Just a few observations:
1. I can't get over how many people think that a GPU is only useful for playing games. Why a grown man or woman would spend $$$$s on a laptop for games is beyond me.
2. It doesn't matter how you look at it, this MacBook is expensive for what you get. But companies like IBM have been charging a premium for their notebooks for years, relying on quality rather than specs.
3. The best thing about the whole switch to Intel is that maybe now all of those Macheads out there will SHUT UP about how much faster Macs are. It's interesting to see Jobs talking about the speed of the new Intel based Macs when only a little while ago, a G4 equipped Powerbook was supposedly faster than anything Intel had to offer. Hmm. If a 1.83GHz Core duo if FOUR times faster than a 1.3GHz G4, then doesn't that mean that a single core, old school 1.83GHz Pentium M is twice as fast as a 1.3GHz G4?
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060110...N0jtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA-- -
A 15.4'' laptop only 1'' thick. How cool is that!
Its just a bunch of thoughts but here goes :
If this thing got x1600 then it will be able to run windows and games other wise how many mac games are there ?
Maybe windows isnt supported but Apple probably made it so it isnt too hard to bypass the windows restriction so it wont be liable yet wont loose the win/Os x clients .
In this move apple moved from Hardware to Software+branding entirely , they are now like any other brand which conract ODMs to produce super expensive laptops with cheap labor in sweatshops .
But I have to admit compared to others its not so expensive even Dells duo models cost more then 2.5k $ .
One question remains is will it have :noisyfan: like the intel based laptops ? -
One question remains is will it have Noisey Fans like the intel based laptops ?
It shouldn't have any noisy fans and in fact it should run quieter and cooler than the Powerbook G4 laptops since the powerpc G4 chip was far hotter than the Intel centrinos and as we know the new Intel Yonah (Core Duo) runs cooler than the Centrinos!
BTW i don't know if its already been mentioned but one thing no one seems to be talking about is the addition of the Optical Digital Audio output in the Macbook Pro. That is a really nice feature for those that want to hook up their surround sound speaker system with DTS and THX support. I can now hook up my speaker system with the digital optical output directly to this notebook and hook up my DLP projector to the DVI output and watch movies in true digital surround sound, i dont think any PC laptop has a built in Optical Audio port.
I don't know why some people are already whining about the Intel CPUs in the Apple Notebooks, i mean when the Powerbooks came out, the same people were raving about them even though it was a really hot processor with nothing to rave about performance. Now that finally Apple has introduced much faster and cooler notebooks, some people are having a seizure over it. The only thing i don't like about the new laptops is the name "MACBOOK PRO" but thats ok and i can live with that, quite comfortably. -
For me -- great machine. I hope we see pretty soon 12" SXGA+ (or better) version of it.
have a nice day, bye -
I don't say there's anything wrong with Mac OS. It's good there are alternatives for Win OS. But what would Apple lose if they made Laptops/Desktops dedicated for Win OS ? -
There's also another component to think about a Mac vs. Dell/HP etc. And that's the possible resale value - I think a Mac, and possibily Sony & niche vendors like Alienware/Voodoo, hold up their value better in the 2nd market than a Dell or HP/Compaq would.
Looking at it from that perspective I think it definitely adds a new twist to paying a premium for a Mac or a Sony or an IBM. Just my $.02 -
i thought the cpu itself runs hotter but the whole architecture got cooler, no?
what a sweet looking laptop! even lighter than the Z70va! Hopefully Windows can work with it
edit: Oh, and about the new Macbooks, all I've gotta say is WOW. Bought my Acer Ferrari two days ago and hell, I'm already considering getting one. -
Personally the deal breakers for me are battery life, if it can comfortably handle CAD programs, wireless reception and if it will truely be a smooth transition working with others at work/school who have pc laptops program wise otherwise i'm buyin an acer.
luckily i have a couple months to think about it. -
first of all there are no fans in Apple notebooks, so it will be nearly silent, second of all there is no battery life estimate yet, but I am sure Apple took this in consideration when creating highly portable 15.4" laptop, so wait until real results and stop speculating
Macs Should be made to run windows. I think they will sell a whole lot more. -
Everyone seems to be overlooking what is a real deal killer for me. This thing has an Expresscard slot instead of a standard PC card slot. How can I rock out with my Verizon EVDO connection on this thing? I know Expresscard is an emerging standard, and this decision was forward-thinking, but you have to support today, TODAY. Not tomorrow. Show me where I can buy an Expresscard peripheral that is actually shipping, by the way...
