- to 13-inch range? NBR forum contributors recommended refurbs of the HP 2570P, Dell E6230, and Dell E6330 as possible candidates to meet one user’s estimated $350 budget.
Read the full content of this Article: http://www.notebookreview.com/feature/worthwhile-laptop-upgrades-customer-support-woes-nbr-forums/
Vince Font Notebook Geek NBR Reviewer
Worthwhile Laptop Upgrades, Customer Support Woes, & More from the NBR Forums
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Vince Font, Aug 29, 2016.