First of all I would like to start this is my first time reviewing a notebook. I will try my best to inform you of what I have acknowledged of it. The reason I got the notebook mainly was the price. It was an attracting price. I got it for $434.85 with the rebate it will end up to be $343.85. I was that's a good budget notebook for the uses I will have for it. I will most likely not need it fully just basic things like school assignments chatting surf the web etc.
Expression when I got the computer
When i got the computer i didn't go to linux so i can't really tell you how it is on the hp mini-note when straight to installing xp. There wasn't a lot of difficulty's installing windows xp just stick the usb do the same based process. I know people will ask is it worth installing windows xp? will it slow it down? My answer to that it all will depend if you are expecting this notebook to be something to play games and multitasking a lot or multitasking basic things. I personal though windows xp is perfect for it. First of all I did tweak windows xp so i can speed it up and it worked. My boot time to get into windows is 18 seconds. Shutting it off is about 10 seconds.
Its very small portable.
Speakers are amazing you can hear your music very loud.
Its perfect for windows xp (i strongly recommend tweaking it up)
Screen is amazing lovely clear and cute colorful.
The resolution is amazing I have to say.
Awesome keyboard its good for big hands as it seems.
I personally think its a little heavy not a lot.
The computer heats up really fast in the bottom ventilation isn't great i recommend a cooling fan.
Screen gets dirty it seems that it attracts dirt have to clean it consantly.
Sometimes the speakers sounds statistic for some unknown reason. (although if you close it and restart the song it gets fixed)
Overall the computer is awesome. If your into expecting to do a lot in the notebook I strongly don't recommend it if your gonna do basic things thing i do strongly recommend it. Its a really good notebook if you travel a lot or as a back up if the desktop ever goes down. Thats all i have in mind to mention. If you have any questions feel free to message me if something isn't clear post it here or pm i am more than glad to answer your question. Thanks for looking.
Awesome little laptop and a nice review (Y)
+1 rep -
Thanks for the review, I still considering my new mini laptop between HP Mininote and EEE PC. And last week my friend told me about Voodoo PC... but the price tag is too high for me to buy.
Regarding heat, yes the EEEPC manages heat a bit better than this one, but personally I really like the Mini-Note design overall.
Anyway, nice small machine ..\(^o^)/ -
Hey, nice review and the pic's look really good!
I'm really liking the Netbooks out right now!
Cin -
can you teach me how to tweek window xp =)
haha these things are so cute!!
HP 2133 Mini-Note personal review lots of pics!
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by gpister, Oct 5, 2008.