No one really knows. My guess is that it's not going to be serious improvement over the Audigy 2ZS. I'm waiting for a review...
it all depends on if it's a hardware implementation or not
Still no review available?
Well it's not out yet is it!
I have not found a single review; regardless, I was still able to order one online.
If this is a full X-Fi it should be significantly better than the Audigy 2 ZS. As for EAX Vista no longer has DirectSound support so that is pretty useless. What is there still is OpenGL and I am pretty sure this has OpenGL acceleration. Again it depends on whether this is more like the XtremeAudio which is a cutdown POS or the XtremeMusic which is the real deal.
the card is only released in Japan right now and the cost is around USD $108 there when you convert that from Yen.
I saw it on for about $74 but I think it does not include the speaker adapter. -
I have purchased this card and have been using it for a few days and it definitely sounds similar to my X-Fi XtremeMusic card I had in my Desktop before I sold it. I've played a few games and enabled EAX and hardware acceleration without issues. Though, I was very disappointed it didn't come with the speaker docking module so I can't enjoy true 5.1 surround sound, and it doesn't seem to be available anywhere online, so I guess I will have to wait. ;-\
Picture? Pweeeeeeeeease?
I'm at work right now so I can't take any pictures, but it's not any different than what creative has shown us.
Still, it would be proof that this does in fact exist. and we get to see your lappy (whatever it may be). And we would also be able to see it in action. So when you get home from work, can you take a picture? Pwetty pweeeeease? With a cherry on top?
What is your system? -
Are you somehow able to compare it with the Audigy 2 ZS notebook?
It sounds like it's desktop brother > is that a good thing? -
where did you purchase the card and how much was it? So far on the Creative website it say purchase in Europe only.
here are some high resolution pictures from the German Creavite website. At the website just click on the A5 (300 dpi) links to see the high resolution pictures
The speaker connector module is not even displayed. It does come with a travel case.
What OS are you running? Windows XP or Vista?
thanks -
I bought it from -
can't compare to Audigy 2 ZS because I didnt own one, also because of Vista there is NO EAX in the games! only if you have XP. :-(
but otherwise sound is much better in movies and mp3 than internal sound card -
so, do we know if it's a hardware implementation yet?
Yes, this is hardware audio acceleration.
Don't you get the 'expansion box' containing the 3 3.5mm jack connectors with it???
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
x-fi defintily isnt for music lovers
the SQ wont touch a audiophile card like the meridian, its targeted as a gamer card with EAX and 3DCMSS. It also has the biggest slew of driver complaints of any sound card I know of, 3rd party hackers had it working on vista before they even did!!!
I hear the new HD onboard sounds is quite good, probably equal too or better than the xfi. -
mattireland It used to be the iLand..
WOW!!! That is express card - I am so getting it. Thanks mate.
mattireland It used to be the iLand..
Oh and dude optical in is for a 3.2mm jack dynamic mic and the optical out is for 3.2mm jack headphones.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Im not so sure if this is a true x-fi.
On the desktop side the xfi extreme audio is not a real xi its a remarked audigy2. I have a super super super strong suspision this is the case with this card for 2 reasons
1.) the cost
2.) the name is the same as the desktop's market scammer.
This is required reading for all of you guys:
Sorry I fogot to say this when I read this post earlier but I was busy and it sliped my mind.
Your Welcome in advance if I saved sombody some cash and a potential upset. -
ViciousXUSMC, thank you for pointing this out that this Express Card might not be a true X-fi card. ugh!!!! I guess I just saved myself some money.
might want to say this is a Audigy LS/SE/DE card it's missing the processing chip. (all sound processing done by software) I can use my on-board sound from my laptop for that.
too bad. -
Ok, so, as far as I understand this, the main complaints for this card is that its marketed gaming functionality is all done in the software, because it has a lower-end DSP that does not support those features in the hardware.
(I am a bit unclear on the 'gaming functionality' italicized above; what exactly is not "hardware accelerated" on this card that isn't on the higher-end models?)
My question is: How does this impact MP3 audio performance? That is the only thing I care about, basically. I suspect it is still a tremendous improvement over the onboard notebook audio for most (or all) notebooks. Is it correct that this card is a big improvement over onboard audio for MP3 audio?
Also, I see that this card is cheaper than the Audigy 2 ZS Notebook; if it is cheaper now, it means it's basically half the price at which the ZS was released a few years ago. This seems fishy to me. The question is: is this card better or at least on par with the Audigy 2 ZS Notebook, in terms of MP3 audio?
I am still considering to buy this card even though it is falsely advertised (to some extent) and it doesn't come with the 5.1/7.1 connector (which is a cheap marketing ploy aimed at us, the customers, which will have to pay extra for the connector, some without knowing this beforehand). The reason for which I still consider buying it: it's the only reasonable-quality internal audio solution available for express-slot notebooks.
