interesting piece of info from this weekends Washington Post
Where did the name Bluetooth come from?
It's straight out of 10th-century Danish history.
Most high-tech nomenclature is not terribly memorable; terms like RFC 1918, IEEE 1394 and 802.11g don't roll trippingly off the tongue.
The Scandinavian developers of this wireless technology -- a way to transfer data wirelessly between such devices as handheld organizers, cell phones and computers over distances of 30 feet or less -- did not want to languish in this ignominious linguistic dungeon.
Harald Blatand (English translation: Harold Bluteooth) was a 10th-century king of Denmark. His claim to fame was unifying his country; Bluetooth's developers hope their technology will do something similar for portable electronics.
But with spotty support in hardware (neither Sprint PCS nor Verizon Wireless offer Bluetooth-enabled cell phones), a tricky setup process and a shortage of unique real-world uses, Bluetooth remains a solution in search of a problem.
Bah! That guy has no clue. Bluetooth has many applications. I'm sure this guy has tried few if any of them though.
Editor in Chief
What does Bluetooth Mean?
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Andrew Baxter, Dec 22, 2003.