Also, Firewire 400 and no Firewire 800? WTF? Apple has already said Firewire is a dying breed, and then they go out and put the OLDER standard on for that???
Otherwise, I think it has promise. If it is PROVEN to dual-boot Windows with relative easy, I would consider it. Otherwise, I will go with trying to boot OS X on superior hardware... -
As far as price...basic specs, this thing seems to price out about $400 more than similar notebooks...but comes with optical digital in/out, dual DVI out(who else offers that? most don't even offer DVI out), that nifty mag-safe power connector(lots of people damage laptops and plugs by the cables getting pulled on), remote, and backlit keyboard. These are all premium features that few other manufacturers offer...and none that I'm aware of offer all of in one package. So the price doesn't seem so inflated when you consider that.
Also...in the past, Apple computer owners typically keep their machines for much longer periods of time than many PC owners that I know. So to pay a few hundred more for the machine now is reasonable to them...as they might keep the machine an average of 1-2 years longer. Which is why I think the 3% marketshare number is misleading to some...cause that represents sales only. I think the number of Mac users is somewhat higher...because they don't re-enter the marketplace as often for new computers. -
Cerebral_mamba Notebook Consultant
I have a few trivial questions for all the experts on this forum:
1) With the dual-dvi will you be able extend your current desktop to two external monitors in addition to your desktop on the lappy?
2) Somebody mentioned that powerbooks are fanless, is that the reason why they feel so warm to touch ?
3) I did notice considerable "ripple effect" on the LCD screen when I applied preassure on the back of the screen when I was checking out a current model powerbook. Will this be an issue with the upcoming model ?
thanks much for the help. -
Well, IBM/Lenovo churns out the Thinkpad T series, that is 1" thick, with the more expensive Titanium composite body as opposed to Macs pure Magnesium alloy, a better keyboard, trackpoint, Gold standard access connection etc.
First of all the Apple has an all aluminum case, not magnesium alloy. Apple's previous powerbooks were titanium. A better keayboard? I guess you don't have a powerbook cause i have used IBM thinkpads and own an Apple powerbook and the keyboard on the PB is just as good as the thinkpad plus much nicer and practical due to backlighting as well and zero flex. The ibook keyboards are another story.
Have you seen the new Lenovo designed thinkpad T-60? They have ruined the look of the scroll pad buttons that used to have their distinct red and blue markings, and lets not even speak of the Z notebook that have the thin tacky looking aluminum case and looks more like a sardine can.
I used to love the thinkpads cause i used to repair them and was facinated by the fact that they looked to simple and yet so strong and practical. The only thing i agree with you is the wireless signal that is an area where the aluminum powerbook design sucks i.e weak signals. -
i was thinking about IBM, but for one their display isn't the best, it's ok if it's non glossy, but not bright enough is a problem for me and of course they don't have dedicated graphics card in anything that's
Quick and somewhat related ?
Can you use an existing PCMCIA card (i.e. Wireless card) with an express slot like this new MacBook Pro? TIA -
That's too bad but I'm sure someone somewhere will come up with a work around soon enough maybe not in the next few months but eventually. Meanwhile I'm holding off until it's actually in the stores since I'll be travelling to Asia for 6 weeks! -
Actually, the griefing is premature:
I'm sure XP will run on Apple, just Apple won't support it (for obvious reasons)
Then again, come to think of it -- why the hell would you WANT to run xp on an Apple, over their superior osx anyway? I'm more interested in finding ways to run osx on a non-apple than the other way around....
