I'm at work so I can't give details, but wanted to get something out there for now and to remind me at home to do this review. Tonight or tomorrow I'll edit this and post a detailed review with pics and tests that I see other reviewers doing.
But for now my experiences over the last 2 weeks:
- Mousepad turnoff when a mouse plugged in
- Keyboard arrangement such that I almost never have palm on the pad problems
- Following games run perfect at max settings:
--- Far Cry
--- Oblivion
--- Doom 3
--- Civ 4
--- Star Trek: Elite Force 2
--- Tron 2.0
--- World of Warcraft
--- Unreal Tournament 2004
--- Quake 4
--- Half Life 2
--- Battlefield 2
- Nice Blue LED lighting for a dark room, that isn't distracting
- Good sound from speakers
- Great quality screen, bright/detailed/vibrant image
- Lightest 17" I've ever carried (7-ish lbs)
- Ports evenly distributed between the 4 sides, so cords aren't cramped
- Left side can heat up, actually got extremely hot my first time with the machine on, but haven't had that problem for 2 weeks now.
- 4200rpm hard-drive, however I'll be replacing this soon with a 7200
- Screen flex test: didn't take too much effort to get ripples
So anyway, more details and pics later.
It's a shame Toshiba using 4200 rpm HD. My M55 came with 5400.
Toshiba Satellite P105-S921
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by orion846, May 16, 2006.