Basically, my question is: Does this card improve the audio quality significantly for MP3 playback? I do not care about games.
If anyone could answer the above 3 bold questions I would be grateful. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
None of the current x-fi cards have surround sound via digital out, its just upmixed 2channel. I am more of a hardware person than a codec person, but whats the big deal with 5.1/7.1 on mp3's without actually looking into it I dont belive mp3 has 5.1/7.1 support in them.
Plus with that adapter I am 90% certian that you will again just be looking at upmixed 2chanel --> multi channel and that it wont be true surround. -
Actually, I don't even care about 5.1 / 7.1... just headphones
I just want my music to sound close to what I get out of my Audigy 1 on my old desktop.
I have a V6J, so no HD audio. However, if I won't be able to use this card to any advantage on my next notebook (which will probably be post-Santa Rosa) then it's starting to become doubtful whether it's worth it. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Its not worth it really... heck Id rather pick up a pair of Plantronics DSP500's for 25$ on clearance right now wich have there own built in sound card if your onbord is that bad and use those to listen to stuff and play games.
They go for about 90$ retial, they happen to be 25$ because they finaly got discontinued for a new model. Google up some reviews on them, there all good with nothing bad to say.
Goes thru your USB, and has its own sound card and audio software (with equalizer, and various dsp effects) -
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately here in the Netherlands they are above 90EUR, so roughly the same price as the XFi.
Could you suggest an external USB soundcard that is better value for money than the XFi for me (i.e., improves MP3 sound in headphones) (and is as small as possible for portability)?
Thanks again. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
I dont know of any... so you cant get them from the plantronics clearance store??? that sucks. They are great headphones, and use the best mic I have ever run across in my whole life.
How is the sound quality in the plantronics dsp500s?
A review for this soundcard is forthcoming.
When can we expect it? -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
just google "review plantronics dsp500" and read thru a few im sure you will find there is pretty much no negative remarks about them, and thats when they sold for nearly 100$ now at 25$ they are a steal. -
I'm also waiting eagerly for the review. I think it's between the X-Fi Notebook and the M-Audio Transit (the first internal, the latter external but with better sound). -
Here's the only review I was able to find up to today 8 July 2007:
80 EUR including delivery, 7 pieces in stock... I feel oh so tempted...
I'll wait until the end of the week, hopefully some reviews are forthcoming... But I really feel that even with all processing done on the CPU, it's still better than paying the same amount of money for the Turtle Beach Amigo (with less features and taking a USB port) or the M-Audio transit (bulkier and external, taking a USB port)... -
Seems pretty crappy and more of Creative's advertising at work than it's R&D team.
The whole point of the X-fi line is the X-fi processor. How can you call it that if you don't have it?
This is like the Audigy 4 all over again. -
I have Logitech Z-5400 Digital 5.1 Speaker System. And I dont have any special sound card i just plug it in the normal speakers out (which has the green colour) and all of the 5 speakers works good.
So what is the differnce if i had this sound card on my laptop?
And can I use this card later on my XPS m1330? -
but you just said (hopefully) better sound... -
Hi, I'm not convinced either that's why I'm waiting for the review.
The main appeal for me is the sound quality which should be much better than my integrated audio on the V6, and the fact that it's internal.
I don't care too much about 5.1 or 7.1 systems.
I do care about the sound quality, if that's not good then it's not worth it. -
The whole point of the X-fi should be a noticable increase in sound quality and a noticable decrease in CPU usage when running sound intensive apps or editing sound.
There's no point to this product.
Might as well get an Audigy as part of a close out from stores getting rid of old stock for this.
For the guy with the 5400s you're probably using the mixer in the 5400s to get all 5 speakers working. What this card would do is take away from you having to use the 5400's CPU and use the card's to produce better effects and sound. My Z5500s do the same thing with my notebook. -
What "intensive CPU usage" is this with running sound cards?
I run an Edirol UA-25 and its not that intensive. I even use it when I'm playing Fear (via Foobar, asio). Away from playing music, I indulged my flatmate in recording his guitar (not the best player lol, but don't tell him I said that) and ditto
Supposidly the X-Fi is really good at EAX acceleration so when playing a game using EAX sound X-fi should be able to shave 10% off CPU usage. When the X-Fi desktop came out people toted 1-5FPS gain. That's damn good for a sound card upgrade, when the main point is really for sound quality. I was hoping this would be the case for the mobile X-Fi but it's not. Knowing creative they are gonna charge an arm and a leg for next to no improvement.
I guess I'm old school, I want as much off loaded my CPU as I possibilly can, even with these new Dual core CPUs.
Sound Blaster X-Fi Audio Coming to Notebooks
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Notebook Solutions, Mar 22, 2007.