Then again, come to think of it -- why the hell would you WANT to run xp on an Apple, over their superior osx anyway? I'm more interested in finding ways to run osx on a non-apple than the other way around....
I agree, thats like saying "im going to buy a ferrari so i can replace the engine with the ford!" LOL -
And in fact lots of people (like in my case) would try MacOSX if they were able to in the same Windows/linux/Insert-your-favourite-x86-os-here hardware...
I mean, you can run linux on ppc, but there is a lack of drivers and so on(vid cards for example) -
this might be a stupid question, but has anyone wondered why Apple is going with Intel? why not consider AMD. they're just as good as Intel. maybe better even.
AMD needs to redesign their Turion architecture before they can really compete with the pentium M architecture. The only thing that they have going for them is the 64 bit which pentium M or Duo will catch up in about a yr. -
yass -
previous gen of PowerBooks didn't have any fans, do you think this one will?
yass -
However, I also think the C7 is much more tailored towards ULTRA -portable business or budget laptops or mobile devices than the average desktop replacements. First of, I think the L2 is only 128K, compare that to the 2M on intel M's. Also, are we still lacking PCI-E support? -
Case in point, a few months ago i bought a canon scanner for my Windows PC that is absolutely free of any bloatware since i reformat the HD about twice every year and no matter what i tried the **** scanner wouldnt work properly, i even called canon tech support and they were clueless as well. The moment i hooked it up to my wife's 12" Apple powerbook, It works fine!!
I have been using Apple for about 2 years and no matter what software/app i download for Apple, IT JUST WORKS!! I now just use my windows pc for gaming cause i just cant be bothered with the **** security issues and spyware crap anymore. Just try the OS X and you'll know that it's just not about the looks, but much more to do with stability and security and the clean way of how things meant for the Apple just work!! -
Cerebral_mamba Notebook Consultant
As a computer user, I totally would like to have a MacOS, but that should not prevent an more broder discussion on the implications and capabilities of both the OSs. -
The one's that say you can just dual boot are incorrect. OS X uses the Extensible Firmware Interface. Windows XP uses BIOS.
read this post again:
Oh, and the current powerbooks have fans indeed, and when they go (not too often) they can go loud. At least, my G4 12" 867MHz fans do. -
wots the point in having such a good graphics card when there are hardly any games for mac?
Cerebral_mamba Notebook Consultant
Anyway, since windows has so many developers, hackers out there and since the OS has the widest hardware & software support, the days are not very far that we will be installing windows on the Mac. The reverse of installing OSX on PC may take more time. -
you all saying that powerbooks have fans, (or fan) but where is the intake and exhaust??? I did not see any holes
Some great insights in this thread since I left it 2 days ago
The EFI vs. BIOS thing was what I was afraid of. I wonder what the chances are of WinXP being updated to take advantage of EFI technology in the meantime? Are there are other motherboard and system manufacturers out there working on adding EFI?
It could just be a pipedream, and I am willing to accept that. I just think there is alot of value in having a dual-boot machine. -
mini: ATI Radeon 9200 (64MB)
iMac G5: ATI Radeon X600 Pro (128MB)
iMac Yonah: ATI Radeon X1600 (128MB GDDR3)
iBooks: ATI Mobility Radeon 9550 (32MB)
Powerbooks: 12: NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 (64MB) ; 15/17: ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 (128MB)
MacBookPro: ATI Mobility Radeon X1600(128 or 256MB GDDR3)
PowerMac G5: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 (256MB GDDR SDRAM), with other options -
Cerebral_mamba Notebook Consultant
I would love to get 13.3 wide powerbook!!!
look on the rear side of the Powerbooks and you will see the intakes/exhausts. Also on the left side of the 12" Powerbook.
Apple MacBook Pro Laptop with Intel Core Duo Available (pics, specs)
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Andrew Baxter, Jan 10, 2006.