I'm reading alot of reports that the keyboard issue is still not completely resolved, even with the new chassis design - some report that the new piece is causing a clickity-clack sound and not really adding to the strength of the keyboard.
It seems like every lenovo gets the 'editor's choice' branding so easily... Just my personal opinion, but I think until they can resolve these chassis problems, they still have ways to go... I can personally think of other machines that are also very deserving of 'editor's choice'. Just my opinion though![]()
Nice. Thanks for the info. May look to Lenovo for my next laptop.
The t400 is quite known for its reliability and it's durability.
How do you know if you're getting a new revision of the T400?
I'm sorry that they didn't change the ThinkLight, I love that feature although going from T41 - T61 it got worse as well.
Those high-nit screens aren't available in the UK yet either, glad they introduced them but they got rid of the LED backlit models as well.... so you're stuck with inferior CCFL at the moment. -
Do you *really* have an LED backlit screen? [LED backlite scam?]
I advise others, who think they have an LED backlit screen, to check using the links below as to whether they truely do or not.
I bought a T500 in which the product specs clearly boasted that it had an LED backlit screen. The system that I received has a CCFL backlit screen however. Lenovo has shown no interest in helping me rectify this matter. I suggest that anyone that thinks they have bought and LED backlit Thinkpad to check it to be sure. Below is some of my correspondence that elaborates on this matter sent to my Lenovo distributor NCIX.com...
Re: NCIX.com invoice #: 3138389
I was sent a miss-configured Lenovo notebook.
Your site clearly specifies the notebook has an LED backlit screen.
Your specs page:
The notebook that I received:
model: 2242 35U
serial #: L3AAH6Y
The IBM.COM parts lookup of the system that I received:
The page that specifies the LCD as *not* LED backlit:
Another third-party site that specifies the screen as CCLF and not LED backlit:
I have been in contact with the NCIX returns department and they requested that I forward to them an email from Lenovo specifying the part discrepancy. I have been in contact with Lenovo and was provided the case #40L3Q9R. The tech person I spoke with (Jerome Thorpe) confirmed that my system does indeed *not* have an LED backlit screen, and that my system has a screen part #42T0486, when in fact, according to the sales specifications, it should have a part #42T0589. In addition to this fact Jerome also made it clear that their database records of this notebook indicate that it was sold sometime in 2008 while my invoice clearly specifies Mar 22, 2009??? Jerome then transfered me to the Lenovo sales department. I was trying to rectify the miss-configuration issue, so in regards to that the Lenovo sales person informed me that I had to deal directly with NCIX on that matter. Based on the fact that NCIX previously requested that I forward them an email from Lenovo that specified my notebook does not have an LED backlite, I then re-called the Lenovo tech support line to request that they simply send me an email confirming what Jerome had already vocally confirmed ten minutes prior. This time my call was answered by another tech support individual who was advised by his supervisor that it is against Lenovo company policy to send any such emails. The call was escalated and I spoke to his supervisor who simply stated that they would not provide me with any such email -- the email that NCIX stated they require! He then began to grill me as to how I would know whether the LCD screen was LED backlit or not? I'm not clear where he was going with that thought, as it was a simple matter of fact. Fact that the advertising specs were specific that it was LED backlit. Fact that the notebook I received was not LED backlit. I simply did not receive what I had ordered and paid for. His attitude seemed to imply that I should put up and shut up, and as things currently stand, Lenovo clearly does not want to assist me in rectify this matter.
This whole case remains unresolved. You can check your own system using the ibm.com links above. -
It's not Lenovo's fault here, as the reseller NCIX was the one who falsely advertised the allegedly LED-backlit screen. And it was sold in 2008, because that was when NCIX, the retailer, bought it from Lenovo.
You should be dealing with NCIX support, as they are the ones who flubbed up, as Lenovo has no responsibility to fix this. I would suggest that you fight for a return + refund. -
tabook clearly says it doesn't have an LED screen. Like MidnightSun, I think your quarrel is with NCIX for mis-stating the specs in the ad.
I would have gotten one of these. It seems to be a decent laptop overall and (important to me) it is one of the quietest laptops out there, according to Notebookcheck ( http://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Lenovo-Thinkpad-T400-6474-19G-Notebook.15861.0.html). The lack of a digital video port kills the deal for me. Also, no eSATA.
I recently purchased a T500 and I can attest that Lenovo has NOT fixed the keyboard issue. The keys slap on the subsurface like a plastic comb on a desk. This is not the quality of my old T61.
It is amazing that a company first touts a product for its solid build and then completely disregards that reputation and distributes a product lacking in that one quality. -
I'm not sure whether or not I've got the new T400 chassis strengthening or not buy my Thinklight is brighter than my old T61s and doesn't blind me, there's no visible flex when pressing hard on the keyboard and it feels a lot sturdier than my T61 in fact.
I'm wondering why they didn't update the thinklight or whatever its called while doing the keyboard update. Just a thought I guess.
I also have a newly built T400 05/05/09 and i can confirm that thinklight is working properly
Does this new improvements to keyboard and back-light also applies to the T-500 model?
