I think it is safe to say that if Crysis runs well on an 8700M-GT, then it will also run well on an 8600M-GT.
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
Yeah, I knew it ran well on the X205, just wanted to see if the 8700 was much of a leap up from the 8600.
I realy hope it will play good crysis.I am from Romania and my Toshiba X205-S9359 will come in a few days
Quite High!!!
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
hi everyone!
after reading many reviews, I finally decided to buy a x205 =) first I was looking for the ASUS G2, but the HD DVD and the HDMI Interface is just a better plus.. so my final question will be: can I upgrade the x205 with these RAMs??
because, I would add another 2GB RAM..
thanks in advance!! -
Just to point out that Asus G2S also has a HDMI port, same as x205.
Asus Super-Multi DVDRW Drive comes with LightScribe, but the HDDVD from X205 does not
- is this LightScribe thiny software or hardware, can the HDDVD firmware be updated later to support this?
Isn't the G2S available/gonna be available with Blu-ray?
And lightscribe is a hardware thingy. -
Oh really, any links to the new G2S news?
Nope just what i've heard, or might have heard. I could be confusing it with another Asus. I know there is a version of the VX2S with blu-ray.
Thank you for the nice review, Chaz.
Would you help to compare the screen of X-205 with those of Qosmio G35 and ASUS G2S-A1? The latter two are with 17', WUXGA TFT screens.
Actually I am a little confused about the screen of this beast. Is it a real killer or just a little disappointing? There is different voice in the forum.
Thank you! -
Yes, I would like to know anyone experience if the X205 feels "uncomfortably" too thick for normal working long hours on the laptop....
Also, the power-brick (big?) seems to be 180W! vs the usual 90W or even 60W on some asus....
Why is this so? and what are the implications?
Thanks. -
I went to Best Buy today to test out the Creative Zen Visions (I'm looking for a DAP or PMP) and I got bored so I wandered to look at the X205s. They looked incredible; pictures do not do this machine justice. I don't mind using 17" laptops for long hours as you say, planet. I'm quite comfortable with that.
Thanks for the great review Chaz. It helped me make the decision to buy the S9359 model. I got it a few days ago and I love it!! The sound is awesome for a laptop.
Hey stang, did putting the extra 2 gigs in make a big difference for you?
Even though this laptop is fast, I'm thinking of speeding it up if it's possible.
The reason I'm asking is because I found this article about Ram on 32 bit: http://compreviewshere.blogspot.com/2007/07/vista-and-4gb-ram.html
thanks, -
I just bought one of these laptops, the and mine comes with Vista Home Premium.
Does anyone know if upgrading to Vista Ultimate help or hurt performance on this laptop? Maybe something to do with Vista Ultimate being optimized for 64 bit processing or something? Just curious if anyone has an idea or opinion. -
nice review !!! im also thinking of buying the x 205 but i have regards could you please make some nice photos or a vidoe of it FOR THOSE WHO DIDNT GROW UP ON AC/DC!!! nice website and photos of the x 205 http://www.akihabaranews.com/en/news-14177-Toshiba+in+Paris%3A+the+Satellite+X200-20.html
f*** acer for their F***** gem bitc* design
That's a bit harsh... and totally OT
I love Toshiba. I almost got a Satellite with the 7900GS instead of the ASUS with the 8600M GT just because of the Toshiba's speakers, but then I realized some strange 90 minute cap on that one's battery life or something, so I went with my beautiful ASUS.
And come on, the Gemstone design really isn't that bad, once you get over how much beige is in there instead of white. -
I'm not sure if you can get lightscribe by just firmware update. -
ha ha ,your desktop is too good to play any game. -
I replaced the standard Hybrid HD with a 200GB Hitachi 7K200, and it made a huge difference in response time loading Vista, games, applications, etc. I'm still debating the jump to 4GB of memory.
Even if Vista 32-bit can't use all 4GB, you gotta take into account that the 8700 users 256MB of RAM for Hypermemory, and pulls that from your system ram... leaving you with 1.75 GB of system ram. Given Vista's overhead... it may be really worth the leap. -
Doesnt the intel turbo memory helps in the startup??
where do we test if there is turbo memory and is working??
Been running it on my X205. To be honest, I can't tell much of a difference. But it may help out a bit. =P -
Hey Chaz when you are going to do a review of the Sli-1, Sli-3? And between the 9349, 59 and the Sli-1, Sli-3 which you recommend to buy now, you really convince with the very good review but now really I don't know which one. Thanks...
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
I don't have an SLI X205 in my possession at the moment but that is probably something I should ask about.
The 8600M-GT SLI notebook will definitely have more raw power and if I were buying right now that is what I would go for. You'll get more stable framerates and be able to crank up the settings higher if the game supports SLI.
You should look up the games you are going to play and see which of them supports SLI. If none do, then the 8700M-GT might be a better option. It has significantly better performance than a single 8600M-GT. -
Does anyone know if the SLI X205 laptops (X200 over here in the UK) are coming to the UK?
I believe I am going to get this. I just had one question, is $1,499 a good price for this
? O and thanks for the review!
$1499 is a godsend of a price. JUMP NOW! xD
1499 for the 49 model is average now. 1499 for the 59 model is awesome.. it depends which one you will be getting
Has anyone played or tested this laptop (DUAL 1.8g) with Oblivion?
I'm considering but really want to know how it runs on a game as taxing as Oblivion.
