We all know that the xps 16 gets/feels rather toasty, from what I've heard though it only feels that way because the metal base conducts the heat into your legs easily, the actual operating temps are quite good.
Do you think that anyone will ever start manufacturing a plastic base as a replacement? This would stop us from frying our thighs, would be quite cheap and effective and dell would have no way of knowing provided you don't send it to be repaired with the plastic base on.
edit: if you are a mod and you are reading this, can you please change the title spelling. I get letters the wrong way round a lot... apparently I might be dyslexic
I dont think so, because when the heatsink sends the heat to the air vent the air vent becomes really hot, therefore it might actually melt the plastic vent cover or atlest cause plastic to smell from heat lol.
CalebSchmerge Woof NBR Reviewer
I would believe that the metal is helping the computer a lot. The more heat conducted by the case, the more heat removed from the computer. I would invest in a book, maybe a cooling pad if you feel ritzy. Don't put plastic where it isn't supposed to be.
studio xps 16 dase plate replacement
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by funky monk, May 9, 2009.