I am a notebook accessory Product Marketing, and now I am considering to bring the notebook skin product line to our business. But I am not sure if it is a good business.
Could you please provide your personal idea to me.
1. Why you will buy Notebook skin
2. How much you like to pay
3. which feature is the main reason you buy? protection or design
Thank you
1. I would buy a laptop skin to help further protect my lappy from..scratches, etc. & of course something to enhance the look of my lappy!
2. I would be willing to pay no more than $25-$30, depends on the product! The durability, reliability, looks, etc.
3. Both, I would by for both...protection and design.I want to like what is covering my lappy!
Hope that helps!
Cin -
haha i got mine from www.skinweaver.com already, i think a lot of companies are selling skins nowadays, some are very cheap some are very pretty.. u have to find a way to differentiate somehow. good luck!
For me the big deal that would make take my pick is the user friendly store... now a days many companies give a decent quality, and a some great designs. so maybe your differential is to set up LOADS of dimensions not just the usually ones from dell... id like to select my laptop from the list so the fit would be perfect
also another differential that i was thinking is to add some REAL design by known artists, funny ones, cartoons (Simpsons, American dad and so one)
Please ship it abroad
should I make a notebook skin
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by whitesealion, Jul 13, 2009.