Once Intel introduces its new processors next month, the use of Intel Pentium M will be dropped as a naming convention for those chips, instead Intel will be using "Intel Core Duo" and "Intel Core Solo" to depict if the processor is dual core (Duo) or single core (Solo)
I've been seeing some previews of upcoming product releases, attached is an image from a source that cannot be revealed that shows this naming being used.
Attached Files:
uuuh, mysterious.... anyway, thx for the info I already set parts of my bonus aside to get a new CPU new GPU notebook
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
No more Pentium...
If you ask me "Core Duo/Solo" sounds generic. -
"Core Duo/Sole" sounds lame. I can't imagine saying "My laptop runs on an Intel Core Duo 2GHz processor".
No More Intel Pentium M -- It's "Core Duo" and "Core Solo"
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Andrew Baxter, Dec 23, 2005.