Got it for free and just need to replace the HD. The laptop shows heavy sign of usage and I decide to paint it to a different color. Go here to get an idea of what it looks like.
I have some ideas but the color of the keyboard is the biggest problem. Any color that will mix well with the pale purple keypad? Is there a replacement keypad in different color?
any suggestions?
How about something simple like
Simple and stylish (of course as a whole paint job not a crummy sticker)
As for the colour situation
is a great website to generate a complimenting colour pallet -
silver, grey, purple, black
maybe something more daring depending on the design
You would probably get a better response if you shared a little about what you are thinking for the design.
need some suggestion on painting the sony V505
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by silvscorp, May 7, 2007.