Are you planning to also update the T-500 review?
Thanks... -
Kevin, it looks to me like you have only done an updated review of the T400, as opposed to the T500 and W500. How to choose between them? Do you think they would all be Editor's Choices? Thanks.
I think the reason there hasn't been an updated T500 review is that the only change is to the keyboard of the T500 - all the screen options remain the same, and the ThinkLight blinding issue was never a problem on the T500.
I'm looking at a Lenovo T400 with model no 2767WC8 or 2767WSD, education versions.
They have WXGA+ displays, 900 lines that is, and with LED backlight.
I was wondering, is the high-nit available with WXGA+ already. And are these high-nit versions? Is there a way I can find this out??? I can't find a mention of high-nit anywhere, not even the Lenovo site.
Thanks a lot for help! -
i do not believe there are any high nit WXGA+ displays atm
All is fine though. I'm just glad I'm not using an Asus or Toshiba right now.
googled and saw this thread at the top.
I'm curious, where does the water go if I had left it flat? -
I have a series of detailed questions on the T-400.....can I email you?
doggman -
Does not it look like a stone age laptop ?
The HP Elitebook 6930P probably has what you`re looking for aesthetically. -
I spilled diet coke on my laptop 2 days ago. I turned the laptop upside down- apparently the wrong thing to do- and let it dry for 40 hours with the battery out and turned off. I just put the battery back in and plugged it into the wall outlet and it won't turn on. The outlet light is lit up and the battery light is blinking but it won't turn on. Does it just need time to recharge the battery or is it dead for good ? Is there anything I can do?
Thanks so much -
I am doing some consulting work at American Express and this is the standard laptop there. They gave me a new one to use while I'm there. Its a darn good laptop for the price but if you have had previous IBM Thinkpads you will notice the quality is not the same. The keyboard has more flex and bounce and the plastics and fit are not as good. It does not have the overall solid feel of the old Thinkpads either. As I said, darn good laptop for the price but not the same build quality as my T61 and T43 that are sitting unused at home.
creepinshadow24/7 Notebook Consultant
My question though, will there be an update with new internals to the T400 anytime soon?
With new internals i mean a new CPU and new GPU, aka. the 4000 series Radeon GPU's
anybody got some info on that? -
There's a leaked roadmap: http://www.engadget.com/2009/06/19/leaked-lenovo-roadmap-shows-calpella-laptops-coming-january-2010/
So nothing before 2010 IF that map is accurate. -
creepinshadow24/7 Notebook Consultant
so wadda ya think?
Should i hold off with buying one now until the new ones come out?
i'm torn apart by that decision... -
creepinshadow24/7 Notebook Consultant
i guess it'll be worth the wait, but will the pricing stay the same?
i've decided, if i get a T400 now, with awesome specs, under 1000$ its a buy, otherwise i'll just wait -
If you can wait then its always better to wait rather then get instant gratification.
Bringing back a dormant thread but, I'm heading off to college in mid-January next year. Should I get the t400 during Cyber-Monday with the 20% coupon code or should I wait for the t410/s to come and drop the price? I've seen the sneak peaks for the newer t4XX models, but am not really sure if I can trust it releasing on time. Another thing I would like to ask is, WXGA+ B/L LED or WXGA HighNit B/L LED? I've heard the colors are some what faded on the HighNit screens, also heard it's TOO bright. I don't think I'll be using the laptop much outside so want to be sure before I order. And for all those previous Lenovo buyers, is 20% good enough or does Lenovo have a steeper discount during Christmas season and after Christmas? Thanks and hope to hear replies soon.
Doubt you'll get a T410 in time. Don't forget that it might take several weeks to get the laptop if you make a custom configuration. If you don't use your laptop outside, don't bother with the high nit screen. It needs to be really bright to counteract the brightness of the sun. I'd probably wait until Boxing Day though.
Well not sure if I mis-wrote it but, I have no intention of getting a T410. I was wondering if the T410 would come out before mid-January so that it would affect the T400 pricing. As for Boxing Day, I guess that's Canadian Christmas? But thanks for the reply. Btw are there any other product of Lenovo that are similar to the T400 specs as well as price range? Been looking at the E6400 from Dell but chose against it due to many bad reviews.
Sorry misread your post. Not really sure if the T410 will drop the T400 price that much considering it's near rock bottom prices (before being discontinued). Boxing Day is the day after Christmas with typically the best prices of the year. Personally, I prefer the E6400 and HP Elitebook 6930p over the T400. There are many positive reviews in the Dell and HP subforum, all three models are very close in terms of overall quality in a laptop.
I might consider the E6400 again then. Just been hearing many bad things from it though. As for HP... Not going to give it a chance after all the hardware problems many people are having.
Any chance of getting an HDMI output on the T400 soon ?
no chance because it is being replaced by the t410s.
I've just bought a T400, and I would like to now how I can tell that it is the updated version. The model number is T400 6473.
Updated Lenovo ThinkPad T400 Review Discussion
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by -, Apr 3, 2009.