Thanks in advance, -
The Dual SLI version is out in Canada, and I am big time interested in this model, but not because of the dual SLI option...unlike the first X200 (X205) that was released in Canada, the new one now corrects the mistakes from the first one; it orginally was equipped with a standard super multi optical drive, T7100 processor, and a 1440x900 screen.
Now the PSPBUC-LC10DC model has the HD-DVD Drive, WSXGA+ screen, and a T7500...and of course the dual SLI graphics cards..The bonus news apparently is that it qualifies for the free HD-DVD promotion from Toshiba (well you send in a cheque for 10CAD to cover SH)...Also there is another model coming to Canada...PSPBUC-LC30DC..from the code it would seem that it is another dual SLI machine as well...but maybe this one comes with the TV Tuner like the SLI3 that's available in the states.., oo and maybe with dual 5400 HDs (as opposed to the 300GB 4200 rpm drive that comes with the SLI model now). But I have to admit, the model out now is pretty stacked as it is
Has anybody reformatted and installed XP instead of Vista? If so any problems?
i have seen this laptop at best buy and i must say that it has terrible, terrible, terrible, keyboard flex. the screen seemed to be sub-par for wsxga with poor viewing angles.
Really... the average for 49 model is about 1699.
And I am not sure which model you were looking at but I would like to know -
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
Metamorphical Good computer user
Awesome Chaz, it would be great for an old Toshiba fan like me to see them produce some real winners. Do you think that's one off your impressions?
That was a comprehensive review, although it is now a little outdated.
My experience with the X205 and Toshiba is not a good story. Grab your tissues. You're getting the facts RE: my experience with Toshiba.
Last August 2007 I excitedly purchased an X205-S9349. It was right around $2000. A few weeks later it started to fail. I called Toshiba Tech Support and they had me FORMAT my hard drive. Remember this was a brand new computer.
Later they said to do it again and again. The DVD drive didn't work either. The computer wouldn't shut down or boot up on its own. Finally, they said to send it in. It cost me $24.95 to BUY a box to ship it back to the company that made it. Sad.
But wait, it gets sadder.
I was told it would take 7 to 10 days to get my Toshiba fixed and back. I waited, then called. They still had it apart, replacing (I was told) hard drives, memory slots, mother board, etc. After four weeks they said my faulty Toshiba went to "engineering." Wow! That worried me.
I asked it they would just send me a new one. They declined. Then a few days later they called and said I WOULD get a new unit, as my old Faulty X205 was "unrepairable." Duh!
I sent them my faulty X205 December 21, and now it is February. I needed my computer back. Bad! What a run-around.
I thought it was all solved, but another two weeks and still NO TOSHIBA. A case worker told me they wanted to send me a "Factory Refurbished X205-S9349." I declined. Wouldn't you? I figured it was a BAD MODEL.
So, anther WEEK went by. I called my case worker nearly everyday. His hands were tied waiting for TOSHIBA to respond to him. He was in the dark as well.
THEN...One day I got a call. I was told:
** I would get a brand new $3000 computer
** It would be a new model, not even out yet, and wouldn't be out until late spring. Wow! I felt special.
** It would be the " ROLLS ROYCE" OF COMPUTERS. Even my Case rep was excited about that.
But the BAD news was, AFTER all this time and frustration and lost revenues (from my websites I work with), and after already paying $2000, I was asked to pay another $250.00 on top of everything else. Insult to Injury!
So I thought then what you are thinking right now...For a computer that retails around THREE GRAND it would be worth it. I paid Toshiba more money.
Then I waited for days AGAIN. I called and I was told my computer was sent TWO DAY AIR, not even overnighted as I was told it would be.
When my computer came it was an X205-SLi4.
Sure it's nice. But after nearly TWO months of waiting, lost money, and paying $2000 + $250 I got a computer that anyone can buy RIGHT NOW for around that PRICE. It is nice, but NOT NOT NOT a ROLLS ROYCE. Look it up, do you think it is??
No Extras! Even the Sample DVD didn't work. NO additional Software, NOTHING, just a current model that is on the market for $2400 to $2500. NO FAVORS, NO Apologies, NO letter from Toshiba, NO accomodations. Nothing. No answers to my emails.
Hey, You can order that model right now (February) and it is okay. I woudn't recommend it, though.
I have written numerous emails to Toshiba asking them why they lied to me and why they took so long and why they made me pay more money. I was sent a form, I had to sign it and put my CC on it for $250 or NO COMPUTER.
I would advise everyone NOT to deal with Toshiba. Sure the computers are okay...NOT the Rolls Royce, Not top of the industry, but if you get a rotten model, as I did, you'll have to DEAL with Toshiba, and THAT IS a NIGHTMARE. They'll likely lie to you and take their sweet time about acting on your problems. They had MY computer and MY money for nearly seven weeks.
If you ask me...Don't buy Toshiba no matter what!!!
Thanks for your attention. I'm sad about this whole thing.
I needed an attitude adjustment after this mess, so I went to BanabuWinner. Excellent. -
Chaz, great review! Extremely helpful... Now I`m sure I want exactly this Machine! But I have some questiones. Does someone know if X205 comes with instalation disc of Win Vista? Chaz, you recomend to format HDD and start all over. This sounds to me good, because I would like to use it with Win Xp pro sp2. Is it a good idea?
Please advise!
Toshiba Satellite X205 Review
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Charles P. Jefferies, Jul 27, 2007.