I just received mine, and am greatly impressed with the build quality. The blue looks very nice, and the chassis is extremely solid, very impressed with Gateway on this one. As for color, I've seen both, and unless you're a girl, Blue is the way to go, IMO.
Congratulations on receiving your laptop!
Thanks guys. And yeah when i said sharp i meant nice looking my bad haha. But, yeah i'll probably go with the blue then. Any pros or cons about the laptop that weren't mentioned in the review?
The palmrests get kind of warm when you play Crysis, but you get so lost in the game that you barely notice. I can't really find anything else to throw at the Gateway.
Yeah the 8510p's are unlocked now. Technically as the 2600 is just an underclocked 2600XT, it overclocks disgustingly well.
Ugh, I dont know where my laptop is...UPS tracking is not updating well; I bet its stuck somewhere in Texas. CANT. WAIT. LONGER.
Hold on. You'll get it soon.
How do you OC the M-152XL? Do I use RivaTuner or ATITools? ATITools 0.26 does not seem to support it, but if I go with the beta, random artifacts start showing even if I start overclocking it 7 MHz over the stock 500 MHz. What's up with that?
Gateway dropped price another 50 bucks to 999
I've been looking for a laptop.
It will be my first laptop. I just graduated from High School and I'm going to college in the fall, but I want a computer I can play WoW and CoD4/CS:S/BF2021 on. I decided on this computer thanks too all your reviews.
Just curious if anyone could tell me how well it will run WoW maybe?
AwV45 thanks for the promo codeWhere did you find it?
I have not tried it, but you should be able to run wow atleast medium, if not high settings.
if you dont already have it, search on google for a 75 dollar off coupon -
, otherwise perfect.
I've never seen or used the Gateway but from the review it looks like the 8510p's screen is better. The other thing to remember is that the 8510p is a business machine, designed as such and built like a rock. The Gateway looks nicer but won't be as sturdy.
Finally, the 8510p comes with a 3 year warranty for roughly the same price as the Gateway's 1 year. -
The Gateway's going for 999 right now. Toss in the 3 year accidental warranty and it goes up to 1,200. Call them up and get another discount of about $100 or so. A T8300 equipped HP8510P's nowhere near $1,100.
The HP 8510P does have one other advantage you didn't mention, a higher resolution screen. -
I need ur help on sth its kindda complicated....i dont live in america, and i really wanted a Gateway M-152XL so i asked this friend of mine whoz coming back from the usa to get a M-152. So he ordered it and he had no idea about the coupons and stuff.....so he paid 1050 for the laptop.......the day it was delivered, gate way further reduced the price of the laptop by 50 dollars so he actually paid 125 more than the current price....ill have to pay by friend back....so is there any way i can get part if $125 back?
Haha...i check gateways website again...they are not offering a 250 dollar discount any more they r charging $1300 for the M-152XL
um no they are not.
http://www.gateway.com/systems/series/529598026.php -
I called them after the laptop was deliver...so they were saying that since it has been already been delivered we cannot refund the money bla bla bla....
...very impressed with the laptop though
hey so i've been reading this thread for awhile for pros about this laptop...
I'm deciding between this (Gateway M-152XL) and the HP 6700z with comparable features (2.4GHz AMDx2 w/ 3 GB ram, 256MB nvidia 8400). Currently with everything I want for the Gateway it runs about $1,150. The HP runs about $1,250...
So this is what I'm thinking: the HP has half the video ram as the gateway, but it's got a tv tuner (something i'd get with the HP if i got it... not really what i'm looking for in a laptop though)... but it's also more expensive.
What do you guys think? I'm guessing it will be a bit of a biased review... but whatever.
The main things I'm looking for in a laptop are processing speed/power, video processing speed/power, and battery life. I'm an aerospace engineering student and I work with a lot of heavy programs for school and work. I need a reasonable battery life because I'm almost never home and I don't want to carry the charger with me everywhere (my current laptop gets MAYBE 40-50 minutes of battery life if i'm lucky). This is sort of why (along with terrible processing capabilities and keyboard lockup - not registering keystrokes if it gets even the slightest bit warm - are why i'm looking at a new computer).
Anyway...... I know this is very long, and to shorten all of this, I guess I should just ask... should I get the Gateway or the HP? -
talk to a sales rep for extra discount, i got mine for 899
and about the ram on the graphics card...512 cards are really just gimicks, they dont use much, if at all, over 256 anyway, so dont worry about it. Except the HD 2600 >>> 8400M GS -
yeah I was thinking the same thing... aesthetics aren't really that important, but I do like the blue M-152xl...
The main thing i'm looking at is the 12 cell battery that comes with the HP. I'm definitely getting the 9cell with the gateway if i do get it.
Anyway, I'm fairly certain that i'm going to go with the gateway... I was just wondering if there were any major flaws that you guys have seen after some use. All I have to do is wait one more week till pay day -
This question is for the gateway M-152XL owner...how long does the battery last on an average?
My second question is can i upgrade the processor? and does the sistem support a second hard dive? -
I am not sure if you can upgrade the processor; I never really checked or tried, but there seems to be some connection thing there that might allow it to be replaced. The system does not support a second hard drive, unless you are connecting it with the USB or Networking ports. -
Just wanted to confirm something. Does the included ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 have 512mb dedicated RAM or 256mb dedicated with up to 512mb shared?
512 dedicated. Remember its GDDR3
I find it disapointing that we don't see anymore WSXGA+ 15.4'' like we did last year. Even dell is going with WXGA+ & WUXGA on 15.4''
Just ordered by pacific blue M-152XL today, paid 1008 for it. From what I read is that this is an amazing laptop, I'm finally upgrading from my acer 5630, the thing squeaks like crazy! I got a quick question though, I made a new thread of it but nobody answered. I'm going off to college and this is gonna double as my htpc as well, I was wondering if any owners were able to playback dts 5.1 audio through the hdmi port since the specs on ati's site says it supports AC3 or DD 5.1 audio but not dts, it would be a serious problem if it can't, thanks.
Just out of curiosity, idq1000, how did overclocking the HD 2600 go? What clocks can you run it at stably, and what 3dmark06 score can you get? Also, you mentioned that you played Crysis on very high... I don't see how that's playable on an HD 2600 unless at a ridiculously low resolution.
i havnt tried to clock the thing yet but i hear it can be clocked very well to match the performance of a HD 2600 XT
Still thinking hard about buying this laptop. I chatted with an online rep to see if they had any refurbs and he gave me thins site.
No refurbs for this model currently available. Also the discount code for this quarter is only $50 instead of $75. Guess I should have pulled the trigger on Friday.
Here is the coupon code for this quarter, AFF08Q3. $50 off -
sales rep gave me 100 bucks off, forget the coupon.
Well I pulled the trigger and called sales. Dude on the phone wasn't giving up any discounts. I used the code though for a total of $1050 shipped to my door.
I will say that he wasn't pushy with the warranties and accessories that I didn't want.
Can't wait for it to arrive! -
I'm gonna be ordering this within a week... i'm pretty excited.
My reason for posting... COUPON CODE: AFF08Q3 gets you 50 bucks off your order.
Oopsjust noticed someone else posted it. Ah oh well. Couldn't hurt to have it twice.
Do anyone know where I can get this Motherboard for this laptop
Hello, I am thinking about getting this laptop, is it possible to put x64 vista on this laptop and have all of the components work? I.E the fingerprint reader and other useful stuff?
you would have to find the drivers but ya.
I looked on the site it and offers drivers for everything but the finger print reader, bluetooth, and the wireless.
Gateway M-152XL Review
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by dietcokefiend, May 26, 2008.