I went to bestbuy the other day and noticed that the laptops have all these stickers around the touchpad listing its hardware specifics and stuff.
If it's just the CPU/GPU/OS sticker, I'm fine but i just dont like the rest of them.
What is the best way to remove without damaging the laptop's hardware and affecting its cosmetic appearance?
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
im sure those stickers aren't stick on the laptop like crazy, so as soon as you buy it take it off, it won't damage it or anything at all.
Yeah, those stickers should just peel off nicely.
Any residue can be removed with alcohol or something similar. -
D3158 -
One thing to watch out for: some of the foil backed stickers are quite stiff. If you peel them with a fingernail and the sticker lets go, you can get a nasty little stab under your nail.
gary_hendricks Notebook Evangelist
It can be removed easily, It'll come off easily from the laptop
goo gone is awesome for removing crud from stickers!
I just peeled them off, and they left a sticky residue. And I used a slightly damp warm towel to remove the residue and it came off nicely.
gary_hendricks Notebook Evangelist
You soaked the towel in some other liquid too?
Use a credit card to remove the difficult stickers, like the processor sticker for example.
Then when you have the residue on there, take that sticker you just peeled off and dab the sticky side over the residue. It'll remove it all in a poetic kind of way. Finish up with a damp cloth just to be sure, but it's not needed. -
gary_hendricks Notebook Evangelist
Just take off the sticker easily and if some residue is left just use the damp towel or any soft cloth to remove it.
Using credit card might give a scratch as it will rub against the lappy's surface. -
i would say removing with ur nail is the safest way and no danger of secraching the surface,
thats what i did to remove big one of the screen and next to touchpad you might get little stab in the nail but you might have heard the saying "no pain no gain"
and dont leave them far too long bz if u leave them for a few week and than remove u will have nice shiny square under them that part will satnd out as its not been used and it will look ugly
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by squelchy451, Jan 29, 2009.