And the sad thing is that I have personal knowledge of employee at a store told me this and I saw first hand in action. I always bring print outs of the deal and tell an employee to get on the real internet or I walk out. Always get the deal, but if I knew that was illegal I'd reported it a long time ago.
That's ridiculous. I just lost a lot of faith in Best Buy. There seems to be no customer loyalty any more these days. Everybody's always concerned with the bottom line. :sigh:
But mehh, that thread title was misleading enough I've seen a few in manufacturer forums as well, but one thread here should be good enough. -
Wow, that's horrible. How a large company could coordinate doing that and train employees to do such a thing is beyond me.
I'd think it would actually cost more to scam like you now have to maintain TWO websites with TWO prices and all the training and equipment needed to carry it out.
I just might be cutting up my BB credit card soon... -
I hope Best Buy gets its butt kicked in CT and goes bankrupt. A company that does business unethically doesn't deserve to do business.
I want to say I can't believe all of that, but It doesn't surprise me as much as it should. I'm no stranger to the business world, and I guarantee BB isn't the only store that is doing/has done that before.
The only reason I ever go to Best Buy anymore is to see things hands-on before I order it off of Amazon or Newegg. Its always so much cheaper, and you don't really have much to worry about in terms of things like this. -
You guys ain't heard the half of it! -
Well Best Buy lost a customer (not that I shop there often...Circuit City is much better )
Tim -
A couple months back I'd be appalled cause I used to be an avid BB customer...but now I do almost all my shopping online (hooray for Newegg!) I'm not TOO surprised actually though...They're a big company and a lot of big companies in America have some kind of under the table dealings.
Horrible. Not unexpected, but still bad. But companies have been known to do ALL kinds of unethical things.
its basically false advertising in a way but if they hired some good lawyers they could probably get away with it easy. however the cat's outta the bag so i wonder just how much loyalty and trust is left for (Not the)bestbuy (or worstbuy even!). you may think it would cost them more to maintain two sites but if they keep the scam going on long enough then eventually they would see a return on their scam/investment.
I just dont see how they couldve kept this going for a long time. I mean ppl can go online check the prices, go to the store and find the fake online store with different prices but just as easily go back home and find the original prices they found before? Im sure they coulda fooled some ppl but it only takes one customer to report it. -
Most of the complaints on there I've read (few compared to the total numer) are completely stupid.
Anyway, I'm not a big fan of BB or any major electronic store. They're all shady. CC is no better. -
Ditto - mostly.
I do buy some things, when I need something quick. I can't stand their check out lines which always seem slow and understaffed - and they made it worse in my area by making go through long cattle lines that weave through a bunch of junk merchandise. -
I don't think I've had this problem yet. I bought a microphone from them recently, the website price was the same as the store price I paid. I like Circuit City's prices better, but there's no Circuit Citys within 20 minutes of my house. I would buy online (newegg), but being only 16 and not knowing how to pay, I'd just rather go to a store.
This is a disappointment about what Best Buy is doing. -
not surprised. try finding a best buy employee that tells the truth and i'll find you an honest car salesman.
As a BBY employee I will make this one remark, as I do not want to invoke conflict - I have seen this happen, but both the intranet/internet sites are accessible in the store. At my store we have honored most of the internet offers even if the intranet site did not. Again, I would like to reiterate that I myself do not like what Best Buy has done, but understand that not everybody @ BBY is as crooked as some may have believe.
I also can speak from personal experience. I printed the Web page out and took it with me. I then found out the price on the portable DVD player in store was significantly more than listed on website. I accessed the web from one of their display computers(not intranet) to find and show my price to employee. I then watched the employee pull up the item on his screen. The prices were indeed different. They honored the lower price.
I have also had one similar experience with CompUSA. They also did honor the lower price.
I think most stores motto is "There is a sucker born every minute". -
I am sure your parents would be willing if it was your money. Then again...hehehehe..parents can be, ummmm, stubborn...
Best Buy scams those who purchase electronics on location...
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Greg, Mar 5, 2007.