is it safe to use an all surface (clearcoat/non-clearcoat safe) auto wax on the paint of my dell i6000? i'm pretty sure it's fine, just wondering if anyone else has done it and has any advice or words of caution etc.
or i guess ill just have to find out about that myself...
I'd go with regular carnuba wax not cleaner wax but I don't see why it wouldn't work...take pics.
eh i was too impatient and went with zymol cleaner. It worked fine, feels a bit smoother, nothing worth photographing. While i was at it, i armoralled the teflon feet on my mouse, highly recommended if you have a cloth mousepad since a plastic one might get streaks and what not. I might try carnauba later once these exams are over.
why on earth, would you want to make the surface of your valuable laptop slippery???
lol. Prior, it had a sticky and dull appearance and feeling. Now it's a tad shinier and imo more pleasant to the touch. And the "slippery" feeling is hardly my concern since i have full faith in my hand eye coordination and my completecare 3 year warranty
Metamorphical Good computer user
I just take the same whipes I use on my screen and whipe off the lid, the palmrests and along the bumpers. o.o;
Any intel on how waxing an HP dv5000 top would go? it has a seemingly aluminum-like cheap metal alloy ontop. also, does a wax job insulate the heat?
highly doubtful if not impossible that it would insulate heat since you'll be buffing off the wax. I believe that the dv5000 has a top just like all the other hp laptops and i figure that it's not painted... If it is though, try it out on a small spot where you dont mind something going wrong, like a dark stain or something. It shouldn't make too much difference though seeing as that it does not have a clearcoat which is where you would really tell the difference. You could also look into some other metal treatments or finishes maybe. pm me if you need help.
I have one of those special edition HP DV1000 and I use car wax (turtlewax) to keep it slick. It enhances the piano "red" on black paint. What's even better is that it prevents oily fingerprints from getting onto the surface. Looks incredible, but it's hard to get a grip with such slick surface.
its worth it though
I wonder if the xymol took the top layer of plastic off your laptop to give it a more "shiny" look.
I'm glad you're happy with the results. -
i've wondered that myself, but that was a while ago. as of now, its back to normal for the most part/i don't remember what it was like before. I could always shoot it with clearcoat....
waxing stock paint
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by kidA, Apr 28, 2006.