Hi there. This is a great site!! I love the reviews for the notebooks!
Even more amazed that it had a forum. I was wondering if you experts can help me find the right notebook. These are the specs which I am trying to look for
Processor: Centrino..speed isnt really a big deal
RAM: 512
HD: 60 +
Optical drive : DVD RW
Weight: less than 7 pounds
Battery life: 4 + hrs
AC adapter: Relatively small
Price: around $2000 canadian
Reliable obviously
Screen size: Preferrably 13-14 inch but no harm in 15
I dont know if this is the right section for me to be posting in. Forgive me if it is the wrong place
Thank you for taking the time to look at my post
Yea wrong place, it should be in the Hardware forums.
A Mod will move this soon, so I'll just reply here
DO you mind if it's an onboard GPU since you don't mention it?
I'll recommend the ASUS w3v, z63a, w5a, HP DV1240, Toshiba Portege s1000, Fujitsu p7010. A T42 would work well too.
New notebook
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Jun85, Jul 20, 2005.